Term 4 | Week 2 | 21 October 2022
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10
From The Principal
We had a lovely gathering this week with our Year 1 and Year 2 students to officially bless and open the Discovery Centre extension and the recently refurbished and extended S Block. While we have using both facilities for some time, the challenges of the pandemic, floods and the timing of the Federal election had meant it had not been possible to find a time when we could formally undertake the ceremony.
We were joined by a number of special guests including the Federal Member for Richmond, Mrs Justine Elliot MP and the Very Reverend Greg Ezzy who formally blessed and opened the new facilities.
During the ceremony we heard from Year 2 students Samuel Hunt and Lily Horsley who reported back from their Year 2 collaboration meeting on the topic ‘Why we love our new classroom spaces’. They spoke about the large classroom, the beautiful colours, how they can use the verandahs and shared learning spaces to spread out for group work, they love the large windows so they can see the sun and how they feel special to have such lovely learning spaces.
We also heard from Year 8 students Max Raguse and Summer Campbell who shared their experience of learning in the S Block. The building houses specialist spaces for Visual Art, Photography and Digital Media and Food Technology. They commented on how the new facilities give them an opportunity to undertake some of the most creative and fun subjects they are involved in and that the spaces inspire them to want to learn.
The facilities were made possible by the incredible support of the Federal Government and the Block Grant Authority who provided $1, 150,000 to support the construction of the two projects which provide a total of 8 learning spaces.
We also took time to thank the architectural team from Raunik Designs and the lead architect, Cendra Tondera as well as the team at Woollam Construction who built both projects. It was a pleasure to work with both the parties, who together achieved a fantastic outcome.
The ceremony was topped off by two incredible musical performances from Nolan Wang and Edith Hornery followed by a delightful light lunch in the Market Garden Café prepared and served by our Year 11 Hospitality students.
Mr Rob Tobias
It is always a delight to walk visitors around the College and hear that buzz of activities and conversations coming from the classrooms and the playground. I am always concerned when a school is too quiet as silence is often a sign that there is a gap or breakdown in communication, never a good thing. Here at EAC, there is certainly vitality and bustle.
Walking around the College it is great to be able to chat to the students and more importantly to listen to what they have to say. Rather than merely ask how they are, I find it beneficial to use some of the prompts listed below. It is incredible how the right question can often elucidate the most engaging response and give a richer insight into where our young people are at.
Questions you can ask instead of "How Are you?"
"What is something interesting that happened today?"
"Have there been any changes in how you're feeling?"
"If you could do any part of today over again, what would it be?"
"What have you been reading/listening to/watching lately?"
"What made you smile today?"
"What would you like to be different tomorrow?"
"How can I make your day easier right now?"
"What has been hardest for this week?"
"When did you feel appreciated/understood/loved today?"
"What has improved for you today?"
"Is there anything you want to talk about from your day?"
"What are you most excited for this week?"
"What did you do to take care of yourself today?"
"What do you wish you did a little less of today?"
"What do you wish you did more of today?"
Another busy week at the College and a week when there seems to be a constant stream of visitors coming to engage with the students. The Life Education Van was one such visitor, coming to work with the Primary kids with their mission to empower children and young people to make safer and healthier choices through education.
This mobile learning centre is working with Kindergarten to Year 6 students, teaching them health, safety and wellbeing skills to make better decisions throughout their lives. One of their tools is 'Healthy Harold' the much loved giraffe who helps teach important lessons that resonate with students.
Importantly, we acknowledge that we can’t do it all on our own. As it says in the old proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ So, with Healthy Harold the students and teachers have worked on creating positive life-long health outcomes.
Dia dhaoibh
Francis McGuigan
Deputy Principal
Next Week...
Monday 24 October
- Matilda rehearsal @ 9am - 3pm
- Year 9 Subject Selection
- HSC Exams continue
- Life Education Van visit continues
Tuesday 25 October
- Primary Basketball training @ 7.30am
- Matilda rehearsal @ 9am - 3pm
- Life Education Van visit continues
- Year 5 Interrleate
- Richmond Tweed Regional Library information sessions for Year 6 and select Year 7 and 8 classes
- HSC Exams continue
Wednesday 26 October
- Secondary Volleyball Training @ 7.30am
- Matilda rehearsal @ 9am - 3pm
- NCIS Secondary Volleyball Coffs Harbour - coach departs @ 6.00am
- HSC Exams continue
Thursday 27 October
- NCIS Tennis, Grafton - bus departs @ 6.20am
- Secondary Basketball Training @ 7.30am
- Year 9 Human Movement Science Table Tennis Excursion
- Matilda rehearsal (if required) @ 9am - 3pm
- HSC Exams continue
Friday 28 October
- Year 10 TAFE YES Program excursion
- HSC Exams continue
- Matilda Pre Show Gala @ 6pm
- Matilda Opening Night Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 29 October
- Matilda Matinee Performance @ 2pm
- Matilda Evening Performance @ 7pm
Coming Soon...
Matilda Show Season
- Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
- Saturday 5 November - Matinee 2pm + NEW Evening performance @ 7pm
Thursday 3 November
- EAC Basketball for Years 3-6
- Year 5 Bee Hive presentation
- Duke of Edinburgh training @ 3pm - 5.30pm
- HSC Exams continue
Friday 4 November
- Excursion for Year 10 TAFE YES Program
- First LEGO League Primary and Secondary Teams to Innovation Centre @ 1.28pm - 3pm
- HSC Exams continue
- Matilda Evening Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 5 November
- First Lego League Challenge, Mermaid Waters
- Saturday 5 November - Matinee 2pm + NEW Evening performance @ 7pm
Wednesday 9 November
- Year 12 Formal @ Ballina RSL
Thursday 10 November
- Year 9 Human Movement Science Table Tennis Excursion
Tuesday 15 November
- Friends of EAC Meeting @ 6.30pm @ Mezza At The Point Restaurant and Bar
Thursday 17 November
- Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day
Thursday 24 November
- Year 7 Experience Day
- Primary 'Step Up' Day
- Kindergarten 2023 Parent Information Evening @ 7pm
Friday 25 November
- Closing date for Anglicare Toys & Tucker donations
Tuesday 29 November
- Year 6 Camp
Wednesday 7 December
- Last Day of Term 4
Thursday 15 December
- Early Learning Centre and Vacation Care Last Day for 2022
Wednesday 21 December
- Administration Office Last Day for 2022
Anglicare 2022 Toys & Tucker Appeal
Each year the EAC Community rally to support the Anglicare Toys & Tucker appeal. The appeal collects food and gifts and donates them to families who would otherwise go without.
Given the challenges we've all faced in 2022, this year will see more families than ever struggling to make ends meet leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
If you're able, please donate delicious, non-perishable food and a gift or two so. Imagine yourself in the position of the receiver and give goods that will be of use and bring joy.
Please send in items with students who will bring to their classrooms. Closing date for donations is Friday 25 November.
For more information, contact Rev Greer: ghudson@eac.nsw.edu.au
Sports Round Up
Stellar Lineup for EAC Sports Teaching Team
Mr Mike Ryan
Mr Jack Murphy
Ms Heidi Craig
Mr Tony Lancashire
After juggling staff shortages, our EAC Sports staff line up is now settled in and shining brightly.
Joining Ms Heidi Craig and Mr Jack Murphy are Mr Mike Ryan and Mr Tony Lancashire to create our 'Fab Four'.
Mr Lancashire joined us in early Term 3 and Mr Ryan, our new Leader of Sport and Coaching, commenced just last week.
All of our sporting staff bring with them a wealth of experience and enthusiasm, and we're proud to have them as part of our EAC Faculty.
Together the team described some of their motivations for choosing to specialise in sport and physical education.
"Showing students how to develop their skills is such a great privilege." says Mr Lancashire. "We get to see their triumphs and their tenacity as they impress themselves by doing things they previously thought impossible or had no idea they were capable of."
Mr Murphy described the sense of 'team' that shines through in our EAC students saying "I'm so proud of how well our students rally around each other. Win, lose or draw there's always support, cheers and great team spirit. Being part of that is one of the best perks of the job."
"It's the unexpected wins that I really enjoy." says Ms Craig. "I love watching a student who has convinced themselves they can't do something and then, suddenly, they CAN. The light that shines from them in that moment is really inspirational."
"For some kids, classroom learning can be tough." says Mr Ryan. "Sport and physical education is a great outlet for students and for some, even a relief. Our team works to create opportunities for students that boost their confidence and show them healthy ways to express themselves and engage with their community. Sport is so much more than how fast you can run or how high you can jump. It's about giving things a go, raising your own bar of success and shared experiences. It's a dream job really and I'm already enjoying leading Team EAC."
2023 EAC Mountain Biking Team - Expressions of Interest
Are you ready to go downhill in 2023? Then the EAC Mountain Biking team wants you!
Mr Cleverley has emailed all students from Year 6 to 11 calling for expressions of interest to join the EAC Mountain Biking Team in 2023.
Students need to click on the survey link in the email using their College email account to show their interest.
For existing members in 2022, you will be automatically included unless you would like to complete the survey stating you no longer wish to take part. Additionally, there is a section where you can give feedback on our 2022 season which will help Mr Cleverley to plan even better riding experiences in 2023.
If there are any questions relating to the program please email Mr Cleverley directly at jcleverley@eac.nsw.edu.au.
Hockey! Hockey! Hockey!
In Week 7 of Term 3, our Secondary Boys and Girls Hockey Teams faced off in a friendly match against Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School (LGAS). Our Secondary Boys team, comprised of largely athletic but mostly inexperienced hockey players, played exceptionally well beating LAGS 10-1. Whilst our Secondary Girls Team went down 5-0 without our superstar goalkeeper Eliza Grosser to safeguard our net.
The tenacity and team spirit shown by these students on the day is an EAC trademark and we were all so proud of their efforts and their sportsmanship. Thanks also to Kalani Franklin and Noah Truman for offering their expertise as umpires for the day.
Music Notes
By Popular Demand...
We're thrilled to announce that due to popular demand an additional Matilda show has been confirmed. The response from our EAC community as the broader Northern Rivers has been phenomenal and we're keen to make sure no one misses out.
These tickets too are likely to sell quickly, so don't delay and buy your tickets now!
Matilda Show Season Dates
Friday 28 October - Gala @ 6pm & Opening Night Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 29 October - Matinee @ 2pm & Evening Performance @ 7pm
Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 5 November - Matinee @ 2pm & NEW Evening Performance @ 7pm
Library Lowdown
Library Monitors
Though the year is far from over, we wanted to give a special acknowledgement to our wonderful Library Monitors who help out each day at the Joan Pickup Library. Whether it be brainstorming craft activities, helping direct students to the book of their dreams or undertaking special projects to make our Library that bit better every day, our Library Monitors are always keen to help out.
Being a Library Monitor provides great experience for students as they learn to operate various office equipment, develop an understanding for customer service and engagement and appreciate the upkeep required in common spaces.
Thank you to all our Library Monitors which include;
Oscar Allen
Ava Bazzana
Ryder Cook
Harriet Bryar
Chloe Davis
Eva Donovan
Stella Du Plessis
Georgie Dwyer
Sierra Eade
Louis Edwards
Emily Evans
Sofia Foukkare
Tyson Golsing
Tristian Middleton
Riley Procter
Sadie Rose
Violet Rickard
Lilla Ryan
Lucia Schmidt
Emma Scholz
Sylvie Thomson
Jakob Winters
Canteen Cookup
Get In Early
Canteen orders continue to grow in popularity and our staff are pumping out all the sushi, watermelon cups and finger buns they possibly can. We're so pleased to be able to offer this service to our busy families and hungry students each and every day of the school week.
To help us out, please get your orders in by 8.30am each morning to allow time to process and prepare. You can even place your order ahead of time by selecting the date of your future order in the SchoolStream app.
Thanks everyone for your support for our Canteen!
How To EAC
Doing a Spring clean? Kids growing like crazy? If you have quality pre-loved EAC uniforms and branded resources, the Friends of EAC 2nd Hand Uniform Shop is welcoming donations.
Once HSC Exams are complete, the Friends of EAC 2nd Hand Uniform shop will be open again each Tuesday afternoon from 2.30pm until the end of term.
If you have donations, please drop of clean and bagged uniforms, bags and satchels to Reception in the Administration Building.
Early Learning Centre Corner
Welcome Bethany!
Our lucky little ELCers are this week getting to know our newest educator, Miss Bethany Ferguson. An instant favourite, Bethany is currently studying a Bachelor of Education at Southern Cross University specialising in Early Childhood and Primary Education.
Bethany will be at the Early Learning Centre each day and you're most likely to see her at pick up time.
Bethany comes to us with great experience and wonderful enthusiasm. Some of our College community may already be familiar with Bethany who helps runs Crew Youth Group as part of Eastgate Church in Byron Bay.
Welcome Bethany! We're so glad to have you as part of the team.
Primary Pulse
First Break Clubs
Each term our Primary Students collaborate with teachers to determine the themes of our First Break Clubs and every time I'm so proud and pleased with how our students consider each other needs and wants and politely negotiate.
Our First Break Clubs are always popular and give students a place to belong, ideas to inspire and facilitate fun.
Without further ado, here are our First Break Clubs for Term 4...
Wayne Cross
Directory of the Primary School
Secondary Scoop
Future Ready EAC Students
Did you know our secondary students can work towards qualifications beyond their HSC?
- Hair and Beauty
- Early Childhood Education
- Hospitality
- Electrotechnology
- Horticulture
- Metal Fabrication
- Horticulture
- Agriculture
- Paint and Panel
- Droning
Get set for the future... it's going to be a bright one!
Year 12 HSC Exams Continue
Our thoughts and prayers remain with our Year 12s as they continue their HSC exams. The exam period is considerable and our students are taking it all in their stride.
Naturally, where there are big feelings, Amber our support dog is close at hand to offer some calming reassurance.
Good luck Year 12. We're already so proud of the work you have done.
Friends of EAC
We're All Set for 2023!
Friends of EAC had a really productive meeting this week which included setting dates for our social events in 2023.
Minutes of the meeting are available on the College website HERE.
Honor Roll
Introducing Our 2022/2023 College Captions
Lara Atkinson
Nkosilathi Malaba
Hey! My name is Nkosi Malaba and I am one of the EAC College Captains for 2023. I have been at Emmanuel Anglican College for the entirety of my high school and primary school education. My large number of years at Emmanuel have allowed me to experience all aspects of college life at some point throughout my schooling, this ranges from participating in the concert band, to sporting teams and even chess competitions. This has allowed me to truly understand what it means to be a student at this school.
My goal as College Captain is to make a positive impact on the lives of all of my peers and bring rise to student-driven change. I promise to work hard and continue building on the already great College community.
Northern Rivers News
Archbishop LiveStream
We're all still riding high from last week's visit by the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Justin Welby.
Hosted right here at EAC, the event was a resounding success and the Archbishop's address a though provoking inspiration.
If you'd like to view the recording from the night, please CLICK HERE.
And yes, that's our very own Rev Sal taking an epic selfie with the Archbishop!