Term 4 | Week 1 | 16 October 2019
‘For those who have been given much, much will be expected:’ Luke 12:48
From The Principal
Welcome back to all our staff and students for Term 4! I hope all those that had holidays enjoyed their break and made the most of the lovely spring weather.
Term 4 is always a very busy term with a number of significant events and celebrations. I encourage all families to view the College calendar and to note the dates of those significant events so that you can place them in your diary to assist with planning during this busy time of year. In particular I wanted to highlight Friend’s Freaky Friday on Friday 1 November commencing at 3.30pm. The afternoon is designed to be a fun family afternoon with activities and rides, disco for Primary students and food. A highlight of the afternoon will be the EAC Colour Run. Students have been invited to raise funds by seeking sponsors and joining in the community colour run as part of the afternoon. Further details about how to register and the afternoon activities is available in this newsletter and on the College website. Please note this fun afternoon is for all students and families and there will be rides and activities for secondary students as well.
It is with mixed emotion that I announce the retirement of two wonderful educators who have given an enormous amount to the communities in which they have worked throughout their long and distinguished careers. After 45 years of teaching Mathematics in the Northern Rivers, Ms Maureen Selby is going to retire. Maureen’s passion and genius when it comes to Mathematics education is widely known, greatly respected and highly valued. Her love of Mathematics is as vibrant at the end of her career as it was at the beginning. Maureen has worked with countless students encouraging them to meet the mathematical challenge, deepen their knowledge and grow their understanding. Her huge intellect has enabled her to explain and demonstrate really complex concepts in simpler, easy to understand language. In recent years she has focused her energies on the highest levels of HSC mathematics and the Mathematics Enrichment Program for students in Years 5 to 8. Maureen will be greatly missed by her students and the teaching staff.
Just as sad is the news that after 36 Years of teaching, Mr Chris McCotter has decided to step back from full time teaching. Chris is a much loved teacher who is renowned for his funny stories, spontaneity and high energy. Chris has a contagious smile and his effervescent and positive nature create a welcoming, happy and inspiring classroom. Chris has taught primary and middle school classes in Queensland and New South Wales and leaves a wonderful legacy as the teacher who made learning fun and always encouraged students to ‘have a go’ and do their best.
We say congratulations and thank you to both Ms Selby and Mr McCotter for their generosity, wonderful service and outstanding contribution to students and their learning.
On Monday 21 October, Year 11 Reports will be available via the Parent Portal. On Thursday 24 October, Parent and Teacher Interviews will take place for Year 11 and the College will hold the HSC Assessment Information Evening in the Ezzy Centre commencing at 6.30. This is a very significant evening for Year 11 as they commence their HSC studies.
I ask all our families to keep Year 12 in their thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks as commence their HSC examinations on Thursday 17 October. We pray that they can remain calm and focused and that all their study will ensure that they have prepared well and will be able to demonstrate their best. The examinations will continue until early November.
Have a wonderful term.
Mr Rob Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
As we commence the final term of the academic year we now begin the process of planning all the events to celebrate student success, student rites of passage and milestones that wrap up the school year. We also commence in earnest the planning process the 2020 school year. This planning to finish the current and envision the future is one that involves much teamwork on behalf of staff, students and parents. A very wise leader whom I worked under as a young teacher always subscribed to the notion of home school partnerships as being an equilateral triangle where each side contributed equally, in partnership and in relative harmony in order to help the student (the point of the triangle) to achieve his/her best. I love this analogy as it reminds me of the importance of the home supporting the school and working with us if there is an issue. Let’s hope that we can all work together productively to have a great Term 4 where student success is at the very point of the triangle.

Best of luck to our Year 11 students who have been at Coffs Harbour this week on the Year 11 retreat. This is a vital element of a carefully structured process that supports all of our Year 11 students make the transition to Year 12 as well as providing them with the opportunity to develop and put forward their leadership credentials so that we can finalise the process for the selection of the College student leadership team for 2020. I hope that the Year 11 students have a great time with lots of learning about themselves, others and the necessity of serving others if you are to be a great student leader. It is an exciting time for this cohort and I am positive that we will unearth some great student leadership talent amongst the students.
Please note that there is no Whole College Chapel next Tuesday 22 October. This Chapel has been moved to Tuesday 5 November and Year 12 leaders will be inducted as the central focus of this service.
Finally, best of luck to the Year 12 students who commence their HSC Examinations this week. There will no doubt be some great challenges that they will face over the coming weeks and we ask that you hold them in your thoughts and prayers as they endeavor to perform to the best of their abilities in these examinations.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 4 Week 2
Monday 21 October
Year 7 and Year 10 Immunisations-9.00am-Library
HSC Written Examinations-None on this day
Tuesday 22 October
HSC Written Examinations-Japanese Continuers
NCIS Tennis Championships-Primary/Secondary-Grafton
Wednesday 23 October
HSC Written Examinations-Modern History, IDT
Thursday 24 October
HSC Written Examinations-PDHPE
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews-3.30-6.30pm-Library
HSC Information Evening-6.30pm-Ezzy Centre
Friday 25 October
HSC Written Examinations-Mathematics Standard, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension
Kindergarten Excursion to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
NORPA Excursion
Secondary Sport
Term 4 Week 3
Monday 28 October
Long You Kema visit
HSC Written Examinations-Biology
Tuesday 29 October
Primary Basketball Training-7.15-8.30am
Primary Life Education
Primary Assembly
HSC Written Examinations-Business Studies, Drama
Wednesday 30 October
Primary Life Education
Primary House Cup Basketball
HSC Written Examinations-IPT
Thursday 31 October
Primary House Cup Basketball
HSC Written Examinations-Ancient History, Industrial Technology.
Friday 1 November
Freaky Friday-Friends of EAC event on the oval and courts-3.00pm-7.00pm
HSC Written Examinations-English Extension 1
Secondary Sport
Saturday 2 November
EAC is hosting First Lego League-8.00-5.00pm
Sports Update
Bailey Wilson and Jack Whitaker represent EAC at the NSW All Schools Athletics
Congratulations to Bailey Wilson (Year 8) and Jack Whitaker (Year 7) who represented EAC at the NSW All Schools Athletics Championships. The championships were held in Sydney at the end of last term.
Bailey competed in the High Jump and finished 11th, he was below his best height on the day but still did a great job at this high standard competition.
Jack had a very good competition with personal bests in his three events. He placed 5th in the High Jump with a 1.60 m jump, 7th in Long Jump with a jump of 5.30 m and 10th in the 400 m in a time of 59.1 sec.
Well done Jack and Bailey we are very proud of your achievements.
Mr Graham Walker
Sports and Coaching Administrator
Austin Cross top ranked junior sailor (U15) in NSW
Austin Cross won the NSW Youth Championships 2019 Optimist Open class which were held at Lake Macquarie during the recent school holidays. He won six of the nine races and finished second third and fifth in the other three. A resounding victory. He also won one of the NSW Travelers trophy regatta series held at Royal Sydney Yacht Club a few weeks ago and is currently the top ranked junior sailor (U15) in NSW and looking forward to a season of good results ahead.

Congratulations Cooper Lamb on UK Football Tour
Cooper Lamb was recently selected from players in the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Coffs Harbour regions in an U12 football (soccer) team to play against some of the top tier academy teams in the English Premier and Championship Leagues in England including Liverpool, Everton, Derby, and Sheffield. It was an incredible experience enabling him to go behind the scenes at some of the biggest football clubs in the world and see their facilities, speak to the coaches and understand what it takes to be a professional football player. The team were very successful on their tour being undefeated with 8 wins and one draw. We would like to congratulate Cooper as he was awarded “Player of the tour” for his solid performance on the field, perseverance, passion and leadership qualities.
Early Learning Centre News

Literacy and numeracy are concepts that are embedded in the everyday here at the Early Learning Centre, even during the school holidays! It is a shared delight when young children begin to make connections and eagerly call, "I see a H, that's the start of my name!" says Harrison as he sings the alphabet song whilst touching each letter on the Rainbow Serpent puzzle.
Scout shares his knowledge of letter sounds as we sit together solving our new alphabet puzzle, " 'c' is for cat and corn and crazy pants", laughs Scout.

A small group of friends engage in a game of hopscotch, counting and moving in time to hop with each count involves a lot of thinking and processing skills.
Intentionally placing real and meaningful resources into play spaces affords the transfer of knowledge from one context to another. Here, a cook book in the 'home corner' provides Savannah an opportunity to share stories about her favourite foods and cooking at home with her family. Early literacy and numeracy are embedded in cooking processes, evident as we made Laobing from a recipe shared with us from Nolan's Mum.

Library News
Scholastic Book Club Issue 7 catalogues will be sent home with all Early Learning Centre and Primary Students this week.
Buying some books for Christmas but don’t want to spoil the surprise – simply order on-line and check the GIFT ORDER box and it will be available for collection at school by you and not given to the child.
Orders can be placed directly online with payments made by Visa or Mastercard. Paying online also unlocks great benefits and special offers throughout the year.
You may also pay by cash or with cheques payable to Scholastic Australia.
Mrs Fiona Wilson-Jones
Library Resource Centre Manager
Friends of Emmanuel
Less than 3 weeks until Freaky Friday!! Book your tickets now and SAVE.
Unlimited rides pass includes the following awesome attractions…Giant Slide…Laser Skirmish…Bungee Rock Climbing Wall…Disco…Petting Zoo and more!
Not only can you support the school and students with sponsorship through the Colour Run, if you are a business owner, sign up as an event sponsor and give your business great exposure to a loyal market.
Call for volunteers! If you would like to volunteer to help on the day, we would love to hear from you. Contact friends@eac.nsw.edu.au for more information or if you would like to volunteer to help.
Have you registered for the Colour Run yet? Don’t miss out on the chance to win some great prizes. Sign up for a student profile page at www.schoolfundraising.com.au and be sure to share your profile with everyone you know.
Check out the latest Freaky Friday news update on the EAC website or Facebook for more info.
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi: 22 October, 5 & 19 November,
Noodle Box: 29 October, 12 & 26 November
Subway: 3 December
Sushi – Tuesday 22 October
Sushi from IGA, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 22 October.. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 21 October.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
The EAC Canteen runs with 1 paid member and a team of volunteers, for this to continue we need the support of parents, grandparents etc to help out. Please check which dates you are able to help, and click on these. I will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your times.
October: 14, 17, 21, 23, 24AM, 28, 30pm
November: 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20pm, 21AM, 25
December: 2, 4
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668