‘God is love and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in them’
1 John 4:16
From The Principal
Last Thursday evening, I had the delightful opportunity to join with the Class of 2017 and their families for the Year 12 Formal. It was a wonderful evening and the students presented themselves with great elegance and style. It is always lovely to see the students present themselves in such a dignified way and a great opportunity to share their excitement about the next instalments in their young lives. The celebration was held at the Point Restaurant and during the evening, Mr Raguse and Mr Jukes presented a lovely (and often funny) testimony reflecting on the unique characters and the tight bonds that shaped the identity of the Class of 2017. Kyle Underwood and Ella Webb fulfilled their final duty as Captains with a heart-felt thank you to the parents and teachers of Year 12 for all that they have done to support the students through their final year of learning. As they depart, I ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers are they await their HSC results and embark on the next stage of the journey.
Year 6 have ventured off this week on their end of primary years trip to Queensland. The students will spend three days exploring the sights and surrounds of Hervey Bay and Fraser Island prior to heading to Brisbane to visit the Queensland Museum, Sciencentre and Planetarium. On the way home on Friday they will spend a few hours at Seaworld. It promises to be a wonderful week and a great way to celebrate the end of their journey through primary school. Also this week, Year 10 commenced their Alternative Education Program, which will see them involved in preparations for senior school, including undertaking the NESA ‘All my own work” program. They will also participate in their Year 10 retreat and then undertake a week of work experience. A huge thank you to Mr Christensen, Mrs Cahill and Mr Pryor for all supporting Year 6 and attending the camp and also to Mrs Campbell and Mr Jukes for coordinating the Year 10 Alternative Education Program.
As we move into the final stages of the year, I thought some advanced notice to assist with planning and family commitments around the key events to finish the College year would be helpful.
November 28 –Christmas Concert
All our families are invited to join us at St Mary’s Anglican Church at 6.30 for a Christmas Concert. There will be performances by our College Bands, College Choirs, Stage 5 Drama students and a special appearance by Kindergarten. There is a $5.00 entry for adults, with all profits going to Anglicare’s Christmas Appeal.
December 5–End of Year Chapel Service
We will celebrate the many gifts and blessings of the 2017 College year at our final Whole College Chapel Service at 9.00am at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina. In keeping with tradition we will celebrate Advent and preparations for the celebration of the birth of our saviour at Christmas.
December 6 - College Presentation Day
The Presentation Ceremonies for 2014 will take place at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina at the following times:
10.30am -11.45amm Kindergarten – Year 6
12.45pm – 2.30pm Year 7 – Year 11
Please mark these very significant events in your diary
Mr Robert Tobias
off the deputy's desk
Christmas hamper appeal
Don’t forget to send in something for our Christmas hampers – we are looking for non-perishable items that families might enjoy over the Christmas period. Try to avoid items that could melt. Please have all donations in before Friday 24 November as we will be presenting our collection on the evening of our Christmas Concert.
Yr 12 Formal
Congratulations to the Formal Committee on a very successful evening. Our Yr 12’s looked elegant and debonair in their finery. It was a lovely evening. We are very proud of our graduates. Check out our Facebook page for pictures of the students and their partners.
Calendar details for end of term
Please put the following details in your diaries for the final week of the 2017 school year.
Monday 4 December – College Picnic Day
Tuesday 5 December – Whole College Chapel, St Mary’s 9am
Wednesday 6 December – Final day for students. Students may leave with parents following the assembly. A letter, with return slip, will go home next week.
10.30 – 11.45am Primary Presentation Assembly
12.45 – 2.00pm Secondary Presentation Assembly
Primary Step Up afternoon
Primary Step Up afternoon will take place on Friday 1 December. Students will receive a letter that identifies their class teacher for 2018. Please be aware that we do not take parent requests for teachers in this process, however, we do consider additional information that you think we should be aware of. Every care is taken by teachers and the Welfare Leaders to ensure that students are placed in the best class for them. There are many factors we consider in making class lists, including the childrens’ sociograms, academic needs, balance of gender etc. Please trust our experience and professionalism in this process.
Mrs Mellissa Evans
Deputy Principal
Primary News
Student Representative Council
Our Student Representative Council organised a Basketball House Cup Challenge, where students in each stage play in their house basketball team versing another house team in their stage. This was to encourage students to earn points for their house in a fun, social basketball game with their friends.
Due to the wet weather, Stage One games took place over two weeks.
Percival earned 50 points for their house and Smith earned 25 points.
In the second basketball game, Walker and Brockington drew the game and earned their house 30 points each.
Last week, Kindergarten students played their basketball games and achieved the following points for their house.
Percival earned 50 points for their house and Walker earned 25 points.
In the second game, Smith earned 50 points and Brockington earned 25 points for their house.
Mrs Merilyn Mule' Mr Paul Christensen
K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6 Welfare Leader
Secondary News
Lighthouse program
EAC students have been participating in many community service events this term, which form part of the Colleges Lighthouse program. Year 10 and 11 students donated blood at the Lismore blood donation centre and the blood has been used to support members of the local community. Connor Barron has led the way in making poppies, under the tuition of Ms Selby, Ms Campbell and Ms Hood, for the war memorial in Canberra. Luke Mounic, Erica Truman and many other Year 11 students have been volunteering in the school canteen which has been an amazing help to Ms Christine Hall. Year 10 students will also complete a variety of community service activities on their Alternative Program next week which will include work with Anglicare and St Andrew’s Village residents. The secondary social will be help on Wednesday 22 November and will raise funds for our World Vision sponsor child and also assist the education of young students through our Cambodian partnership organisation.
Mr Joel Jukes
Welfare Leader Secondary
Lets Celebrate our students
We would like to celebrate the achievements of our students who participated in non-school activities. Hover over the photo and see the story of each of these students.
Luke Flavel
Luke Flavel from Year 8 was presented with the Perpetual Trophy by Tintenbar-East Football Club for five years service with the club.
Angelina Marchant
Alstonville Showgirls Competition 2017Sunday 22nd October Angelina spent most of the day in interviews with the judging panel. Then on Tuesday 24th October there was a Showgirl dinner where 130 guests watched the girls be interviewed on Stage. They were judged on their Personality, Confidence, Etiquette, Community Spirit and Rural Knowledge. Out of the 8 girls in the competition Angelina was awarded Runner up. -
Bailey Wilson
Bailey was selected in the Swimming North Coast Achievers Squad & competed at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Saturday 7 October 2017. The NSW Achievers Squad swim meet was conducted by Swimming NSW against other Nsw & Act regional swimming teams & selection criteria was based on times & results achieved in competitive swimming over the previous 12 months. He competed in 5 events including 50m events for each stroke & he was also selected as the first swimmer in the 4 x 50m freestyle relay for his age group & the team placed 3rd. He achieved 3 PB's in his other events.
Annaleise Kelvin
Annalise Kelvin - Some of her dancing achievements in 2017
Charlotte Shepherd
Charlotte Shepherd Year 5 awarded Junior Girl Champion of Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore Surf Life Saving Club in 2016/2017. Charlotte is well on her way to gaining this for the fourth consecutive year.
Hayden Kelvin
Hayden Kelvin in Year 3 competed in the Robina triathlon.
Ethan Jenkins and Will Cass
1st division soccer win for Lennox Head
From The Office
Second hand uniform shop
The EAC second hand uniform shop will be open in the Ezzy Centre every Tuesday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm until the end of term. Please note the uniform shop is cash only.
There is a range of clothing available across primary and secondary school and for senior students there are Blazers in stock. If you would like to donate uniforms please drop them into the front office.
Margaret and Patsy
Administration - Front Office
On Track Private Tutoring (K - 6) 2018
Parents who wish to enrol their children for English and/or Mathematics tutoring for 2018 should complete the enrolment form available from the EAC office. There are limited places and times available. Please respond before the end of term. This is an independent tutoring service.
Joan Pickup
Rilla Banbrook
Gail Sloan
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
LAST DAY OF CANTEEN 2017 - 1 December
With the college year coming to an end I will be cutting back on my ordering so that excess stock is not being held over the Christmas break.
I will always have available fresh items sandwiches, rolls etc but will also guarantee dino nuggets and junior pies. Thank you for your continuing support of the canteen in 2017.
Please give a second option on ALL lunch orders
No Longer Available
Ham & pineapple pizza
Chicken stir fry
Ice cream cups
Subway - 28th November
Help in the canteen 2018
If you would like to help in the canteen in 2018 please print from the link below and email chall@eac.nsw.edu.au or hand in the form to Christine at the Canteen.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668