Term 1 | Week 5 | 27 February 2019
‘So always treat others as you would like them to treat you’ Mathew 7:12
From The Principal
In recent weeks students from Year 2 through to Year 11 have been engaged in the process of electing the Student Representative Council. I congratulate the students who have been identified by their peers as having the skills and talents that mark them as a leader. I am sure they will make a wonderful contribution to EAC in the coming year. I also want to thank and congratulate all those students who were generous and courageous enough to nominate for election this year. A willingness to be involved, to lend a hand and to give of your time are all signs of a person with great character. To those students who did nominate and were unsuccessful, I say thank you and also encourage them to continue to look for ways to be to support the College. Whether wearing a badge or not, everyone has the opportunity to be a role model for others and to give something back to the College and our community. The Student Representative Council will be inducted as part of the Foundation Day Service on 5 March, 2019.
Primary SRC Members 2019
Year 2-2A-Sylvie Thomson, 2B-Dash Pizzol
Year 3-3A-Kaydee Horne , 3B-Curtis Moore
Year 4-4A Sam Carigg, 4B-Sophie Blake
Year 5-5A –Eva Rylands 5B-Indiana Martin
Year 6-6A –Bella Boyd 6B-Coco Paola
Secondary SRC Members 2019
SRC President-Siena Seymour
Year 11-Himanya Sajnani, Blake Stewart
Year 10-Letia Paton, Zev Donovan
Year 9-Farah Rezai-Smyth, Fox Moss
Year 8- Olivia Cooke ,Samuel Harding
Year 7-Ruby Jones, Abe Tasker
With the hot summer weather returning this week, I wish to remind all families of the need to ensure students have a College hat with them at all times. Students are required to wear their hats whenever they are not in a covered space. This includes while in the playground, on excursions and waiting for buses in the afternoon. The College is reviewing and renewing its Sun Safe practices and we are starting with raising awareness and reinforcing expectations regarding the wearing of a College hat. For seniors we have introduced an additional formal girls and boys hat to add to the existing broad brim hat and cap. The formal hat is optional for students in Year 11 and 12 in 2019.
While on the topic of uniform, I am delighted to see that many girls have taken up wearing either culottes or pants as the new additions to the uniform have become available this year. We will also roll out a new jacket for students in Year 7 -10 for the start of next term.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
Congratulations to our 5 leaders who participated so well in the Lions Youth of the Year Quest. Mackenzie Woods our Community Outreach Leader deserves particular recognition as she won the Lennox Head round as well as winning best Public Speaker at her round. Mackenzie represents the College at the District Finals at Kingscliff this coming weekend and we wish her every success.
Congratulations to our debating teams who were victorious in 3 out of 4 debates against Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School from Tweed Heads. Competing against a much bigger school, our teams showed tenacity, poise and promise and it augurs well for the season ahead. Thanks to Mrs Campbell, Ms McLintock, Mr McCotter and Mrs Regan for their work with the teams. Our debaters did us proud and hopefully they can achieve further success in the next round.
Our NCIS Swimming team competes in the NCIS Championships this coming Thursday and we wish them every success. Hopefully they will swim PB’s and represent the College with distinction at what should be a hard fought carnival. We look forward to hearing about the team’s performance next week.
As we head towards the time of Lent it is tradition for some Christians to give up something or to sacrifice something as part of their Lenten journey. Hopefully our students will find some way to do something meaningful during this time of reflection. Christians focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something or volunteering and giving of themselves for others. The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan. This could be a great time for students to work on doing something in the community to help others less fortunate than themselves. One great example that students may wish to sign up for is the Red Cross Go Without Challenge-www.redcross.org.au to find out more.
Don’t forget that Foundation Day is next week and we will be inducting our new SRC Representatives who will then get straight to work on planning activities that will hopefully serve and engage students across all levels of the College.
Probably the most exciting part of Foundation Day for many of our students is the College Mini Fair which happens during Periods 5 and 6. It is time for students across the College to dig deep and find some let over money to purchase tokens to be involved in mini fair activities. Each Primary student receives 3 tokens and Secondary students who donate materials to their class’ stall will also receive 3 tokens. Tokens cost $1 and can be purchased before the commencement of the mini fair. All of our profits will be donated to a charitable cause as decided by the SRC representatives. I’m sure it will be a fun afternoon at the mini fair.
A list of the Mini Fair stalls is below:
7.1-Splat the Rat
7.2-Ping Pong Table Game
7.3-Popcorn and Movie Chill Out Zone
8.1-Spiders and Milkshakes
8.2-Face Painting
8.3-Haunted House
9.1-Human Ring Toss
9.2-Pass the Parcel with Oven Mitts and Tongs
9.3-Throw a Coin on a Chocolate
10.1-Gaming Room
10.2-Polaroid Booth
11.1-Pizza and Soft Drinks
11.2-Asteroid Blaster
11.3-Cold Rock
12.1-Cake Stall
12.2-Water Bomb Obstacles
Thank you to the Secondary PC teachers who will be overseeing each PC class’ organisation of the stalls.
Term 1 Week 6
Monday 4 March
Cross Country Training-7.30-8.30am
Tuesday 5 March
Foundation Day Chapel-Years 1-12 at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina. 9.00am
Induction of SRC Leaders will occur at Chapel
Shrove Tuesday
EAC Mini Fair Periods 5 and 6
Cross Country Training-3.10-4.10pm
Wednesday 6 March
Ash Wednesday Services-
Staff and wider community 8am Ezzy Centre
7, 8, 9 9am Ezzy Centre
10, 11, 12 9.30 (second half of P1) Ezzy Centre
ES1 & Stage 1 10 am (P2) Discovery Centre
Stage 2 11.15am Discovery Centre
Stage 3 12.00pm Discovery Centre
Friday 8 March
Cross Country Training-7.30-8.30am
Secondary Sport
Term 1 Week 7
Monday 11 March
Maths Challenge commences
Cross Country Training-7.30-8.30am
Tuesday 12 March
NCIS Primary Football at Coffs Harbour
Primary Assembly-9.00am-Discovery Centre-6B presenting
Cross Country Training-3.10-4.10pm
Thursday 14 March
Northern Rivers Chess Tournament at Woodlawn College
Friday 15 March
Cross Country Training-7.30-8.30am
National Day of Action against Bullying
Secondary Sport
Chaplain's Chat
I’m a cradle Anglican – in other words, I’ve been involved with the Anglican Church all my life. I’m grateful for this as it has been a place of support and nurture for me through the many phases I’ve lived through….but I will admit that this has meant that I came to assume that everybody knew about Lent and Advent, and all those other quirky, very churchy things. I was wrong!
Despite the fact that Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs have been gracing the shelves of our grocery stores since Boxing Day, and that very soon the junk mail from the same shops will soon be full of ‘fish for Lent’ banners, many people will have absolutely no idea what that is all about. So it will be next week when I invite all our community to come and be a part of our Ash Wednesday services. But wonder no more….this is what it’s all about.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent (more about Lent next week so stay tuned), it’s the door way we pass through into a time of intentionality in our thinking, praying, learning and living. It’s a time for getting real. Ironically…it’s a day that helps us to begin a process that’s a bit like the Marie Kondo approach to our interior life. Does it spark joy…
But why the ash? Within the Anglican tradition, indeed, with in many spiritual pathways there are times when symbols and symbolic actions help us to develop a deeper understanding, and connect us to those parts of ourselves that words simply cannot.
The marking with ash has many facets – in parts of the Bible we hear of people marking themselves with ash to show sorrow, or a desire to turn away (hence the phrase sack cloth and ashes) from what was, from those things that harm ourselves, or ways that can harm others.
The ash that we use in our Ash Wednesday service is usually made from burnt palm crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday service (sigh….more insider language.. sorry!). In brief – the readings for Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) tell the story of Jesus entry into Jerusalem and all the people shouting hurrah, what a cool guy! And they wave palm branches.
We are each marked with ash, as a symbol, a physical reminder for ourselves that we are moving into a penitential season, we are intentionally looking to see where we might want to say sorry, to make changes….more than this, we are intentionally looking to see how we are impacting those around us.
We don’t wear the sign of the ash with pride, rather with humility, maybe even courage. There is no doubt it takes courage to allow ourselves to become vulnerable enough even to our self.
Each of our students will have the opportunity to participate in our Ash Wednesday services throughout the day.
You too, are invited to take some time out, to come and to join us in the Ezzy Centre at 8am for a short service of reflection, and to receive the sign of the ashes.
Rev Sally
Sports update
NCIS Hockey Trials
NSW CIS Football Cup Knock Out
Cross Country Training Program
Training sessions will be held as follows:
Monday and Friday mornings commencing Monday 4 March and Friday 8 March 7.30 am to 8.30 am.
Coaching: Our experienced Athletics Coach Mr Greg Potts will lead the Monday and Friday Morning Sessions. College staff and experienced runners Mr Kelly, Mrs Buddee and Mrs Sculley will lead the Tuesday afternoon sessions. Training sessions will be varied and focus on technique, building endurance, speed and core strength.
Permission to attend will be via the parent portal. Training sessions will continue into the the representative Cross Country
Sports and Coaching Administrator
Primary News
Year 1 - Energy experiment with Mrs Jukes
This term Year 1 are learning about the different types of energy in Science. On Friday afternoon, Mrs Jukes talked to Year 1 about energy and then all of year 1 got to participate in a science experiment. The first thing we did was half fill a canister with water. Then we put in either a full Alka Seltzer tablet or half a tablet into the water. We then very quickly put the lid on the canister, tipped it upside down, and put it on the ground. We then stood back and waited for tablet and water to react together. When this happened, the canister shot up into the air like a rocket. We all laughed and enjoyed this experiment.
Thank you Mrs Jukes for doing this experiment with Year 1.
1A and 1B
6B ran the Primary School Chapel this week with the theme being Pentecost. Emmie, Flynn and Liam led us in an opening prayer reminding us to always be God's friend. Coco read a reading from Luke asking us to love our enemies. Cohen, Vale, Ellen, Zali, and Eden C performed a drama reminding us how to treat others. Anthony, Laylan and Leo led prayers saying we were sorry for times we were not as friendly as we should be. Elizabeth and Eden S wrote prayers to share asking for peace in the world. We finished of with a song "Love one another".
Mrs Kate Sculley
Year 6 Primary Teacher
Nihongo NEWS
On Wednesday 20 February, EAC were lucky enough to have a Taiko performance and workshops run by the Tokoton Taiko Group from Brisbane. The whole school was entertained with an introduction to the traditional Japanese drumming style, which is a combination of rhythm, dance and martial arts. Many students had the opportunity to try performing on the big drums. Senior Japanese and Music elective students attended a workshop following the performance, to learn the technicalities of playing the Taiko more in depth. It was wonderful for our students to be able to enjoy a little bit of Japan in Ballina!
Mrs Julianne Crichton
Japanese Teacher
Music Notes
Concert Band (Years 3-11)
Supported beginner positions created in response to demand
The Emmanuel Anglican College Concert Band Program commenced in 2012 with 12 students. Over the past seven years the program has grown to more than 170 students and includes students from Years 3 to 12 across four concert bands. The concert bands have developed an outstanding identity in the wider community, performing regularly at College and community events. The bands have also had success at Eisteddfods. Recently there has been an increased demand from students across the College to join the Concert Band Program.
In response to this demand, the College has created positions within the band program to cater for, and support beginner musicians from Years 3-11. This opportunity encourages non-band students across the College to learn a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument with a goal to develop them into full time members of the Concert Band. This opportunity is open to any Year 3 to 11 student who in interested in becoming involved in the Concert Band Program. Students do not need to have any previous musical experience but will be required to show commitment to learning an instrument, developing ensemble skills and following instructions. Students who have previously started to learn a concert band instrument and are keen to return to the instrument (or another instrument) are also encouraged to consider this opportunity.For further information please contact me at the College (aholmes@eac.nsw.edu.au).
From The Office
Sewing Machines for Sale
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi – Tuesday 5 March
Sushi from IGA, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 5 March. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form found here
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668