“With God all things are possible"
Matthew 19:26
From The Principal
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Christmas Concert on Tuesday Evening at St Mary’s Anglican Church. It was a wonderfully fun and entertaining way to formally embrace the Christmas season. Congratulations to all the students who were involved in performances on the night and to the wonderful group of teachers who help plan the event and prepare the students. I was delighted to see the huge amount of goods that were donated to create hampers for the Anglicare Appeal. We also raised over a $1000 on the night through the entry fee and this will also be donated to Anglicare for their Christmas Appeal. A fabulous effort. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who either attended or participated in the evening. It was a delightful community celebration.
We welcomed Bishop Murray Harvey to EAC this week as he made his inaugural visit, following his recent consecration as Bishop of the Grafton Diocese. Bishop Murray met with the Executive, toured the College and then enjoyed morning tea with the teaching staff. He was very excited to hear about the College’s growth, building plans and the students' achievement. He said that the College has an incredible reputation across the Diocese and that he is looking forward to building a close and positive relationship with the EAC Community.

On the same day we as also welcomed Uno Kocho Sensei (Principal Uno) of Kasukabe Senior High Scool, Japan who was visiting EAC for the very first time. Students from Kasukabe have undertaken a Study Tour at EAC each year for the last 4 years. Mr Uno would like to build further on our existing relationship and came to discuss the possibility of student and staff exchanges, bringing further study tours to EAC and also signing a formal sister school agreement. He had the opportunity to visit a Year 7 Japanese lesson and was very impressed by the students who asked him a series of questions in Japanese.
Students in the Primary students participated in ‘Step Up’ day today and have spent the afternoon with their 2019 class group and teacher. There has been quite a buzz among primary students as they have speculated about who might be their teacher, what room they will be in and who will be their classmates. Over the last few weeks, teachers have gathered data and provide input into the structure of classes for 2019. All primary school students have completed socio-grams and teachers have used this data along with information about students learning styles, educational needs, learning outcomes and group dynamics to help them formulate the class groups for 2019. It has been a very thorough and well considered process and I thank the teachers for the care they have taken in building class groups that will best support the social and educational needs of all students.
With the announcement about primary classes for next year, I also wish to ask parents to consider nominating as a class parent for 2019. One of the most important roles of the class parent is to welcome new parents to the College and help them make the initial contact with other parents in their child’s year group. With a number of new families joining the College next year, I would like to have the class parents in place as the year commences. A nomination form will be emailed to all parents on Friday. Please consider taking on this extremely important task.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's desk
Last night the EAC community spirit shone through in a jam packed St Mary’s for our annual Christmas concert. There were some wonderful performances from the various bands and choirs and the Christmas spirit was evident. There was even a surprise visit from Santa who helped out with singing the finale (very badly so I have heard!) I was overwhelmed by the donations of Christmas hampers to Anglicare and I am positive that the Anglicare representative felt the same way. I was also very happy with the efforts of all the staff and students who worked so hard to make it a successful event. Our door takings will also be donated to a Christmas charity and I thank everybody for their generosity of spirit. This is exactly what Christmas is all about.
We certainly are not doing things by halves in this last full week with the Year 10 Transition week in full swing. They have been involved in academic, social, service, sporting and spiritual activities this week and will finish with a class breakfast this Friday and a day at Circus Arts at Byron Bay. Hopefully they will be appreciative of the lengths that Mrs Campbell has gone to in planning a broad program that meets the needs of preparing them for their pre HSC year in 2019.
Next week sees us undertake Picnic Day plus an end of year Chapel Service. The year concludes with Presentation Day at St Mary’s. The Primary ceremony is at 10.00 am and the Secondary is at midday. Presentation Day is an opportunity to celebrate student achievement across all facets of College life. We hope that you can join us. Please ensure that you let us know of your intentions with regards to your child’s travel intentions after each ceremony so that we can be accurate in our planning for buses and supervision.
Finally, I thank all members of the EAC community for their welcome and support over the course of the year. It is an exciting period in the growth and development of the College and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the 20th year and look forward to an exciting and learning filled 2019. I wish each member of the College community a happy and Holy Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Please stay safe when travelling and I look forward to working with you all again next year.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 4 Week 9
Monday 10 December
College Picnic Day-Letters have gone out to parents of students in each Stage from ES1 to Stage 6.
Tuesday 11 December
Whole College Chapel Service-9.00 am-St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina
Whole College Assembly-11.15 am –Undercover Area
Wednesday 12 December
College Presentation Day-Primary 10.00 am-St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina.
Secondary-12.00pm-St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina.
Sports News
Key Sports Dates & NCIS Representative Sport 2019
- Primary Boys (Year 5 & 6)
- Primary Girls (Year 5 & 6)
- 15 and Under Secondary Boys
- 15 and Under Secondary Girls
- Open Secondary Boys
- Open Secondary Girls
Key Sports Dates 2019 |
Event |
Date |
Venue |
EAC Primary Swimming Carnival | Thursday 7 February | Ballina |
EAC Secondary Swimming Carnival | Friday 8 February | Ballina |
NCIS Hockey Trials | Tuesday 19 February | Murwillumbah |
NCIS Swimming Carnival | Thursday 28 February | Alstonville |
NCIS Primary Soccer | Tuesday 12 March | Coffs Harbour |
NCIS Secondary Basketball | Tuesday 19 March | Coffs Harbour |
EAC Whole School Cross Country | Friday 29 March | Lennox Head |
NCIS Primary Netball | Wednesday 3 April | Tweed Heads |
NCIS Secondary Soccer | Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 May | Armidale |
NCIS Cross Country | Friday 17 May | Byron Bay |
NCIS Touch Football | Thursday 30 May | Goonellabah |
EAC Primary Athletics Carnival | Thursday 27 June | Byron Bay |
EAC Secondary Athletics Carnvial | Friday 28 June | Byron Bay |
NCIS Secondary Netball | Wednesday 31 July | Tweed Heads |
NCIS Athletics | Tuesday 20 August | Coffs Harbour |
NCIS AFL 9's | Wednesday 4 September | Maclean |
EAC Primary Tennis Championships | Thursday 19 September | Ballina |
EAC Secondary Tennis Championships | Friday 20 September | Ballina |
NCIS Tennis | Tuesday 22 October | Grafton |
NCIS Secondary Volleyball | Wednesday 30 October | TBA |
NCIS Primary Basketball | Thursday 7 November | Byron Bay |
Early Learning Centre News
Dionne from Wildlife Rangers came to visit our preschool with the Australian animals she cares for. This was a very informative and hands on learning experience for us all. Dionne brought along a desert python, a 2 year old salt water crocodile, a one-eyed tawny frog-mouth owl, a blue-tongued lizard, a bearded dragon, the softest and cutest squirrel glider and a long-necked turtle. We learned of the plight of animals ingesting our rubbish and how devastating this can be. We engaged in conversations about nocturnal and diurnal animals as well as what it means to be camouflaged. Some children were brave enough to hold and touch every animal whist others preferred to sit back, listen and look. All in all this was a great couple of hours exploring wildlife we don't often get to experience in our urban settings.
Natasha Livock
Early Learning Centre Coordinator
Primary News

Secondary News
Year 9 Eat Bugs!
Did you know that our love for red meat contributes to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions? Have you heard the statistics saying that meat production requires a much higher amount of water than vegetables? A growing world population and expanding middle class mean the demand for animal protein is increasing. Will our world be able to cope?
As part of the Sustainable Biomes topic in Year 9 Geography, students have been exploring alternative protein sources to the usual ones found on our dinner plate. On the menu were whole roasted meal worms, flying ants, mopane grubs and crickets. Chocolate muffins boosted with cricket protein powder were a more ‘sanitised’ and less confronting choice.
The students are to be congratulated on being open minded and ready for anything!
Mrs Felicity Regan
Secondary Teacher
Nihongo NEWS
Year 7 Japanese
...have been learning about Taiiku no Hi which is National Sports Day in Japan. It is a public holiday and most schools conduct their sports carnivals on this day, which means parents, grandparents and the whole community can become involved. Novelty events are common, to create a very inclusive and fun day for all. Year 7 were given the task of creating their own novelty event for their classmates and we conducted our own version of Taiiku no Hi.

Music Notes
Afternoon Sessions
College Rocks, Rocks the College
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays , only at lunch time for general sales. Canteen opens at 8.30am.
CANTEEN MENU available from the EAC website, Go to Publications, then Forms & Documents, then scroll down to Canteen.
With the college year coming to an end I will be cutting back on my ordering so that excess stock is not being held over the Christmas break. I will keep you posted of the availability of item through this newsletter and in the parent lounge, updated daily. I will post what is no longer available and what stock I am running low on. I will always have available fresh items sanwiches, rolls etc but will also guarantee dino nuggets and junior pies. Thank you for your continuing support of the canteen in 2018.
Spinach & ricotta rolls
Sausage roll
Potato Pies
Cheese & Bacon Pizza
Ham & Pineapple Pizza
Lite meat Pies
Peach Iced Tea
LOW STOCK - Please give another option
Sweet Chilli Tender, incl S/C wraps & Burgers
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668
Community News
Recycle Right
Did you know that Council has a new recycling campaign called Recycle Right? Recent changes to the recycling industry have meant the level of contamination in our recycling can no longer be accepted so we’re going back to basics! Recycle Right was developed in collaboration with neighbouring councils and North East Waste. Key changes to recycling are:
- ‘Keep it simple’ by only recycling glass bottle and jars, hard plastics bottles and containers, steel and aluminium cans and paper and cardboard;
- Resource recovery collection satchels can still be filled, sealed and placed in the recycling bin. Collect a satchel from Council offices, the Waste Management Centre or your local library;
- Bagged soft plastics can no longer go in the recycling bin, however residents can continue collecting and bagging their soft plastics and taking them to Coles or Woolworths stores who have their own courtesy soft plastics recycling collection bins;
- Polystyrene, meat trays and biscuit trays must go in the red waste bin.
- Coffee cups and lids cannot go in the recycling bin. Resident are encouraged to use reusable cups at their favourite café.
For further information, check out Council’s website at www.ballina.nsw.go.au or phone Customer Service on 1300 864 444