The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel which means "God with us".
Matthew 1:23
From The Principal
Thank you to all the parents, grand-parents, family and friends who joined us at St Mary’s Church to recognise student excellence, effort and achievement at our annual Presentation Day gathering. There was standing room only at both the Primary and Secondary events and it is wonderful that so many of our community could come together to acknowledge the students and their learning. It was a fantastic way to draw 2018 to a close.
This morning we have also received the HSC results for the class of 2018 and they are nothing short of outstanding. There are many great individual performances and group achievements across the group of 23 students and I commend all our students for their dedication to their studies and their desire to grow as learners.
Incredibly, 15% of all student results were Band 6, with 12 individual students achieving this fantastic outcome in eight separate courses. Congratulations to Niva Ewald, Sinead Fell and Kate Utting for each achieving three Band 6 results.
The class of 2018 has performed on or above State Average in 17 out of 22 courses undertaken. Of particular note is the high level of achievement in Ancient History, Drama, Industrial Technology, Food Technology and Hospitality, which were all greater than 11% above the State Average.
Once again, EAC students have excelled in the arts with multiple Band 6 results in Drama, Music and Visual Arts. Remarkably, Students in Drama achieved seven Band 6 results and had two group performance pieces and four individual performances pieces nominated for the HSC Drama Showcase, OnStage. An outstanding achievement and great confirmation of their dedication and talent.
Nine Students from the Class of 2018 received an early entry offer from universities including Southern Cross University, Bond University, and the Australian National University. The university early entry offers related to variety of degrees including Engineering, Psychology, Education, Business, Nursing and Archeology. The diverse nature of courses and institutions to which students will be heading next year reflects the variety of talents and interests of the wonderful group of young men and women who made up the Class of 2018.
Congratulations to all of the students on their excellent achievements and thank you to all the staff for their tireless efforts in supporting and guiding the students in order that they may achieve their best.
I wish all our community a very happy and holy Christmas, a relaxing break and wish you all the very best for 2019. I pray that the joy, peace and hope of this Christmas season be with you and your family.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
The final week of school has seen our students involved in a variety of activities on Picnic Day. These activities were designed to celebrate the year and to bring the students in each stage together in a fun activity. I just wish that I had remembered to bring a rash shirt and swimmers as I was jealous of Kindy and Stage 1 who had some awesome water play here at the College.
Yesterday saw our final Whole College Chapel of the year. With Christmas rapidly approaching Rev Sal’s message was right on the money and there was some very spirited singing of traditional carols and more modern Christmas songs. There is something for each of us in the Christmas story and the birth of baby Jesus gives us hope for a better future for all human beings.
Today sees us celebrate academic, service, cultural and sporting excellence at Presentation Day. Whilst not all students can win an academic award each one of them should be continually striving to achieve their personal best in everything that they do. Personal bests lead to success and whilst success may look different for each of us there is satisfaction to be gained from giving your all at something even if you don’t achieve the ultimate prize. I congratulate all of today’s award winners and wish all of our students every success in 2019.
Academic reports are currently being checked by Mr Tobias and will be available on Parent Lounge at some point next week. The start of the school year will be upon us before we know it and there is much behind the scenes work to be done with timetabling, room organisation and planning for 2019. We know that 2019 is going to be a great year for the College as we move forward from the landmark of our twentieth year. I will write to families before school returns with the finer details of the commencement of the new school year.
I wish all of our families a wonderful Christmas and hope that family time, rest and recreation are present in abundance. I hope that you all have a fantastic New Year and look forward to working with you all again next year.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Sports update
Joshua Mumford Represents NSW at the Australian All Schools Athleitcs Championships
Early Learning Centre News
A small group of friends decided to take a holiday on a bus. Teddies, dolls and comfort toys were additions to wild imaginings and dramatic play. Then the rain came along with blustery winds and we re-located our 'bus' to a more cosy play space. Here, more friends joined in and a 'truck-bus' was created. Cooperation, communication and sharing tools was paramount in order to achieve everyone's ideas. Darnell took his work safety seriously as he donned goggles and a hard hat in order to extend his role play and tools use. Archie wore his hard hat as he carefully drilled the 'truck-bus'. Fun and silly 'travel' snaps were taken throughout this play as we enjoyed this shared experience.
Natash Livock
Early Learning Centre Coordinator
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
With the term and year drawing to a close I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. I would like to thank all the volunteers who made it possible for the canteen to provide the thousands of lunches in 2018.
May you all have a safe and relaxing break and I look forward to seeing you in 2019.
Some highlights of 2018 in the EAC Canteen:
- New faces and some, not so old, but regular faces
- Annual Council Health Inspection - Pass
- The number of Grandmothers in the canteen tripled in 2018, more required
- Year 7 experience day, one each term
- Numerous cups of tea & coffee
- Coffee made by the Hospitality students
- Volunteers responding to text messages for help
- Year 12, 11 and 10 students helping in the canteen
- 21 different volunteers
- 152 volunteer spots filled
If you are able to help in the canteen in 2019 please fill out the attachment and email Christine Hall, or drop it into the office Canteen Help
Community News
Help Sophie Jones make a difference
I have been growing my hair for 12 years and made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.
Last Saturday, helped by some of my class mates from Emmanuel Anglican College, I had 65 cms or 2 feet of my hair cut off and donated to the Hair with Heart campaign.
Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. I have a fundraising page where you can make a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, to help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Please visit my fundraising page
Thank you for helping kids in need