Term 1 | Week 7 | 13 March 2019
‘Happy the merciful: they shall have mercy shown to them’ Matthew 5:7
From The Principal
I wish to take this opportunity to formally acknowledge and thank the Friends of EAC for their incredible work and support of the College. In particular the wonderful contributions they make to building community and raising funds to provide additional resources for the benefit of all the students. On Tuesday evening, the Friends of EAC held their Annual General Meeting and as we reflected on their efforts of the last 12 months, I was amazed at all that they achieved throughout 2018. Among the many highlights was the 20th Anniversary Dinner and Car Raffle, running BBQ’s at our major carnivals, providing hospitality at many school events including Grandparents Day and the College Art Showcase and coordinating the Primary Discos. All of these events have brought people together, created friendships and help build our community. The efforts of Friends have also been very successful financially with the Friends of EAC donating $53 000 to the Building Fund to support construction of the Multi Purpose Centre. What an amazing contribution! A huge thank you to the hardworking executive committee of Mellissa Collins, Jodie Manning-Hayter, Carla Bahadur and Greta Kratzer for all their amazing efforts coordinating all of the friends events, managing meetings, communicate with the community and turning up, setting up, cooking, selling and packing up at just about every event. Thank you to all the dedicated committee members and supporters who regularly attend the Friends meetings, plan events and helped out on the day. The College is really blessed to have such generous and committed people in our community.
I also wish to thank all the parents who attended the meeting and volunteered as committee members. Congratulations also to our newly appointed executive:
President – Jodie Manning-Hayter
Vice President – Rachel Wills
Treasurer – Vanessa Hansen
Secretary - Greta Kratzer
We look forward to another wonderful year of friendship, fun and fundraising!
Special thanks also to those parents who have generously offered to undertake the role of class parents in the Primary school. A key role of the class parent is to find ways and opportunities to build connections between families in the class and also between families and the College. I am very grateful for the efforts of our class parents as over the years, many new families have told me how welcome they have felt when the class parents have made contact with them to say hello and see how they and their children are settling into the College community. While the work often goes unnoticed by most, its impact on many families is very significant. Our Class Parents for 2019 are:
KA | Ms Jody Baker | Alissia Robinson and Jen Roberts |
KB | Mrs Christine Smith | Alissia Robinson and Jen Roberts |
1A | Mrs Tina Cahill | Clare Rushby and Vivienne Palmer |
1B | Mrs Melissa McClelland | Clare Rushby and Vivienne Palmer |
2A | Mrs Meagan Kelvin | Jessica Donovan and Jenna Tolson |
2B | Mrs Debbie Wilson | Jessica Donovan and Jenna Tolson |
3A | Ms Meegan Johnstone | Helen Burgess |
3B | Mrs Roxanne Kent | Danni Neaves |
4A | Mr Paul Christensen | Angelique Tittleton, Vanessa Hansen and Georgie Clark |
4B | Mrs Ellie Darnell | Angelique Tittleton, Vanessa Hansen and Georgie Clark |
5A | Mr Tod Falvey | Danni Neaves |
5B | Mrs Lisa Weingarth | Danni Neaves |
6A | Mr Chris McCotter | Meagan Laverty, Angelique Tittleton and Leisa Asbey-Palmer |
6B | Mrs Kate Sculley | Meagan Laverty, Angelique Tittleton and Leisa Asbey-Palmer |
I will be absent from the College next week as I am traveling to Japan to visit our sister schools and attend one of their end of school year events including a final assembly, a graduation and a prize giving ceremony. The Japanese school year begins in Late April and goes through to mid March. It will be a great privilege, and an interesting experience, to attend this formal school occasions at each school. The schools that I will visit are Meitoku Gijuku, Kasukabe Junior and Senior High, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School and Tachibana Elementary School. Each of these school send study tour groups to EAC each year and will do so again in 2019. Currently one of our Year 11 students is undertaking a immersion at Meitoku and we have two of their girls with us in Year 10 for the entire year.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
Recently our Secondary SRC students made their first decisions for which charities they will support in 2019. Their decision was to support Givit for the North Queensland flood rebuilding plus the Smith Family with a particular focus on education of those children not as fortunate as what they are. Their third area of support will be voted upon in coming weeks and will be linked to the season of Lent and an Anglican charity.
They are also involved in raising awareness for the upcoming National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence and will be encouraging our secondary students to put the values of kindness, respect and empathy at the forefront when they interact with one another. The Secondary students will be involved in activities during Pastoral Care lesson next Tuesday and we will discuss at SRC and also on assembly.
The Primary SRC members have been busy designing posters for the upcoming Easter themed Friends’ Primary Disco on Thursday 21 March. They will also be involved in supporting the anti-bullying message across the Primary this coming Friday.
6B presented a wonderful assembly emphasising the Habit of Mind of creativity as they exhibited drawings of First Fleet ships and taught the Primary school students an old convict song. Well done Mrs Sculley and 6B. 5A will be presenting in 2 weeks’ time and I look forward to sharing news from that assembly in the future.
Finally, a reminder that all students must wear a hat at all times when out in the sun. Australia, and more specifically Ballina, is a skin cancer hotspot and I would ask that our students develop habits and dispositions to be Sunsmart and protect themselves from being burned. The Cancer Council recommends 5 ways to protect yourself from the sun and these are as follows:
- Slip on a shirt
- Slop on sunscreen
- Slap on a hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on some sunglasses
I am well qualified to pass on the Sunsmart message as I have an enormous amount of sun damage which mainly occurred whilst playing lots of sport in my younger days. Now I am paying the price as I need to have multiple rounds of excising skin cancers, freezing sun damage and very regular checks. No one is invincible from the effects of the sun and tanned skin does not protect you. We will be enforcing the wearing of hats here at the College and need your support with this.
Finally, congratulations to SRC President, Siena Seymour who has been selected to represent EAC at YMCA NSW Youth Parliament 2019. Following a highly competitive application process we are delighted to see Siena’s success. She travels to Sydney during her holiday breaks for the training camp and the parliament proper. We hope that she gains personally and that our SRC members gain from her experience in being involved in such a prestigious event. Well done, Siena.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 1 Week 8
Monday 18 March
Tuesday 19 March
Secondary Assembly-9.00 am-UCA
NCIS Secondary Basketball at Coffs Harbour
Wednesday 20 March
NSW CIS Primary swimming-Sydney
Bill Turner Soccer Cup Training (Boys)
Thursday 21 March
Bill Turner Soccer Cup Training (Girls)
Friends’ Primary Disco-5.00pm-7.00pm-UCA-Easter Theme
Friday 22 March
HICES Debating at Clarence Valley Anglican School. Leaving at 11.00 am
Mini Cross Country-Period 2-Primary Oval
Secondary Sport
Term 1 Week 9
Monday 25 March
Year 7 Immunisations-Ezzy Centre-All forms need to be returned by 21 March at the latest as vials have to be ordered.
Period 1-7.1
Period 2-7.3
Period 3-7.2
ADF Visit-Recess in the Library
Hiroshima School Visit
Tuesday 26 March
Year 10 Natural Ability Testing Introduction-9.00am-Ezzy Centre-Mrs Evans will run the introduction
NSW CIS Secondary Hockey
Primary Assembly-5A-9.00am-Discovery Centre
Wednesday 27 March
NAPLAN Online Practice Test
Year 3-Discovery Centre-Period 1
Year 5-Innovation Centre-Period 1
Year 7-Ezzy Centre-Period 3
Year 9-Ezzy Centre-Period 5
Thursday 28 March
Year 7 Experience Day-9.00am-Ezzy Centre
Imagine Japanese School Visit
Friday 5 April
Interhouse Cross Country-Primary-9.10am-12.20pm
Secondary-11.10-2.50pm-Lennox Head Cricket Club
All students must travel to and from the Cross Country on the bus.
Sports Update
EAC House Cup Football (Soccer) Tournament
Last Wednesday and Thursday our Year 3 to 6 students played in the first EAC House Cup Football (Soccer) Tournament. This was the culmination of the Primary Sport Football program. Playing in year groups each house played each other in a round robin followed by finals. The games were played with great house spirit and sportsmanship. Congratulations to all students who played on the day. The winning houses will be announced and presented with awards at an upcoming Primary Assembly. Thank you to Mr Evans, Mrs Britton and the Primary teachers for your work on the day. The next Primary sport program is Netball which will finish with the House Cup for Netball.
Touch Football Trials
This year the college will be selecting the following representative Touch Football teams to compete at the NCIS Touch Football Championships on May 30.
- Primary Year 5 & 6 Girls
- Primary Year 5 & 6 Boys
- Secondary 15 & Under Girls
- Secondary 15 & Under Boys
- Secondary Open Girls
- Secondary Open Boys
Selection Trials
Secondary Open Boys and 15 & Under Boys Fridays: 22 March & 29 March 2019, 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Secondary Open Girls and 15 & Under Girls Mondays: 25 March & 1 April March 2019, 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Primary Boys and Girls Tuesdays: 26 March & 2 April 2019, 7.15 am to 8.30 am
This year to work with our team of staff we have employed the services of experienced Touch Football Coach Mr Allan Kirchen. Mr Kirchen has been coaching and playing Touch for 32 years. Mr Kirchen is a Level 2 coach who coached representative teams from Under 12's through to Opens. Mr Kirchen is also a former NSW Representative player and is the president of Ballina Touch Football Club. Mr Kirchen will work with our school teachers to deliver the Touch Football Program this year.
EAC College Cross Country New Date Friday 5 April
The Cross Country this year will be held in Lennox Head at Megan Cres Oval and the adjacent fire trail. Programs and event information for the day will be out shortly.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Primary News
This week 6B ran the assembly looking at how they had used a variety of Habits of Mind in their learning this year.
6B demonstrated how they had used their imaginations and through numerous diary entries invented a character from Victorian England who ends up on the First Fleet. Looking at Creativity 6B then displayed First Fleet ships painted in class and then finished off with a rowdy rendition of "Bound for Botany Bay."
Thank you 6B for giving examples of Thinking about Thinking, Imagination and Creativity and how you have been using them in your classroom.
Year 6 Primary Teacher
From The Office
Each year NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school vaccination program.
In 2019 the following vaccines will be offered to
All year 7 students -
- dTpa vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (whooping cough) as a single dose
- human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in a 2-dose schedule at 0 and 6 months
All year 10 students
- Meningococcal ACWY vaccine as a single dose
Parent Information Kits that include an Information sheet, consent form and privacy statement will be sent home to parents / guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents / guardians are advised to:
read all the information provided
complete the consent form, including signing their name next to the vaccine/s they would like their child to receive
return the completed consent form to their child’s school
ensure that their child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic.
Please note that students who commence HPV vaccination in school clinics in Year 7 but do not complete the course during the school year may be offered catch-up doses at school in Year 8. Parents will be notified by letter/ or text from The Public Health Unit if this applies to their child.
Students who have any HPV doses at their GP will be advised to complete the course with their GP.
Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal or phoning the school. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at:
To improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered any missed doses throughout the year where possible.
A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at each clinic. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi – Tuesday 19 March
Sushi from IGA will be available from the canteen next Tuesday 2 May. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 1 May.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
March: 18, 25, 27
April: 1, 4, 8
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668