Application Process
Enrolment Application Process for Early Learning Centre to Year 12
Enrolment Policy & Procedure
Policy Statement
Emmanuel Anglican College is a Pre-school to Year 12 coeducational College founded in the Anglican Tradition and is widely renowned as a centre for academic and pastoral care excellence throughout our region and beyond.
Students attending the College are expected to act consistently with the College’s values, which are founded in our Anglican Ethos, and to comply with the College rules to maintain their enrolment.
Parents and guardians are expected to be supportive of the ethos of the College.
The College is not academically selective and caters for girls and boys of all abilities.
Students enrolling at the College for Kindergarten will be turning six years of age during the year of commencement. Please read our Kindergarten Building a solid foundation for lifelong learning booklet.
The College has the absolute discretion in determining the factors and the weight of each factor it takes into account in determining whether to offer a place in the Application Process and when determining whether to offer a student enrolment.
Continued enrolment at the College is dependent upon the student making satisfactory academic progress, attending consistently, and the student along with the parents or guardians observing all behavioural codes of conduct and other requirements of the College which are applicable from time to time.
Expression of Interest Procedure
An Expression of Interest Form is to be completed for each child wishing to be considered for a place at Emmanuel Anglican College. The completed form must be returned to the College and be accompanied by the non-refundable Expression of Interest Fee of $132 per student or $264 per family. The College will acknowledge receipt of the form and fee via email. The child’s name will then be entered on the Expression of Interest Register.
An Expression of Interest for enrolment may be made at any time by a parent or guardian of the student to commence at Emmanuel Anglican College. The Expression of Interest Form can be obtained by emailing the enrolments officer at or via the College website at
Lodgement of the Expression of Interest Form does not guarantee that a place will be offered or that additional information will be requested.
When a potential place becomes available in the Enrolment Application Waitlist parents or guardians who have lodged an Expression of Interest will be invited to complete a detailed Application Form.
Application Procedure
Those invited to participate in the application process will be required to complete an Application Form for each student. The completed form must be returned to the College with all requested documentation and be accompanied by the non-refundable Application Fee of $275 per student or $550 per family. The College will acknowledge receipt of the form and fee via email. When all requested information has been provided, and the fee has been paid, the child’s name will be entered on the Enrolment Register.
The College will base any decision about inviting a student to complete the detailed Application Process on the following criteria:
Family relationship with the College:
- Sibling of a current or ex-student
- Either of the parents attended the College
- Children of current staff members
- The student is enrolled in the Emmanuel Anglican College Early Learning Centre
- They hold attitudes, values and priorities that are compatible with the college’s Anglican Ethos
The student:
- The contribution that the student may make to the College, including the co-curricular activities
- The student’s reports from previous schools
The College:
- The anticipated availability of places in the year of commencement
- The College’s ability to meet the special needs or abilities of the student
Other considerations:
- Order of receipt – when an Expression of Interest was received by the College
The Application Form will be provided by the Enrolments Officer via email at the time that a child is invited to participate in the Application Process. Please note that an invitation to complete an Application Form does not guarantee a place at the College.
Enrolment Procedure - Kindergarten to Year 12
The next step in the enrolment process is an interview with our Principal, Mr Robert Tobias. If we are able to offer you an interview the Registrar will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time. The timely return of the completed Application Form with all required documentation is important and will impact on the timeframe in which your child will progress through the enrolment process.
If we are able to offer you an interview, we will be delighted to include a tour of our College and answer any questions you have.
If a place is available a letter confirming the offer of enrolment is sent to parents together with an Enrolment Agreement. Please be aware that an enrolment is not confirmed until the Enrolment Agreement has been signed by all parties including parents or guardians and the Principal.
Enrolment Procedure - Early Learning Centre
As with Kindergarten to Year 12, when a potential place becomes available in the Early Learning Centre parents or guardians who have lodged an Expression of Interest will be invited to complete a detailed Application Form.
The timely return of the completed Application Form with all required documentation is important and will impact on the timeframe in which your child will progress through the enrolment process.
If a position is available in the Early Learning Centre, a letter confirming the offer of enrolment is sent to parents together with an Enrolment Agreement. Please be aware that an enrolment is not confirmed until the Enrolment Agreement has been signed by all parties including parents or guardians and the Principal.
Acceptance of Offer
An offer for Kindergarten to Year 12 is taken as accepted on receipt of the signed Enrolment Agreement and payment of the enrolment fee. The enrolment fee is equivalent to one term’s Tuition Fees and is applied as a credit to the Fee Account after the enrolment commences at the College. The fee is non-refundable if the enrolment does not commence.
An offer for the Early Learning Centre is taken as accepted on receipt of the signed Enrolment Agreement and a completed Early Learning Centre Direct Debit Form. On acceptance of an offer, the Early Learning Centre Director will be delighted to provide you with a tour of the Early Learning Centre and answer any questions you have.
Declining an Offer of Enrolment
If any student undertakes the enrolment process, attends an interview and declines an offered place, the student’s details will be returned to the Expression of Interest Register and will only be considered for a future enrolment in line with all other students on the Expression of Interest Register.
Changing Details for your Child
All correspondence regarding the enrolment of a student should be addressed to the Enrolments officer via email If you wish to change the intake year your child is listed for, please send written or emailed details including your child’s full name, address, and New Year Level and Calendar Year you wish to change to. In order to have the correct address details for prospective students all changes of address must be communicated to the Enrolments Office in writing or via email, clearly stating student’s full name, and previous address details as well as new address details.
Withdrawal of a Student
The College requires at least one full school term’s notice of withdrawal of a Kindergarten to Year 12 student. Fees is lieu of notice may be applied if sufficient notice is not received. Written notice of withdrawal should be sent via email to
The College requires at least two weeks’ notice of withdrawal from the Early Learning Centre. Written notice of withdrawal should be sent via email to