“Let your light shine for all to see, so that, in seeing your good works, they will give praise to God”
Matthew 5:16
From The Principal
This week we celebrate and give thanks for 23 years of learning, living and leading at EAC and take time to remember and acknowledge the founders and pioneer families of the College who had both the vision and the courage to step out into the unknown to bring Emmanuel Anglican College to life. The dream of the Founders was to build a College community that provided access to a quality education for their children in a Christian environment which truly values each and every individual. 23 years on and this dream has become the wonderful reality that is the Emmanuel Anglican College community and all that it holds for our students, staff and families.
We choose the first full week in March to celebrate our Foundation as it coincides with two significant events in College history. Firstly, on 5 March 1998, the College was officially blessed and opened by Rev Geoff Smith, the patron of Smith House. The College was originally located at the Anglican Church retreat centre on the East Ballina headland. The Centre was called Gunundi - the name we have given to the building in which Kindy and Year 1 learn.
The second significant event took place on 8 March, 2000 when the first buildings were blessed and opened on this site.
The College today has more than 800 students from Early Learning to Year 12 and our staff numbers exceed 100. We continue to improve the facilities and resources of the College and this week as students have been able to move into our new secondary Food Technology kitchen and we are all looking forward to being able to use the incredible Multi Purpose Centre, which will be handed over during Term 3. I am also pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Commonwealth Government grant of $660,000 to support the construction of a two classroom extension to the Discovery Centre. We plan to complete this project in the second half of this year.
On Foundation Day, we give great thanks for those committed pioneers and founders, for their vision and courage. We also give thanks for passionate, generous and committed staff and for the blessing of those families that have entrusted the College with the education and care of their children. We also celebrate all our wonderful students and the amazing gifts and talents that they bring to all facets of College life each day.
One of the many great programs we currently have at EAC relates to providing opportunities for student leadership. As part of our Foundation Day celebrations we also inducted our 2021 Student Representative Council for both the Primary and Secondary schools as well as our Band Captains and leadership teams. During the ceremony I reminded all our students that whether wearing a badge or not, we all have a role to play in leading each other. We are all asked to model excellence in our behaviour, commitment to our learning, and compassion towards others.
As we celebrate the foundation of the College, we also take time to acknowledge the hard work, commitment and dedication of two of the EAC staff by presenting our 2021 Service Awards.
Our first recipient has given 10 years of excellent service to students through his classroom teaching in the area of Science. He is renowned for his exciting, innovative and engaging lessons. He has also provided great pastoral leadership and support to many students through his role as a teacher and welfare coordinator. We thank and acknowledge Mr Joel Jukes.
We also thank and acknowledge Ms Brigette Campbell. Brigette has nurtured and developed the secondary Japanese program. When she started at EAC, Japanese was only offered in Stage 4 but with her fun, accessible and engaging language lessons she has been able to develop elective classes through to the HSC. She has also contributed enormously to our successful international students program and supported numerous students in her role as a welfare leader. Congratulations and thank you Ms Brigette Campbell.
Joel Jukes and Brigette Campbell have both made a generous and significant contribution to the development of the College. We pray that they may be greatly blessed for all they have given our community throughout their time of service.
Finally we also celebrate the success of our Year 12 Graduating Class for 2020 as we formally acknowledge the highest academic performer for the 2020 HSC. With an ATAR of 97.35, I am very pleased to announce that the Dux of the Class of 2020 was Tim Weingarth. Tim was an extremely hard working and focused student who ably managed the demands of his study with his role College Captain. Tim has commenced studies at the University of Queensland with a pathway into Medicine.
As I have said many times, we are greatly blessed to live and learn in such a beautiful part of the world in such a fantastic school that offers so much to each and every one of us. As we take a moment to give thanks for all we have, I ask every student to think about how they might get the most out of the wonderful opportunities that EAC has to offer. I encourage you all to take advantage of the great gift that you have been given. So use your learning time wisely, get involved in as many parts of College life as possible, build as many strong friendships as you can and always be thankful for the many gifts you receive. I wish everyone a very happy Foundation Day for 2021.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
Community service holds many benefits for those who commit to involve themselves in this worthwhile activity. In schools, it is called Service Learning. We saw some great benefits of service learning in action last Friday afternoon at Clean Up Australia for Schools afternoon. Over 120 students from Years 1-12 stayed back after school to clean up the College physical environment. The great learning that came from this activity involved development of leadership skills for Secondary students who supervised groups of younger students, across age understanding, commitment to a common cause and the feeling of a job well done. Thank you to all the staff, students and parents who supported this event.
Our Year 9 students returned safely from camp last Friday. By all accounts they overcame a number of challenges that ranged from rainy weather, tiredness, group dynamics, fear of heights etc to have a great time at Camp Bornhoffen. A particular thank you to Mr Raguse for his coordination of the camp and Ms Turpeinen, Mrs Payne, Mr Brenton and Mr Hawkes for supporting the students so brilliantly over the 5 days.
This week is Foundation Day and it means that our SRC members will be inducted and will no doubt be ready and raring to go with their important roles. The challenge of being able to see the big picture, build community at the expense of your own agendas is of prime importance when representing your House or Year level in the SRC. I wish each of these students every success in the year ahead.
Next week is anti-bullying week and the students will be involved in a number of activities from K-12 where they will be reminded of the College's bullying policy and response flowchart along with having the opportunity to learn more about how they can each contribute to develop and maintain a school environment and culture where bullying will be either prevented or acted upon quickly and decisively so that student wellbeing is promoted. In the Primary, the students will be involved in a poster competition plus they will view Backflips Against Bullying. Secondary students will undertake a variety of activities during pastoral care lessons including a walk and talk activity on Friday.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 1 Week 8
Monday 15 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
Year 11 Geography and Biology Excursion - Byron Bay - All day
Anti Bullying Week until Friday 19 March
Tuesday 16 March
Year 7 Geography Excursion - Rocky Creek Dam - All day
Wednesday 17 March
Walker House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am - Ezzy Centre
Teddy Bears Picnic - Kindy and ELC
Primary Backflips Against Bullying - 9.00am-1.00pm
Thursday 18 March
CIS Primary Swimming - Sydney
Purcival House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am - Ezzy Centre
Interschool Football vs Bishop Druitt College - 9.30am-2.10pm - Crawford Park
Year 5 Tours 2022 - 3.30pm-5.45pm
Friday 19 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
Primary Assembly - 11.48am - 3B Hosting - Discovery Centre
HICES Debating Rounds 1 and 2 - 10.30am-8.00pm - Bishop Druitt College
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Term 1 Week 9
Monday 22 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am
Elevate Study Skills Workshops
Tuesday 23 March
Elevate Study Skills Workshops
Year 10 Japanese Excursion - 11.00am-1.20pm - Rakuu Japanese Restaurant
Year 10.2 PASS Excursion - 1.30pm-3.00pm - Strike Martial Arts
Wednesday 24 March
NCIS Surfing - All day - Sawtell
Brockington House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am
Walker House Chapel - 8.48am - UCA
Thursday 25 March
Smith House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am
Purcival House Chapel - 8.48am - UCA
Open Girls Basketball Trials
Year 2 Local area Excursion - 9.00am-3.00pm
Friday 26 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am
Mountain Biking Training Day - 9.00am-3.00pm - New Italy Mountain Bike Tracks
Year 10.1 PASS Excursion - 9.20am-10.40am - Strike Martial Arts
Primary Chapel - 11.48am
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Sports Update
Primary Inter House Soccer (Football) Tournament
On Tuesday and Wednesday last week our Year 3 to 6 students played in the first of our Primary Inter House sport tournaments for 2021, being a Soccer (Football) Tournament.
This event occurred at the end of a 5 week Primary soccer program in which students practice their soccer skills and learn the rules of nine aside soccer. The Tournament was played as a round robin event to maximise student participation and fun.
I would like to congratulate the students who played the tournament as they played with great House spirit, sportspersonship and respect for referees and fellow students.
A special mention to our wonderful umpires from the EAC senior girls and boys representative soccer teams, Ms Craig and our amazing Primary teachers who all contributed to the success of the Tournament.
Mr Randall Evans
Sport Coach & Duke of Edinburgh Leader
Secondary News
Secondary House Breakfasts
To support the implementation of the House structure in the Secondary College, parents are invited to have breakfast with the Leader of House and the House team. House breakfast days are:
Walker - Wednesday 17th March
Purcival - Thursday 18th March
Brockington - Wednesday 24th March
Smith - Thursday 25th March
Invitations have been sent through the Parent Portal.
Celebrating International Women's Day
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
The day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Prior to this the Socialist Party of America, United Kingdom's Suffragists and Suffragettes, and further groups campaigned for women's equality. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.
This year the theme is #ChooseToChallenge. A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day.
We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.
Year 12 students attended the Ballina Chamber of Commerce lunch where they were joined by Dirt Girls director and creator Cate McQuillen, who was the keynote speaker.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
Year 9 Camp
The Year 9 Camp at Bornhoffen, which took place over the last week, was an awesome, inspiring and challenging experience for students. Year 9 participated in a range of activities focusing on physical challenges, team building, leadership and emotional intelligence. Some of the activities involved canoeing, hiking, problem solving, high-ropes courses, a giant swing, abseiling and even an overnight camp-out.
The students' attitude was awesome, behaviour was great, and spirits were high (even if Mother Nature threw heaps of wind, rain and humidity our way!).
A massive thanks needs to go to Ms Turpeinen, Mrs Payne, Mr Brenton and Mr Hawkes for their wonderful enthusiasm and energy. They surely helped make this an amazing camp for all!
Mr Mitch Raguse
Secondary Visual Arts Teacher
Leader of House - Smith
Primary Update
Primary Assembly
Our Year 6C students presented at Primary Assembly last week.
"I'm an Eco Warrior, get me into Here".
Clean Up Australia Day
Last Friday 94 students from the Primary joined Secondary Leaders and volunteers alike to Clean Up EAC. Clean Up Schools day is an official part of the Clean Up Australia day campaign and it was great to see so many eager participants on the day. Also pleasing was the fact that generally the grounds of EAC were neat and tidy, though several bags were still filled before the volunteers enjoyed a sausage sizzle cooked by the Senior Leaders.
Now three decades old the Clean Up Australia Day campaign asked the question this year “How will you step up?” I spoke at Friday’s assembly about the fact that we don’t have students picking up rubbish as a detention activity as it should not be seen as a punishable task, rather a way of life that if you see rubbish you can make that small change that makes a big difference. I challenged the students to step up each time they see rubbish, to take the initiative to keep our environment clean. Perhaps at home talk to your children about what pledge your family can make to ensure our environment benefits.
Student Representative Council
It was exciting to finally announce the SRC this week. Our Primary Captains Sophie and Finley have been looking forward to assembling their team to take on initiatives throughout the year. To celebrate their first meeting, the SRC met in the College boardroom to talk about the role of an SRC member and to brainstorm activities for 2021.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Early Learning Centre News
Reusing, recycling and upcycling practices are embedded within our programs and service philosophy. In an attempt to guide children to think about the waste we create, we sort our waste into three categories - compost, rubbish and recycling. From here, we wash our recycling at the end of each day and these items go into our 'useful' baskets.
Mrs Natasha Livock
Early Learning Centre Coordinator
Clancy made a pair of 'safety glasses with Ms Bec.
Daisy, Rafael and Clancy roll balls through repurposed cardboard inner tubes.
Andrew moves his trike through our 'plastic bag' carwash, made by Mrs Docherty.
Eaven, Neesha and Ivy get crafty with an assortment of 'useful' items.
See new additions to the canteen menu below.Items are limited - first in first served.Please give a second option if first preference is unavailable.
Canteen Menu 2021
The EAC Canteen is open every day of the week. You should be aware of the new break times, please take these into account when placing orders for your child:
First Break - Secondary 10.48-11.18am; Primary 11.08-11.48am
Second Break - Secondary 12.58-1.28pm; Primary 1.28-1.58pm
Please note that items change in price from time to time. If correct money has not been provided, the item will be substituted for an item of the monetary value provided.
Secondary Student Orders
All orders MUST be placed at the canteen by 9.15am each morning, bags can be provided if required.
Primary Student Orders
All orders must be placed in the classroom tub at the start of the day so they can be received at the Canteen before 9.15am. Late orders will only receive an emergency lunch.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items.
If you are ordering a drink with your lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break.
FIRST BREAK BAG 1: Name, Teacher, PC Class, First Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
First Break
1 Pie
FIRST BREAK BAG 2: Name, Teacher, PC Class, First Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
First Break
1 Orange Juice
1 Juice Tube
SECOND BREAK: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Second Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
Second Break
1 Mini Fingerbun
1 Snap Stix
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child's order for Second Break.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
Live Life Well @ School
Be salt savvy
Did you know 75-80% of the salt Australian's consume is added during food processing?
Most of the salt we eat is hidden in many foods we eat regularly. We all know that we should add less salt to our food at the table or during cooking, but salt is also added to so many other products such as bread, breakfast cereal, cakes, biscuits and sauces and often we can't taste it.
This week is World Salt Awareness Week and we are encouraging families to become salt savvy. When buying packaged food, have a look at the salt content and compare products. Buy products with the lowest salt. Low salt foods have less than 0.3g salt per 100g.
Eating a diet high in salt as a child can increase your chances of developing many illnesses as an adult.
Live Life Well @ School - a collaborative initiative between NSW Ministry of Health and the school sectors in NSW.