"Ask and it will be given, search and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
From The Principal
Congratulations and thank you to the nine Year 12 students who participated in the Lions Youth of the Year Quest last week as part of the Ballina Lions and Lennox Lions events. I was very proud of each of our participants and it is a significant commitment of time, requiring preparation of a portfolio, an interview and the public speaking challenge on both a prepared topic and two impromptu topics. I was also very proud of the College when I was informed by several of the Lions members that EAC had the largest number of student participants of any school in the region. Congratulations to Ella Peart, Scarlett Donovan and Paige Wilkie who were all winners of the public speaking division and to Hamish Walker who was the winner of the Ballina division and will progress to the regional final.
Congratulations to all our participating students:
Scarlett Donovan
Paige Wilkie
Alex Chapman
Sofia Ribechini
Ethan Jorgensen
Francois Van Kempen
Ella Peart
Hamish Walker
Lachlan Walker
I invite all of our parents to consider supporting the College by joining in the wonderful work of the Friends of EAC. Friends will hold their Annual General Meeting next Tuesday evening at 6.30pm in the Ezzy Centre. I particularly ask all our new parents to give some thought to this opportunity. "Friends" meet each month and plan ways to both friend-raise and fundraise for the College. After a very disrupted 2020, Friends are looking for new members with fresh ideas, to take forward a number of initiatives to support the students of the College. Attendance at every meeting in the year is not essential, but the ability to attend some meetings and some events would be greatly valued. Please give some thought to the very practical way to support the students, staff and families of the College.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
This week sees the term move past the half way point and for our Year 9 students it is camp week. The Year 9 camp is designed to teach a number of vital life skills such as organisation, teamwork, resilience, challenge by choice, self-reliance, communication and listening skills. Camps and outdoor education are a valuable part of any school's educational offerings because of the overt benefit that students gain from participation, but there are also many covert or hidden benefits that come from time in the outdoors and being decoupled from mobile phones and electronic devices for a week. I thank Mr Raguse and all the staff who are attending the camp and wish all of the students every success in negotiating the challenges that they will face over the week.
In a few week's time, our Duke of Edinburgh Silver and Gold Award candidates will be heading off for their weekend practice journey. Duke of Edinburgh is a challenging award to achieve and it takes a large amount of commitment, service and energy to be successful. The journey will be a test of mental and physical fortitude and I thank Mr Walker and all the staff involved in supporting the students with this program. Luckily for our Year 9 students the expedition component of the Year 9 camp doubles as the practice journey for those students who are striving to achieve the Bronze Award. Well done to all of our DOE students and I wish you all the best for the challenges that you will overcome on your practice journeys.
Foundation Day is not far away and I have written to families outlining the plans for the day. Student Representative Council members will be inducted by the Principal on Foundation Day and there will be the traditional Mini Fair in the afternoon. SRC members will hopefully get down to the business of building community, serving the community and taking social justice action where appropriate. They will be ably led by Scarlett Donovan SRC President and I look forward to seeing their projects come to fruition this year.
Please don't forget Clean Up Australia For Schools this Friday afternoon from 3.30pm - 5.00pm. Student volunteers will clean up our College of any residual litter and will gain an understanding of the importance of service to the community.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal

Term 1 Week 7
Monday 8 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
Tuesday 9 March
NCIS Primary Football Coffs Harbour
10.2 PASS Excursion - 1.30pm-3.00pm - Strike Martial Arts
Friends AGM and Meeting - 6.30pm - Ezzy Centre
Wednesday 10 March
Foundation Day Assembly - TBC
Foundation Day Mini Fair - 1.48pm-3.00pm
Thursday 11 March
NCIS Secondary Swimming - All day - Alstonville Pool
Year 12 Economics Incursion - All day
Friday 12 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
10.1 PASS Excursion - 9.20am-10.40am - Strike Martial Arts
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Term 1 Week 8
Monday 15 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
Year 11 Geography and Biology Excursion - Byron Bay - All day
Anti Bullying Week until Friday 19 March
Tuesday 16 March
Year 7 Geography Excursion - Rocky Creek Dam - All day
Wednesday 17 March
Walker House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am - Ezzy Centre
Teddy Bears Picnic - Kindy and ELC
Primary Backflips Against Bullying - 9.00am-1.00pm
Thursday 18 March
CIS Primary Swimming - Sydney
Purcival House Breakfast - 8.15am-9.00am - Ezzy Centre
Interschool Football vs Bishop Druitt College - 9.30am-2.10pm - Crawford Park
Year 5 Tours 2022 - 3.30pm-5.45pm
Friday 19 March
Cross Country Training - 7.30am-8.30am - Oval
Primary Assembly - 11.48am - 3B Hosting - Discovery Centre
HICES Debating Rounds 1 and 2 - 10.30am-8.00pm - Bishop Druitt College
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Sports Update
NCIS Primary Swimming Championships
Wednesday last week saw EAC host the NCIS Primary Swimming Championships at Alstonville Pool. Our team performed very well, with many personal best times being recorded. Highlights included the EAC relay teams winning three out of four relay teams and Coco Robinson from Year 6 winning the open 100m championships.
The team finished third overall behind Lindisfarne and Bishop Druitt in the overall pointscore. The team won the percentage point score which is the team's total points divided by the size of the school.
Well done to the following age champions and runners up:
Sarah Vanem - age champion for the 11 years girls.
Emily Evans - age champion for multiclass girls.
Coco Robinson - runner up 12 years girls.
We have had a fantastic 17 students offered places in the NCIS Team to compete at the NSW CIS Championships in Sydney later this month. Well done to the following students selected: Charlotte Ashdown, Amelia Atkinson, Hugo Atkinson, Annie Docherty, Eve Drew, Stella Du Plessis, Zia Folscher, Sofia Foukkare, Thomas Hunt, Anthony Kikiras, Zachary Kikiras, Stella Payne, Aurelien Rignault, Coco Robinson, Matthew Rullin, Sylvie Thomson, Sarah Vanem.
Congratulations to all swimmers who competed on the day.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Secondary Soccer News
On Friday 26th February an Open Boys and Girls EAC team competed in the NSW CIS Football Cup Competition 2021 held in Byron Bay. Both teams played against Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School. In the lead up to the NSW CIS Football Cup, an U15 Boys and Girls trial game was held between Lindisfarne and EAC.
All teams competed extremely well, particularly in the hot and humid conditions and given it was their first soccer inter school game of the year. In the end, Lindisfarne were winners in all four matches, however our teams played extremely well and were competitive in all games, particularly the Boys U15 and Open teams who only lost by one goal. The teams will continue training and playing games in the Turner Cup and other inter school trial matches for the next month, leading into the NCIS Soccer Tournament in Armidale at the start of Term 2.
Special thanks to the team coaches Wendy Britton, Mason Brenton, Mel McClelland and Team Manager Randall Evans for their efforts and assistance on the day.
EAC Sport & Coaching Team
Secondary News
Emmanuel Anglican College students participate in
Lions Youth of the Year
On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, Year 12 students participated in the Lions Youth of the Year competition where they answered two impromptu questions and presented a five minute speech on a topic of their choice.
AT the Ballina branch competition, the impromptu questions were on one thing they would change about school and the positive impacts of COVID on the planet and human society, whilst at Lennox Head the questions were regarding the long term impact of COVID and how to cope with bullying in the school and workplace.
Students then presented their speeches which were on a range of topics including Procrastination, Naval Battle Ships and Failure.
Congratulations to Ella Peart who won the public speaking section at the Ballina branch competition for her speech on failure and Scarlett Donovan and Paige Wilkie who tied in the Lennox Head competition for public speaking on Love and the Importance of Social Justice.
The overall winner of the Ballina branch competition was Hamish Walker, who will now move to the regional round of this competition on the 13th March.
All students spoke well and the comments from the judges was that this was the toughest year that they have ever judged. Congratulations to all students who put themselves out of the comfort zone and who all had a wonderful time speaking with members of the community.

Halogen National Young Leaders Conference
On Wednesday last week, the Captains of the Primary and Secondary school attended the Halogen Young Leaders Conference in Brisbane. At this conference, a range of leaders in their field spoke with the students regarding leadership skills and coping with failure. It was wonderful to hear His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia speak to the students about the importance of listening as a leader and using the skills and capabilities of others. Students learnt about servant leadership and the importance of serving others.
Other speakers on the day were Joshua Pyke, Anastasia Woolmer, Darius Boyd and Lachlie Smart.
Year 9 Camp
This week many of the Year 9 cohort will be challenged both physically and mentally as they attend a week long camp at Bornhoffen. During the week, students will complete a range of team activities where they will develop their skills in working with students outside their peer group and also complete an overnight hike and camp out.
This camp is a great opportunity for students to build their resilience. Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult circumstances that you can't change, and keep on thriving. In fact, when you're resilient, you can often learn from difficult situations.
To support the building of resilience, this camp provides challenges that develop students' social skills, develop positive thinking habits and develop skills to get things done. Social skills are important building blocks for resilience. They include skills for making and keeping friends, sorting out conflict, and working well in teams or groups. By developing good social skills, it helps in the communication of problems and helps students to develop a range of problem solving strategies to overcome challenges.
The camp also provides opportunities for the student to feel confident, capable and ready to get things done, which is an important part of resilience. Important skills in this area are goal setting, planning, being organised and self disciplined, being prepared to work hard and being resourceful.
I know that all the students will have a wonderful time and develop life long friendships from this camp.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
Friends of EAC needs you!
Friends of Emmanuel Anglican College
Annual General Meeting
Calling for Nominations
Friends provides an integral role in supporting the endeavours of the College.
Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month within the school term. The meetings are held in the Ezzy Centre at 7.00pm, with everyone in the school community welcome. It's a great way to learn about school events, general information, school activities, fundraising opportunities and to make new friends.
We aim to foster a cooperative, supportive and connected community by creating events where parents and families of our school can come together to have fun fundraising and friendraising.
All Friends Office Bearer positions will be declared vacant at our
Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 9 March 2021.
Nominations are sought for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Committee Member (10 required)
The Friends AGM will be held in the Ezzy Centre
at 6.30pm on Tuesday 9th March.
The AGM brings together the EAC parent and carer community to nominate and vote for the representatives of the College who will manage and deliver the fundraising activities for all EAC students from Kindergarten to Year 12. It is an opportunity to add yourself, or vote for others, to be part of this fun and exciting volunteer Friends group.
At the AGM we need a minimum of 20 attendees. Even if you are not nominating yourself or others for a position, it is a fun way to meet other parents and carers across the EAC community.
If you do decide to nominate and/or become part of the committee, or would like to just attend the Friends meetings held each Term, it is a great way to obtain first hand information and give your feedback on what is happening within the College, as well as have the opportunity to provide input to the Friends calendar of events and activities.
For further information please see the attached nomination form or contact friends@eac.nsw.edu.au.
Friends AGM Office Bearers Nomination Form
Nominations due by Friday 5th March.

See new additions to the canteen menu below.Items are limited - first in first served.Please give a second option if first preference is unavailable.
Canteen Menu 2021
The EAC Canteen is open every day of the week. You should be aware of the new break times, please take these into account when placing orders for your child:
First Break - Secondary 10.48-11.18am; Primary 11.08-11.48am
Second Break - Secondary 12.58-1.28pm; Primary 1.28-1.58pm
Please note that items change in price from time to time. If correct money has not been provided, the item will be substituted for an item of the monetary value provided.
Secondary Student Orders
All orders MUST be placed at the canteen by 9.15am each morning, bags can be provided if required.
Primary Student Orders
All orders must be placed in the classroom tub at the start of the day so they can be received at the Canteen before 9.15am. Late orders will only receive an emergency lunch.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items.
If you are ordering a drink with your lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break.
FIRST BREAK BAG 1: Name, Teacher, PC Class, First Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
First Break
1 Pie
FIRST BREAK BAG 2: Name, Teacher, PC Class, First Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
First Break
1 Orange Juice
1 Juice Tube
SECOND BREAK: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Second Break Order
Sue Smith, Mrs Kelvin 4B
Second Break
1 Mini Fingerbun
1 Snap Stix
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child's order for Second Break.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor