Term 3 | Week 8 | 12 SEPTEMBER 2019
‘’Happy the peacemakers; they shall be called the sons and daughters of God"
Matthew 5:9
From The Principal
I have included in this week’s newsletter a summary of the data from the Towards 2030 Strategic Planning Community Survey. The data provides an overview of the responses of all of the adult groups that undertook the survey. As previously reported, the survey provided a wonderful affirmation of all that happens at EAC and highlighted the fantastic community support that the College enjoys. The survey confirmed that we have a strong, progressive, high functioning and successful College that has a positive and purposeful impact on student well-being and learning.
Earlier in the term, College Council and the Executive met for two days to discuss the results of the survey, reflect on our purpose and to articulate a strategic direction for the future. Over the last two weeks the staff have spent time reflecting on the College’s identity, culture and mission as well as formulating the steps in the planning process that we need to undertake in order to achieve our longer term goals of growth and improvement. The engagement of the staff in this process has been outstanding and their love for the school and passion for their work has really shone through throughout the process.
In the coming weeks, I will share with you the results of the students' survey and also the draft documents that outline our strategic direction and intent for the next phase of the the College’s development.
I invite all our families to our end of term Whole College Chapel Service which will take place on Thursday 26 September commencing at 9.00am. Please join us at St Mary’s Anglican to celebrate the Graduation of the Class of 2019. It is always a wonderfully moving and joyous occasion as well as a great celebration of learning and achievement. Please note that this Chapel Service replaces the end of term Chapel Service that would normally take place on the final Tuesday of the term.
I also ask that you keep Year 11 in your thoughts and prayers this week as they participate in their End of Preliminary Course examinations.
Mr Robert Tobias

Off the Deputy's Desk
Last Friday at recess I walked around the Secondary school and noticed just how much was happening in the way of student activities. Mr Walker had a briefing meeting in L1 for the Duke of Edinburgh students who are completing the Silver and Bronze Qualifying Journeys next weekend. I peered into L2 and there was Lily our Youth Worker leading a group of girls in the Unite students group. Next in L3 Ms. Spring had a group of dedicated students involved in preparing for the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition which takes place in Brisbane in the near future. Three completely different activities catering for physical, spiritual social and academic development. This is wonderful to see that our students have great opportunities across the whole spectrum of their development and confirmed for me the fact that we are certainly delivering on our philosophy of providing a holistic education for our students.
The swimming block has commenced this week for Primary students. I commend this initiative as it is vital that all children know how to be able to survive in the water and to develop their swimming and lifesaving skills. Thank you to Mr Walker and all the Primary staff for the organisation and effort that goes in to making a cohesive and developmentally sequenced intensive program.
The Year 12 HSC Music students practiced their performance pieces in front of an audience on Monday evening. A huge thank you to Mrs Campbell, Mr Holmes and Mr Cleverley for their work in preparing the students for next Monday’s practical examination. The performances were of an extremely high standard and again demonstrate that our cultural programs are working well in developing young people who have a commitment to excellence at a personal level. It was a pleasure to see the poise and level of musical competence in these students.
Thursday 12 September is R U OK? Day. I will be asking the secondary students to go up to a friend or an acquaintance at school on Thursday and ask them if they are okay. The importance of being open and honest about mental health is not to be underestimated and I have asked our students to enter into this activity in the spirit of goodwill, acceptance and support. I hope that all of our school community members can find the time to ask someone else if they are okay not just this Thursday but on a regular basis. You may make a huge difference to someone else by demonstrating your interest and care in their wellbeing.
At Secondary Assembly on Tuesday we were able to acknowledge student excellence and participation in the following areas: HICES Debating; Credit Certificates were Presented for Mathematics Challenge, Distinctions were presented for the Australian History Competition; Secondary Tournament of Minds, Bronze Awards and Silver Awards. This was most gratifying to see so many of our students contributing academically and culturally to the overall life of the College.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 3 Week 9
Monday 16 September
Primary Swimming Intensive-Years 2, 3, 4 until Friday 20 September
HSC Music Practical Examination
Tuesday 17 September
ICAS English Competition-3.30-4.30pm
Inter School Chess Tournament-
Primary Assembly-1A
Primary Basketball Trials-7.15-8.30am
Wednesday 18 September
Thursday 19 September
Primary Tennis Championships-Ballina Tennis Courts
ICAS Maths Competition-3.30-4.30pm
Aurecon Bridge Building Competition-6.30am-5.30pm-Brisbane
Design and Technology Practical Examination
Secondary Social-6.00-9.00pm-UCA-Theme is Black and White
Friday 20 September
Secondary Tennis Championships-Ballina Tennis Courts
Secondary Sport
Term 3 Week 10
Monday 23 September
Year 12 Retreat-Evans Head
Tuesday 24 September
Year 8 Community Outreach-9.00-10.40-am Ballina Land care
NSW CIS Secondary Athletics-Sydney
Primary Basketball Trials-7.15-8.30am
Year 12 Retreat-Evans Head
Wednesday 25 September
Circular Rhythm Presentation-Primary
Year 12 and Staff Breakfast-7.30am-Ezzy Centre
Year 12 Graduation Rehearsal-11.00am-St Mary’s Anglican Church
Thursday 26 September
Year 12 Graduation Service-9.00am-St Mary’s Anglican Church
Year 12 Farewell Assembly and Guard of Honour-2.00pm-Undercover Area
Friday 27 September
Secondary Sport
Term 3 concludes-3.00pm
Book Club Orders Due
Orders can be placed directly online with payments made by Visa or Mastercard. Paying online also unlocks great benefits and special offers throughout the year.
You may also pay by cash or with cheques payable to Scholastic Australia.
Scholastic Book Club Orders must be completed online or given to me by THURSDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2019.
Mrs Fiona Wilson-Jones
Library Resource Centre Manager

For Vacation Care bookings families are to email EAC enrolments, enrolments@eac.nsw.edu.au

* Throughout the day children will have the opportunity to be involved in games, craft, physical activity and free play experiences.
* On Wednesday the 2nd of October and Thursday the 10th of October activities will involve water play. Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes to dress into.
Please ensure your child has their Lunch box containing fresh fruit, vegies and healthy snacks for Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea with a water bottle. When the children go across to Spar (3rd of October) they can purchase lunch or a treat. Sunscreen is provided and your child will require a hat for outdoor play. Please ensure children wear covered in shoes.
Friends of Emmanuel
Freaky Friday Update
Friends are holding a colour run this year as part of Freaky Friday.
We will be raising money to purchase new equipment for the multi-purpose centre. The event will be held on 1 November, 2019. This is a Sponsorship based fundraiser, sponsorship forms have been sent home with your child. Once you have the form, jump online at schoolfundraising.com.au and create a student profile page. Once you do this and raise at lease $1 online, you will be entered into the $20,000 Ultimate Family Experience!
Students who raise $10 or more will receive a reward, and the more money you raise the better the reward, and the more you help the school! Friends are also offering a $50 gift card to the first student to reach $500 in donations. The winner of the gift card will be announced on the College Facebook page, so please make sure follow the EAC Facebook page.
The best way to get donations for your participation in the colour run and to earn prizes, is to keep sharing your link via facebook, instagram and via email to everyone - the more people who receive it the better your chances of earning and incredible prize.
If you have any question about the colour run please contact the School Fun-Run Office on 1800 FUN RUN.
For further updates on Freaky Friday and how to book tickets please follow the EAC Facebook page here.

EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with special lunches on Tuesday. Canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen is open at 8.30am and the menu is available here:
Hot Chicken & Gravy Roll - $3.50
Wedges & Sweet Chilli Sauce- $3.00
Pumpkin Soup* & Roll** - $3.50
Milo - $1.00
* Gluten Free
** Students would need to come to the canteen to collect their soup
Noodle Box : September 17
Subway: September 24
Noodle Box - Tuesday 17 September
Noodle Box from “Noodle Box” at Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 17 September. If you would like to order Noodle Box for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed.
Order forms will NO LONGER be sent home but are also available online or from the office or canteen.
Yes it’s that time of the year again when the primary students are rewarded for making good food choices. The three (3) week campaign will conclude this Friday 13th September.
Students are required to make a good choice of fresh fruit or vegetables for fruit time/recess or lunch (MAX one a day).
It MUST be fresh not fruit sticks, dried fruit etc.

Dates where help is required: September 16, 19, 23, 25, 26 (AM)
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668