Term 4 | Week 3 | 28 October 2022
"I am sure of this, that God who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion.."
St Paul writing to the Phillippians 6:1
From The Principal
Across the College this week we are seeing the culmination of the great efforts of both students and staff. From the final sell out shows of Matilda, to sporting championships for our basketballers, and of course the conclusion of our HSC exams, our students are reaping the rewards of hours, weeks and years of dedication and focus. Congratulations one and all on your accomplishments. Whether they be met with applause, an impressive mark or simply the sense of satisfaction of a job well done, enjoy your achievements and know we are proud of you.
This weekend will see our season of Matilda draw to close. Students and staff alike have been thrilled with the support our community has shown and extra shows and tickets have been released due to popular demand. Reviews of the show have been excellent and the talents of our students both on stage and behind the scenes has impressed many. Thank you to the parents, grandparents and carers who have volunteered their time and expertise to bring the production to life. Hair and make up, set and prop creation, costuming and even laundry have all been executed by this fabulous team and we are all so very grateful.
There's still much to come in what remains of Term 4. I encourage you to take note of our 'Upcoming Events' section of the newsletter as there are plenty of diary dates in the coming weeks. After the long stretch of COVID lockdowns and restricted events, it is a joy to have students' families once again celebrating with us in person. I look forward to welcoming you to the various occasions we have planned.
Mr Rob Tobias
Year 5 were having a busy morning today between preparing for the Lego League final on Saturday on the Gold Coast as well as putting the final touches to their Innovation Projects. The purpose of the Lego League this year is to challenge students to develop new, innovative ways to rethink and improve how energy is generated and used.
They had to build and code their LEGO® machines, including Blockbuster Bob, to perform energy-themed missions in the SUPERPOWERED Robot Game.
The missions reflect potential thought-starters for their self-directed Innovation Project where students will identify a problem related to how energy is generated, stored, distributed, and consumed; research the problem; and design a new piece of technology or improve an existing one to help them solve that problem. One innovation was a plant made mask, designed by Emma Scholz in Year 5, which used a variety of natural elements including leaves and bamboo to create a device to stop people getting affected by pollution.
These cross-curriculum projects help foster the imagination of the students and challenge them to engage more in the world around them. We wish them every success for the finals this weekend!
Dia dhaoibh
Mr Francis McGuigan
Deputy Principal
Next Week...
Monday 7 November
- Year 7 and 8 Girls' Netball Training @ 7.30am
- Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course for Year 12 leavers
Tuesday 8 November
- NCIS Primary Basketball Competition, Coffs Harbour, bus departs @ 6am
- Year 12 Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) Table Tennis Excursion
- Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course for Year 12 leavers
- Friends of EAC 2nd Hand Uniform Shop open @ 2.30pm - 3.30pm CASH ONLY PLEASE
Wednesday 9 November
- Japanese Culture Day, Lindsay Walker Centre @ 8.30am - 3pm
- Year 12 Formal @ Ballina RSL
Thursday 10 November
- Primary Touch Training @ 7.30am
- Year 9 Human Movement Science Table Tennis Excursion
- After School Basketball Program @ 3.30pm
Friday 11 November
- EAC representatives to attend Ballina Rememberance Day Memorial Service
Saturday 12 November
- Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Excursion to Camp Bornhoffen
Coming Soon...
Monday 14 November
- Year 7 and 8 Girls Netball Training @ 7.30am
- Year 9 Human Movement Incursion
- 2022/23 Student Leaders' Induction Ceremony, St Mary's Church Ballina @ 9am - 10.30am
Tuesday 15 November
- Primary Touch Training @ 7.30am
- Primary Basketball vs The Living School
- Friends of EAC Meeting @ 6.30pm @ Mezza At The Point Restaurant and Bar
Wednesday 16 November
- Year 3 - 5 Band End of Year Concert
- Year 12 History Extension Seminar Day
- Anglican Country Schools Week
- Year 6 Celebration Evening, St Mary's Church @ 6pm - 7pm
Thursday 17 November
- Primary Touch Training @ 7.30am
- Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day
- 'Out of the Box' Kids Fest
- Year 9 Human Movement Bowling and Croquet Excursion
- Year 3-6 After School Basketball Program @ 3pm - 5pm
Tuesday 22 November
- Year 9 Marine Studies Snorkelling Excursion to Julian Rocks
Wednesday 23 November
- Secondary Concert Bands Concert Workshop
- Year 9 Information and Software Technology (IST) Excursion to SAE Byron Bay
Thursday 24 November
- Year 7 Experience Day
- Primary 'Step Up' Day
- Year 9 Japanese Restaurant Excursion
- Kindergarten 2023 Parent Information Evening @ 7pm
Friday 25 November
- Closing date for Anglicare Toys & Tucker donations
Monday 28 November
- Whole College Chapel, The Lindsay Walker Centre @ 11am
- EAC Christmas Concert, The Lindsay Walker Centre @ 6.30pm
Tuesday 29 November
- Year 6 Camp
Thursday 1 December
- Kindergarten Christmas Pageant, St Mary's Church Ballina, @ 10am - 11am
Monday 5 December
- Year 3 and 4 Picnic Day
Tuesday 6 December
- Years 3, 4 and 5 Student Academic and Special Awards Presentation Ceremony, Lindsay Walker Centre @ 9.15am - 10.30am
- Years 1 and 2 Student Academic and Special Awards Presentation Ceremony, Lindsay Walker Centre @ 2pm - 3pm
Wednesday 7 December
- Years 7 and 8 Student Academic and Special Awards Presentation Ceremony, Lindsay Walker Centre @ 9.15am - 10.45am
- Years 9 and 10 Student Academic and Special Awards Presentation Ceremony, Lindsay Walker Centre @ 11.30am - 1pm
- Last Day of Term 4
Thursday 15 December
- Early Learning Centre and Vacation Care Last Day for 2022
Wednesday 21 December
- Administration Office Last Day for 2022
Anglicare 2022 Toys & Tucker Appeal
Each year the EAC Community rally to support the Anglicare Toys & Tucker appeal. The appeal collects food and gifts and donates them to families who would otherwise go without.
Given the challenges we've all faced in 2022, this year will see more families than ever struggling to make ends meet leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
If you're able, please donate delicious, non-perishable food and a gift or two so. Imagine yourself in the position of the receiver and give goods that will be of use and bring joy.
Please send in items with students who will bring to their classrooms. Closing date for donations is Friday 25 November.
For more information, contact Rev Greer: ghudson@eac.nsw.edu.au
Sports Round Up
All for the Swish!
On Tuesday 1 November, four EAC teams travelled together to Coffs Harbour for the 2022 NCIS Basketball competition. This competition was held over two sites with all teams working together and showing great teamwork skills throughout the day.
Mr Mike Ryan
Leader of Sport and Coaching
Music Notes
We're a hit!
Thank you everyone who has already seen our production of Matilda! We've had fantastic feedback from showgoers and the kids are bursting with pride. For those booked to see the show this weekend, you're in for a real treat.
Remaining Matilda Show Season Dates
Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 5 November - Matinee @ 2pm & FINAL Evening Performance @ 7pm
Principal, Mr Rob Tobias and Matilda Director, Ms Jacquie McCalman
Great Gala!
Thanks to everyone who came along to our Gala event last Friday 28 October to celebrate the opening of Matilda. With catering by our very own Mr Ben McRae and Year 11 Hospitality students, the evening was a great success. Thanks to Ms Jasmine Jordan who did a great job transforming the Joan Pickup Library for the event.
Library Lowdown
Bravo Brockington Buddies
Thank you Year 12 Brockington Community Service helpers Chris, Chiron and Nick who assisted with shelving, stocktake and story time this week in the Library. We really enjoyed having you involved and applaud the example you set for our younger students.
Canteen Cookup
Yes, We Can!
Don't you just hate it when you're super organised and then life throws you a curve ball? Like when you place a canteen order ahead of time and then your child is sick on the day? Well never fear, the EAC Canteen is here! If you find yourself in this situation, just let our Administration Team know you have a lunch order when advising that your child will be absent and we'll arrange to hold over your order/s until their return to College.
We're always happy to help.
Ms Christine Hall
Canteen Coordinator
How To EAC
Here's a reminder of our pick up times for the end of each College day for your ease of reference;
3pm-3.20pm at Primary Pick Up/Drop Off Zone
3.20pm-4pm at front of Administration Building
Primary students on-site after 4pm will be transferred to After College Hours Care and your account will be charged accordingly
After College Hours Care closes at 5.30pm
Emergency supervision of Primary students after 5.30pm will incur a fee of $25 per 15 minutes
From 3.08pm at Front of Administration Building
All Secondary students are required to leave the College campus by 4pm unless attending a scheduled and supervised College event
Early Learning Centre Corner
Allora! It's Pizza Time at the ELC
Yes, you read that right! Our little ELCers have been baking up a storm this week. On Friday it was Pizza Time. The children made their own dough from scratch, topped the pizzas with their choice of toppings and marvelled at their ability to create something so delicious!
Cooking is one of our most popular activities with the ELC menu featuring delicacies such as soup, toast and, of course, PIZZA!
Somehow here at the ELC, even the washing up is on everyone's 'must do' list!
Ms Nicole Wilson
Director of the Early Learning Centre
Primary Pulse
Means You're Invited!
Go shōtai sa rete imasu!
You're invited to the Emmanuel Anglican College 2022 Primary Japanese Culture Day!
In the spirit of promoting cultural diversity and to further enhance EAC's Primary School Japanese Program, the College is holding a Japanese Culture Day on Wednesday 9 November 2022 (Week 5).
The day will commence with a professional Taiko (drum) performance/mini workshop followed by a Bon Odori (Obon festival dance) demonstration in the Lindsay Walker Centre.
Following the performances, students will participate in a Japanese Matsuri (festival) with stalls organised and run by the Year 6 students in the Innovation Centre.
All students have contributed to decorating the Innovation Centre in anticipation of what will be a culturally rich and enjoyable day.
Issho ni kite, watashitachi ni sanka shite kudasai! Come along and join us!
Mr Wayne Cross, Director of the Primary School
Ms Jennifer Buddee, Teacher of Japanese and International Student Coordinator
3, 2, 1... LEGO!
On Saturday 5 November, four teams of primary students will be competing in the First Lego League Regional Competition at Mermaid Waters.
For more than ten weeks, the students have been preparing their Robot Games and Innovation Projects about a 'SUPERPOWERED' problem.
All teams have put in their best in preparing for the day.
I’d like to wish them all the best on the day.
Ms Julie Beavis
Teacher - Mathematics and Computing
Secondary Scoop
Check that Self Talk
Have you ever looked in the mirror and said “I’m fat,” or stood on the blocks at a swimming carnival and looked at your competitors and thought “I’m never going to win”. We all have an inner critic and involve ourselves in negative self talk but have we ever sat down and realised how this impacts on our wellbeing.
The inner critic and the internal monologue needs to move from negative self talk to one of self compassion and kindness. Negative self talk is not evidence of something wrong that needs to be fixed, it does not mean that we should avoid uncomfortable or unpleasant emotions but it needs to be turned into self compassion. We need to support our mind with our bodies. We need to breath, relax and practice mindfulness to help alleviate stress and anxiety. We need to start to treat ourselves as if we were a friend. We would never say these negative things to a friend, instead we would be positive and say that it is going to be ok. Speaking to ourselves with warmth and kindness and train our thoughts with a new monologue which is more positive and hopeful.
Although it is difficult to foster self compassion in the modern world that is geared towards competition we need to learn to embrace compassion for ourselves just like we would exercise everyday we need to make a commitment to a lifelong journey of positive comments and self talk.
Ms Amanda Middleton
Director of the Secondary School
Could this be the Best Excursion Ever?
On Point Onigiri
Together with Ms Payton, Year 7 Japanese recently made onigiri. If you don’t know what onigiri is, it is known as omusubi or rice ball. It is a Japanese food made from rice formed into triangular shapes and often wrapped in nori.
To make onigiri you must first prepare the rice in a rice cooker, then add the furikake to the rice. You can use a mould or your hands to shape the rice into the traditional triangle shape. Lastly wrap your onigiri in nori also known as seaweed. It's that simple!
When making this in the cooking rooms it was a delightful experience. I hope in coming years other classes have the opportunity to make onigiri and have as much fun as we did.
Alyssa and Martha
Year 7
Pick Me!
Thanks goes out to the families of Secondary students who have so enthusiastically purchased our new House coloured sports shirts. They look fantastic and are a great way to show your House spirit.
The School Locker has advised that some Secondary students are still purchasing EAC sports shirts which are now reserved for Primary students. To help ensure adequate stock of these EAC shirts for Primary families, we ask that all Secondary students purchasing new sports uniforms choose only their respective House shirts.
In the interests of the environment and family budgets, Secondary students are still permitted to wear the EAC sports shirts they already own though they will eventually be phased out.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Friends of EAC
A Happy Ending for Friends' Donations
Thanks to funds raised by the 2022 Friends of EAC Book Swap, the Joan Pickup Library is now home to a haul of fabulous new books! Keep a look out for books featuring the label 'This book was purchased with the money raised in the Book Week Book Swap 2022'.
Thanks to everyone for your support of this event. The benefits of new books for our library stretch across the whole of the College and we hope you all enjoy them!
Save the Date for Some Merry Friends at Mezza
The next meeting of the Friends of EAC will be held at Mezza at the Point Restaurant and Bar at 6.30pm, Tuesday 15 November 2022.
This will be the Friends final meeting for 2022 and we'd love to have you there to celebrate a big year.
It's Open!
The Friends of EAC 2nd Hand Uniform Shop will be open this Tuesday 8 November from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Come on in and grab those goodies! Cash only this time, so swing by the bank on your way.
Honor Roll
Introducing Our 2022/2023 Student Leader of Arts and Culture
Lily Smith
Hi, my name is Lily Smith, and I am the Arts and Culture Leader for 2023. I have attended Emmanuel Anglican College since year two. Just as the College has changed and evolved, so have I. My focus this year as a leader is to actively appreciate and promote the arts through initiatives that allow students the opportunity to showcase their skills. I have many initiatives that I hope will help improve the College's culture, one being a Reconciliation Action Plan, as I believe it is the first step among many in the right direction. I have many ideas to bring to this leadership position regarding arts and culture, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so.