"Happy are those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy."
Matthew 5:7
From The Principal
End of Year Events
In response to the ongoing restrictions on schools and events as a result of the pandemic, acknowledging student academic, extra curricular, pastoral and cultural achievements will take place in a different format this year.
To meet social distancing and attendance requirements, the College will run a number of much smaller events, based on individual Year and Stage groups. Events have already taken place for Year 11 and Year 12 and invitations have already been sent for events involving Kindergarten and Year 6.
The remaining award presentation events will be scheduled for the last week of term and will take place at the College. Each event will be a Covid-safe event and only invited guests will be able to attend. Sadly, we cannot support an open invitation event and so only the parents of students receiving an award will be invited to attend. Attendance will be restricted to the official guest list and unfortunately siblings and extended family will not be able to attend any of the events.
While smaller, each event will still be held in a very dignified way to honour the achievements and efforts of the cohort and particularly those students receiving awards. Further detail about specific events will be sent to the award recipient families next week.
The Multi Purpose Centre and the refurbishment and extension of S Block continue to progress at a rapid rate. Both facilities will prove to be wonderful additions to the resources available for students for many years to come. In the coming week, the extensive concrete floor of the Multi Purpose Centre will be poured, allowing it to set over the Christmas and New Year break. As work starts up again in early January, construction of the metal frame will begin in earnest. The project has a handover date in early Term Three next year.
The S Block refurbishment will be finished in time for the commencement of the new school year. The construction of the new Food Technology kitchen will continue through Term One, with the facility being fully functional for the start of Term Two.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
The end of the year is fast approaching and we are presently planning for end of year events, whilst at the same time completing a number of tasks in readiness for the 2021 school year. Whilst this has been a year like no other for educators and indeed for all of us, there are some key things that we have learnt.
Most importantly, we have all gained a far greater understanding of the importance of grit or resilience and just how important it is for each of us in our daily lives. The power of the human spirit, the ability to press on with courage and fortitude are more important than ever. These positive human traits are what sets the good apart from the great whether it be in the business, sporting or artistic worlds. There are rarely courageous, resilient failures because these people don't give up on their goals.
For our students, this has not been an easy year and we are all aware of how it has impacted upon student mental health and motivation. The challenge for each of us in 2021 is to find it within ourselves to bounce back (or Snapback as Sco Mo says) and reclaim our energy, vigour and motivation. 2021 will hopefully be a bumper year and each member of the EAC community can play a part in helping grow and enhance our collective capacity as a community.
I am looking forward to celebrating excellence in student achievement in the coming weeks when we conduct our Presentation Day ceremonies. Mr Tobias will write with further details regarding the arrangements for these in the near future.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 4 Week 8
Monday 30 November
Year 10 Transition Week
Year 10 Elevate Study Skills Session - Ezzy Centre - 11.18am
Primary Brainstorm Productions-Discovery Centre - K-2 - 9.45am; 3-4 - 11.50am; 5 - 1.30pm
Year 6 Local Area Activities
Under 15 Touch Football vs RCC - 1.00pm - Oval
Tuesday 1 December
Year 10 Transition Week
Christmas Video Recording - All day
Kindergarten Celebration - St Mary’s Anglican Church
Wednesday 2 December
Year 10 Transition Week
Year 7 2021 Experience Day - 9.00am - Ezzy Centre
Year 7 and Year 11 2021 Buddies Meet
Primary Interhouse Basketball - Courts - All day
Primary Step Up Day
Thursday 3 December
Year 10 Transition Week
Year 10 Retreat - St Mary’s Anglican Church - All day
Year 6 Celebration - St Mary’s Anglican Church and then back at EAC for dinner and trivia
Primary Interhouse Basketball - Courts
Friday 4 December
Year 10 Transition Week
Tobias Marquardt Cup Sport at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School - 11.30am -5.00pm
Secondary Sport - Years 7-10 - Periods 5 and 6
Term 4 Week 9
Monday 7 December
Primary Presentation Day - TBC
Tuesday 8 December
Secondary Presentation Day - TBC
Wednesday 9 December
Picnic Day - All day
Term 4 concludes
Chaplain's Chat
This coming weekend will be the first Sunday in Advent. In my home this has traditionally been the weekend when we put up all our Christmas decorations. My granddaughters call this ‘chriserating’ – I think that is an excellent word! This year we won’t be chriserating at our home. We actually haven’t been living in our home for all of this term. We got some damage to our roof in a storm, which led to some repairs to be done….which led to a decision to ‘do all the renovations we had planned while we were at it.’ Seemed like an excellent idea to rip that renovation band aid off all at once, and I am sure once it is complete we will be glad. But right now, it simply feels strange to not be in our own home at this time of year. It isn’t awful – just different and we feel a little out of place.
Seems like an accurate summation of lots of aspect of this year doesn’t it. Not necessarily awful –but we are left feeling a little, well, off kilter.
I think the end of year wrap up events at school are going to be like that too. The induction of our new Student Leaders felt quite different, but in the end it was lovely and personal. A smaller group meant more time to see everyone and to notice all the students. Similarly with the Year 12 Graduation and Formal. As we move to our Presentation Days for all our students, I know it is going to seem strange for students and parents alike as we have to hold them on campus, and with no parents or special guests in attendance. I am grateful that the College Bands will be playing at each assembly and we will still have all the usual component, but on a much smaller scale.
And there is no doubt it will be strange.
But as my husband and I are learning, strange times invite opportunities for us to create new ways to do things, new ways to celebrate and new rituals to create.
Story telling becomes so important doesn’t it – talking to each other about what the end of year was like for you at school, and how we might have remembered it from previous years. Then how will we mark the end of this year? If your child is acknowledged in some way – then maybe you’ll need to find that shrub in the back yard to take the pictures to send to proud family and friends (because ALL special event photos in my family were taken on the drive way near the bush with orange flowers!).
Some years ago now, because of my work, we had to move in the last month of the school term, which meant that my sons missed all the end of term events and their awards were posted to them after the event. When they finally did arrive…much to their disgust, we made them get tidied up, presented their certificates to them, took photos and then had a celebratory family dinner and movie. From then on, the end of year has always been marked with a family dinner and movie (at home!). Indeed, when my eldest finished his first year at uni…we had to have the family dinner and movie – and I bet I know what he and his family will be doing in a couple of weeks time too! It is funny how easily traditions are developed.
What richness is added to our lives because of events that force us to think in new ways! I wonder, and would love to hear, how you are going to celebrate the end of term with your family this year. In spite of all the strangeness, we still have so much to be grateful for, and so much to celebrate!
Rev. Sally Miller
Dear God,
In Advent, we start thinking about Christmas.
Not just about cards and presents,
crackers and food, stockings and parcels,
but also about Jesus, coming as a baby.We also remember
that Jesus promised to come again.
We don't know what you are planning for that time, God.
But we're looking out for Jesus, now and always.Amen.
Sports Update
Kindergarten - Year 2 Mini Athletics Carnival
On Tuesday last week, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 participated in their Athletics Mini Carnival. The afternoon was great fun for the students who competed in the following events: 50m sprint, long jump, sack races, obstacle course, fly, dodge ball and rob the nest. It was fantastic to see all our young students participating enthusiastically in all the events. The Mini Carnival was also an opportunity for the students to show some of the skills they had been learning in their Little Athletics for Sport program. Thank you to our Year 9 Physical Activity and Sport Studies students and their teachers Mrs Miller and Mr Pryor who helped run the carnival as part of their unit on Event Management.
Inter School Basketball
Our Secondary Basketball teams played a double header last week, with games against Richmond Christian College on Thursday and Xavier Catholic College on Friday. Our Under 14's and 16's Boys' and Girls' teams won their games against Richmond. While on Friday, our teams played very well but went down to some strong Xavier teams. The students have really been enjoying the opportunity to represent their school on a regular basis. Stand out players for EAC this week in the boys were Nkosi Malaba, Bailey Wilson, Abe Tasker and Lukyn Patrick. For the girls, Hana Mills, Mia Beattie, Olivia Mills and Lily Awad all had very strong games. Thank you to Bailey Wilson, Abe Tasker, Nkosi Malaba and Zane Crowe for assisting with refereeing on the day.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Music Notes
Please see below the video links to the recent Concert Band Performances. The performances included students from Year 3 to Year 12 and showcased the repertoire they have been rehearsing over the last term.
Mr Adam Holmes
Concert Band Leader
Secondary Concert Band Performance
Primary Concert Band Performance
Year 4 Concert Band Performance
Year 3 Development Concert Band Performance
Secondary News
Elective Photography
Let There be Light! Year 10 Photographic and Digital Media have used basic materials to construct their own photographic lightboxes. This simple invention allows students to capture the image of an object against a clean, white backdrop. The result is a crisp, commercial or studio-looking photograph. Students were asked to bring in an object to shoot, whether it be a significant item or just something visually interesting. It was a lot of fun and we were very pleased with the quality of the images!
Mrs Raguse
Secondary Teacher - English and Photography
Drama Club
Students from Year 7 have enjoyed the opportunity to 'break a leg' at our lunch time Drama Club. Ms Brown and Mrs Raguse have been hosting a group of keen performers, facilitating a range of movement and voice activities such as improvisation, freeze frames and sound montages. This lunch time club has been a wonderful way for students to form and strengthen friendships, build confidence and of course - have fun!
Mrs Raguse
Secondary Teacher - English and Photography
Primary Update
We hope you enjoy the latest Primary Assembly Video
Term 4, Week 7
Peer Support - Session 6
In Peer Support last week, the focus was on Step 2 of the model, Plan. Children learnt the need to develop a range of coping strategies and to be creative in drawing on these when planning responses. Responses included persevering, seeing the positive side to situations and engaging in activities they enjoyed as a distraction for a short time.
Peer Support - Session 7
In Peer Support this week, the Peer Leaders further developed the range of strategies that students could use in challenging situations. This session focused on Step 3 of the model, Proceed. In order to learn from situations and move forward, children needed to go beyond thinking of strategies and action them. Children recognised, despite the use of a range of strategies, sometimes they could not change the situation. At these times, it was important to accept the situation and move forward with a positive outlook.
Paul Christensen and Kate Sculley
Early Learning Centre News
Due to the impact of COVID-19, many of our planned incursions were cancelled, however, at the tail end of the year we were able to reschedule our 'Wild Ranger Wildlife' and 'Bugs Gone Wild' learning experiences. These experiences afford children the opportunity to touch, hold, observe and learn about some of Australia's native animals, their habitats, diets, safety features and needs. Children are supported and empowered to feel all the feelings - brave, excited, scared, awe, wonder and love, as they engage with each creature in a manner that suits them. These learning experiences enable children to practice care, empathy and respect as we learn that the biggest threat to every animal is human impact and climate change - loss of habitat and food due to land clearing, rubbish, bushfires, drought and driving too fast on country roads. We learned that our big animals, like Salty the salt water crocodile and our small animals, like the Australian wood roach, all have a role to play in maintaining the balance of nature. Our intention and hope is that young children will drive change due to their developing insight, affection and understanding about the importance of interrelatedness of all living things.
Mrs Natasha Livock
Early Learning Centre Coordinator
Library News
Talented trio Kai Rodziewicz, John Hobson and Sunny Gao have been writing and illustrating their own series of comic books in the Library. These Year 5 students draw inspiration from Graphic Novels like Dog Man and have produced their own titles Cat Man, The Hunger Cats and Land of the Dead.
This week they visited 2A to talk about how they write and illustrate their comic books together and where their ideas come from. They each read from their own comic books and answered lots and lots of questions from the eager students.
Their comic books are available to read in the Library.
Mrs Wilson-Jones
Library Resource Centre Manager
ALL library books need to be returned
by next Wednesday 2 December 2020
Second Hand Uniform Shop
To ensure social distancing is maintained, parents/carers will need to make an appointment.
Don't forget - the Second Hand Uniform Shop is cash only.
Please phone the front office on 6681 5054 or
email enquiries@eac.nsw.edu.au to book a time.
Stuck for gift ideas this Christmas?
Look no further! Friends of EAC are offering a special discount on Our Ballina Table cook books:
$20 each or 2 cook books for $30
President - Friends of EAC
Low stock - please give a second option.
With the college year coming to an end, I will be cutting back on my ordering so that excess stock is not being held over the Christmas break.
Please give another option of either a fresh sandwich or roll, Dino Nuggets, or Junior Pie as most other items are running low in stock.
Thank you for your continuing support of the canteen in 2020.
The revised menu is below for your information and is also available on the College website.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items.
If you are ordering a drink with your lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering RECESS, you must have a separate recess bag.
RECESS: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Recess Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A
Cheesymite Scroll
Pack Sultanas, Small
LUNCH BAG 1: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Lunch Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Snack Pie
LUNCH BAG 2: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Drink Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Orange Juice
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Coodinator