Term 3 | Week 7 | 28 August 2017
‘So always treat others as you would like them to treat you’
Matthew 7:12
From The Principal
Thank you to all those grandparents, parents, families and friends who joined us for our book parade and grandparent day gathering last week. It was a great celebration of learning, community and family and it was wonderful for the primary students to get involved in such an enjoyable event that encourages and promotes a love of literature and reading. Many thanks to the Primary staff for their efforts to celebrate the day and to the parents for helping the students bring their favourite book character to life . A huge thank you to Friends for coordinating the morning tea and ensuring the many visitors were well looked after.
The 2017 College Art Show also took place last week and provided an opportunity for all our students to show case their artist talents across a range of mediums. With works created by students from Kindergarten to Year 12, the evening was an inspiring celebration of student talent and expression. I particularly wish to congratulations the Year 12 students who exhibited components of the HSC Major Work on the standard and the effort put into their production. All who attended commented on the variety and quality of works presented. Visitors to the Art Show were also treated to many delicious creations courtesy of the Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students. Thank you to Friends once again for ensuring all were well refreshed during the evening. Congratulations to our very talented art teacher and chief curator Mitchell Raguse for his coordination of the event.
On Sunday 27 August students from Years 5-8 participated in the Tournament of Minds competition in Lismore. Working in teams, the students are required to creatively respond to a particular challenge and present this response to an audience. Congratulations to all those students who participated in the competition and to Mrs Meagan Kelvin, Mrs Mel McClelland and Mrs Felicity Regan for their coordination of the teams. I am delighted that I can announce that our Secondary Science and Technology Team were crowned regional champions and will now travel to Sydney to compete in the state finals. Congratulations to Hamish Walker, Lachlan Walker, Scarlet Donovan, Ella Peart, Oliver Payne, Cheryl Charles and Georgie Watson.
To cap off a huge week for the College, 30 students from Years 9-12 were involved in the Duke of Edinburgh expedition over the weekend and walked 40 kilometres from Minnie Waters to Red Rock along the coastal track. The students found the walk challenging but were extremely proud of their accomplishments at the end of the 2 day journey. All of the students involved have now completed the four core components of the program and will receive the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. This is the first year that the College has offered the Duke of Edinburgh program and it has been wonderfully received by the students. I thank Mr Graham Walker for his coordination of the program and for Mrs Felicity Regan and Mr Joel Jukes for participating in the expedition over the weekend.
The Friends Trivia evening is on at the College on Saturday 9 September in the Joan Pickup Library. I am sure it will be a fantastic evening so if you are free and enjoy a great laugh, please come along. Tickets are on sale at the office for $15.00 a head or you can book a table of 8. If you enjoy a dress up, the theme of the evening is ‘Australiana’.
Mr Robert Tobias
off the deputy's desk
Primary students – entering and leaving
Over the past few weeks we have noticed an increase in Primary students who are entering and leaving the school grounds at points that increase the risk of injury. All students are to enter and leave the school through the front entrance, or from Parent Pickup in the afternoon, which is currently located outside the Ezzy Centre. Students should not be crawling through the fence near the back grassed area. Please work with us to remind your children of the correct procedures for entering and leaving the school grounds.
Bus and interchange behaviour
We have had several reports of EAC students running across to the shop near the interchange, or chasing balls onto the road. If your child/ren travel on a bus, can you please remind them of appropriate behaviour for the bus and interchange. Whilst travelling on the bus students should be seated at all times and noise should be kept to a minimum.
Year 11 Examinations
We keep the Year 11 students in our thoughts and prayers as they study for their End of Preliminary Examinations. Next week they will sit their final exams for Year 11.
Mrs Melissa Evans
Deputy Principal
primary News
Primary Chapel
Last Tuesday, 3B assisted Reverend Sally and our Primary Leaders in leading the Primary Chapel.
Together they spread the message that prayer or 'talking to God' doesn't need a special language or a special formula. We can just thoughtfully talk to God or thank God about what concerns us.
Teacher - Primary - Year Three
BOOK WEEK and Grandparents day
We were very grateful to have such
perfect weather for our Book Parade and Grandparents Day last Friday. Thank you parents for organising such wonderful book character costumes for students to wear and to teachers for enthusiastically portraying your Roald Dahl characters. It was fantastic to see so many supportive parents, grandparents and friends attending our parade and then students’ classroom.
Roald Dahl quote:
“So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install,
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.”
Merilyn Mule’
K-2 Welfare Leader
Student Representative Council
Soccer House Cup Challenge
Our Student Representative Council organised a Soccer House Cup Challenge, where students in each stage played in their house soccer team versing another house team in their stage. This was to encourage students to earn points for their house in a fun, social soccer game with their friends.
Stage Two played last week, Walker earning 50 points for their house and Brockington earning 25 points.
In the second soccer game, Percival earned their house 50 points and Smith earned 25.
This week Stage One students will join together to verse each other in the Soccer House Cup Challenge.
Merilyn Mule'
K-2 Welfare Leader
Bronze and Silver Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a Silver award.
Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Bronze award.
Paul Christensen
Leader of Welfare - 3-6/Year 4 Teacher
Secondary News
Physics Year 12
We are completing the Medical Physics topic in the Physics course. Bryley Manning- Hayter's Dad, Dr Michael Hayter, was very kind and agreed to bring his portable ultrasound devices in to our class and showed us how ultrasound is used as a clinical diagnosis tool. It was so wonderful for the students to experience the technology first hand and understand its application in the real world.
Thanks again Dr Michael Hayter, we are so appreciative of you sharing your equipment and expertise to aid in our learning.
Mrs Daniela Payne
Physics Teacher
Sports update
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Adventurous Journey
Friday and Saturday last week saw 26 students from Year 9 to Year 12 and three staff complete a hike from Minnie Waters to Red Rock. This walk was the second half of the Yuraygir Coastal Walk that the students completed as part of the Adventurous Journey for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
We departed from College early on Friday morning for the journey to Minnie Waters. From Minne we hiked along beaches, headland forests to reach our first night camp site at Wooli. The last part of the day was very challenging with a long walk along the beach into 60 km / h southerly winds. Tired from our walk, we enjoyed a good meal and rest in our tents at Wooli camp ground.
The second day started with one of three river crossings for the day at the Wooli River. Once all were safely across the river we met the most difficult and isolated section of the walk with a morning of rock platforms and steep rocky headlands to cross. The students did a great job in their teams getting through safely. At the end of the morning we enjoyed lunch and a swim at the beautiful Pebbly Beach.
The next challenge was a wade through the Pebbly Beach creek carrying our packs on our heads, then a beautiful walk along the beach all the way to Red Rock. One last river crossing by boat and we were at our final destination Red Rock. The students who completed the walk should be very proud of themselves, hiking close to 40 km over 2 days, further adding to the 40km stage completed in May.
As part of the Duke of Edinburgh program the students have also been completing weekly community service, physical activity and skills development. The Duke of Edinburgh Program will continue in 2018. The current Bronze group will move on to the Silver Award and a new group will commence their Bronze Award. New participants who are in year 9 and above will be invited into the program for 2018.
Thank you to Mr Jukes and Mrs Regan for coming with me on the hike to look after the students.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
College Representative Team Basketball Trials
Students from Year 5 to 12 are invited to trial to be selected in the College Representative Basketball Teams to compete at the NCIS Championships to be held in Term 4. We will be selecting the following teams at these trial times:
friends of emmanuel
Trivia Night
To be part of this fun evening get a table of 8 together and book at the Front Office at EAC. If there are only a few of you in your group let us know and we can arrange to have you seated with another group. Don't miss out as bookings close on Tuesday 5th September. We need a minimum of 10 tables to proceed with the event.
Friends of Emmanuel
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Coconut Scroll - $3.50
Apple Scroll - $3.50
Cinnamon Scroll - $3.50
Chicken & Veg stir fry - $5.50
Amaze Balls -$1.50
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Noodle Box: 12 September
Subway: 19 September
Sushi – Tuesday 5 September
Sushi from IGA, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, . If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 4 September . Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Yes it’s that time of the year again when the primary students are rewarded for making good food choices. The campaign will run for two (2) weeks commencing on Monday 4th September and finishing on Friday 15th September.
Students are required to make a good choice of fresh fruit or vegetables for fruit time/recess or lunch (MAX one a day). It MUST be fresh, not fruit sticks, dried fruit etc.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668