Term 3 | Week 7 | 04 September 2019
‘So always treat others as you would like them to treat you’ Matthew 7:12
From The Principal
Thank you to all those grandparents, parents, families and friends who joined us for our book parade and grandparent day gathering last week. It was a great celebration of learning, community and family and it was wonderful for the primary students to get involved in such an enjoyable event that encourages and promotes a love of literature and reading. Many thanks to the Primary staff for their efforts to celebrate the day and dressing as a book character in line with the theme ‘books have a secret power’. Thank you also to the parents for helping the students bring their favourite book character to life. A huge thank you to Friends for coordinating the morning tea and ensuring the many visitors were well looked after.
The 2019 College Art Show also took place last week and provided an opportunity for all our students to show case their artist talents across a range of mediums. With works created by students from Kindergarten to Year 12, the evening was a wonderful celebration of student talent and expression. I particularly wish to congratulate the Year 12 students who exhibited components of their HSC Major Work. All who attended commented on the variety and quality of works presented. Visitors to the Art Show were also treated to many delicious creations courtesy of the Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students. Thank you once again to Friends for ensuring all were well refreshed during the evening. Congratulations to our very talented art teacher and chief curator Mitchell Raguse for his coordination of the event.
Congratulations also to all our HSC students that have participated in courses that have a Major Work or performance piece as a component of their HSC examination. This includes students undertaking Music, Drama, Design and Technology, Visual Art and Industrial Technology-Multimedia. Each practical task is the culmination of many months of preparation and work. I am inspired and humbled by the talent and commitment of all those who have taken on such a challenge. Special mention to Mr Raguse, Ms Spring, Mr Brenton, Mrs McLintock and Mr Holmes who have guided and supported students through the development of their works and performances.
Congratulations to the students and teachers involved in the Primary School Division of the Lismore Eisteddfod last week. The students have been rehearsing for more than a term in preparation for the event. Student were involved in the Choir, Band and Ensemble sections and returned with trophies and pennants from every division. Special thanks to Mr Holmes, Mr Cleverley, Mrs Buddee and the music tutor team for their excellent work preparing and supporting our young musicians.
Mr Robert Tobias
off the deputy's desk
Recently our Middle Debating team competed in the Quarter Finals of the Heads of Coeducational Independent Schools Debating Championships. The team came up against Kinross Wollaroi School from Orange and faced a very intellectually challenging topic relating to standardised spelling. Unfortunately our team was not able to overcome the Kinross team but put up a very cohesive proposition. The team members Eliza Grosser, Roi Chang, Luka Wagner and Alexander Keir are to be commended for their excellence and on the proud and positive way that they represented the College.
National eSmart Week is a week where schools and public libraries come together to promote the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technology. Last year saw a record 1000 organisations taking part, helping to creating awareness, solutions and ideas for community education on issues of cyber safety, bullying and wellbeing online, and offline. In the Secondary, we will be aiming to promote cyber safety during our PC lesson and I will be raising cyber safety with the SRC for them to raise any issues of concern. It is a challenging time be be a parent as our children are digital natives and often far more comfortable communicating online than in person. There’s a great old rule of thumb that I heard a cyber-safety expert state a few years ago and it is that if Grandma would be upset by what you have written then do not write it down and do not send it to someone else.
At Tuesday’s Primary assembly I was able to present a large number of Silver Awards. This was wonderful to see and what was more exciting was seeing the enthusiasm with which these students and their peers greeted their awards with. 2B gave a wonderful presentation about their use of the various Habits of Mind in their classroom and this included an excellent student made imovie. Mr Evans also presented certificates to the winning house in each year level from the AFL House Cup. Brockington was the victorious house overall.
NAPLAN results will arrive after 16 September. Once we have collated all the student reports these will be sent home to families. NAPLAN results are analysed by the College Executive, Curriculum Leaders and class teachers and are used to assist us to identify trends in student achievement at both a macro and micro level.
We wish our Year 11 students every success for their upcoming examination block and are confident that they will acquit themselves well academically. Year 11 parents will have the opportunities to discuss their child’s report card at Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews. Year 11 interviews will be held on Thursday 24 October from 3.30-6.30pm. I will write to Year 11 parents in the near future regarding these interviews.
Please see some reminders below:
Extended Leave Forms
There have been a number of cases lately of student/parents not completing an Extended Leave form. If a student is going to be absent for more than 2 days they need to complete a form. Secondary students need to see all their teachers, then it goes to Mr Tobias and then back to Mrs Lewis to do a certificate, so the process can take a few days. Your early attention to extended leave applications would be appreciated.
The forms are available on the website under Publications/Forms and Documents or from the office.
Unexplained Absences
Please note that students are expected to be at school each day of the year. We have a robust process for checking on student absences but need your support by parents ensuring that they inform us of all student absences. If a student is absent for 5 days unexplained I write to the parent informing them of this as per the terms of our managing attendance policy.
Bus Behaviour
Students are subject to school behaviour expectations when they are travelling on bus transport. If bus companies contact us we follow up here at College to ensure that our students meet our expectations with regards to character and citizenship.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
Term 3 Week 8
Monday 9 September
Year 11 Examination Block -Concludes Thursday 12 September
Primary Swimming Block-K1, 5, 6-Concludes Friday 13 September
Tuesday 10 September
Primary Basketball Trials-7.15-8.30am-Courts
Primary Chapel-9.00am-Discovery Centre
Secondary Assembly-9.00am-UCA
Bell Shakespeare Company Visit to EAC
Friends of EAC Meeting (All welcome) - 7.00pm Library
Thursday 12 September
CIS Primary Athletics-Sydney
Friday 13 September
Secondary Sport
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Adventure until Saturday 14 September
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Adventure until Sunday 15 September
Term 3 Week 9
Monday 16 September
Primary Swimming Intensive-Years 2, 3, 4 until Friday 20 September
HSC Music Practical Examination
Tuesday 17 September
ICAS English Competition
Inter School Chess Tournament-
Primary Assembly-1A
Primary Basketball Trials
Wednesday 18 September
Thursday 19 September
Primary Tennis Championships-Ballina Tennis Courts
ICAS Maths Competition
Aurecon Bridge Building Competition-6.30am-5.30pm-Brisbane
Design and Technology Practical Examination
Secondary Social-6.00-9.00pm-UCA-Theme is Black and White
Friday 20 September
Secondary Tennis Championships-Ballina Tennis Courts
Secondary Sport
Chaplains Chat
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Clearly I have just outed myself as a child of the ‘80’s, and a tragic one that quotes from Whitney Houston songs at that! In my defence, it is super appropriate for now, this season and this space in time, as around the world it is the children, the young men and women who are seizing the time given them and shouting at us to wake us and help us make changes, indeed, imploring us to take notice and make a change.
Young people have most definitely taken a lead in speaking out about climate change, the risks for their future, and ours, if we don’t begin to make changes and think differently about our rights and responsibilities in caring for our world.
Check out this link to see just 15 of the impressive young men and women who are speaking out and helping to raise awareness in all of us.
Climate change and the ramifications of it are writ large around us, and deserve our care and concern. More importantly, they require our action. Serious action.
In many Christian churches worldwide, the month of September is marked as the Season of Creation: A time where we intentionally focus on the many aspects of creation, and our need to not just appreciate, but also actively care for the world around us. The season usually concludes in the first week of October, around St Francis Day, and in many places with a blessing of the animals. (Now there’s a wild old time!!)
Caring for the creation, in all its fullness, has been part of the call of all God’s people through all of time yet it seems to have taken on even greater importance as we see so much of concern in our world today. To this end, we are seeking to help our students to grow in their understanding of the problems we are facing and to upskill and equip them in responding to the concerns.
On a Diocesan level we have been encouraged to do what we can to stand up and be heard:
"The Public Affairs Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia endorses the call for a National Day of Climate Action on 20 September 2019 and encourages Anglicans to participate. The Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church commit the Church to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustaining and renewing the life of the earth. Climate Change is a significant threat to our planet and its inhabitants. The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia and various Diocesan Synods have called on State and Federal Government to act in decisive ways to deal with Climate Change. The National Day of Climate Change Action provides the opportunity for all Australians to call on our political leaders to act."
We intend to bring this into focus on Friday September 20th and show our support for the National Day of Climate Action by holding an awareness-raising event at school in the Undercover Area at lunchtime. We will have a prayer space set up where we can pray for our world, and those whose very existence is so deeply impacted by climate change we are already living with, there will be a chance for students and staff alike to add their support to petitions, and to write letters of concern to our politicians.
Some of our students will also be showing ways that we can all become involved and responsible stewards of our world.
I do believe that our future is in our children’s hands, and we owe it to them to offer support and guidance for all that lies ahead for all of us.
The Be-Attitudes
(for the climate concerned)
Blessed are those who use low energy light bulbs
for theirs is the light of God’s wisdom.
Blessed are those who travel by train
and other public transport
for their lives are on God’s track.
Blessed are those who chose a car
with low fuel consumption
for they are in God’s fast lane.
Blessed are they who insulate their homes
for theirs is the warmth of God’s love.
Blessed are those who put themselves our
to use energy from renewable sources,
for they have kindled the flame of the future.
(Adapted from John Polhill, ©Eggs and Ashes, WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow Used with permission)
Sports update
Age Champions and House point score awards were presented at the whole college assembly last week.
Walker was the Athletics Champion House for 2019.
House Total
Walker 3142
Brockington 2814
Smith 2670
Purcival 2335
Congratulations to the following students who were age champions and runners up.
Age | Gender | Champion | Runner Up |
8 | Girls | Annie Docherty | Kyella Ryan |
9 | Girls | Sarah Vanem | Abigail Matthews |
10 | Girls | Bella Delaney | Zoe Campbell |
11 | Girls | Katie Smith | Zali Wallace |
12 | Girls | Ava Delaney | Olivia Van Zwieten |
8 | Boys | Zachery Kikiras | Matthew Litvensky |
9 | Boys | Jesse Barnden | Henry Drew |
10 | Boys | Sam Carrigg | Finley Thomson |
11 | Boys | William Shepherd | Hayden Kelvin |
12 | Boys | Kelly Campbell | Lewis Carroll Burgess |
Secondary | |||
12/13 | Girls | Priya Singh-Pangly | Charlotte Shepherd |
14 | Girls | Mikala Campbell | Lola Saul |
15 | Girls | Paloma Vazquez | Scarlett Donovan & Ella Peart |
16 | Girls | Annie Milne | Aysha Franklin |
17 | Girls | Abigail Hanna | Isabella Mc Mahon |
18 | Girls | Brianna Nay | Sophie Cottrill |
12/13 | Boys | Jack Whitaker | Cooper Lamb |
14 | Boys | Milos Safranek | Bailey Wilson |
15 | Boys | Samuel Hanna | William Lane |
16 | Boys | Lachlan Walker | Scott Hawkins |
17 | Boys | Tim Weingarth | Blake Stewart |
18 | Boys | Ryan Webb | Jacob Simpson |
EAC Tennis Championships 2019
Primary - Year 5 & 6 - Thursday 19 September
Secondary - 15 Years and Under and Open - Friday 20 September
NCIS Tennis Championships: Tuesday 22 October in Grafton
The top 4 students from each division will be selected to represent the College at the NCIS Championships.
Primary Basketball Team Trials
The College will soon be commencing our NCIS Primary Basketball Program.
Coaching: We are fortunate this year to have Mr Nash Campbell on board to coach our teams. Mr Campbell has a fantastic background in Basketball as a player and a coach. Mr Campbell played College Basketball in the USA and is the current North Coast Academy of Sport Basketball Coach. Mr Campbell will work with College staff to deliver the program.
Basketball Trials Dates: Tuesday 10 & 17 September 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Training: For selected students training will continue at the above times until their competition.
NCIS Competition Date: NCIS Primary Basketball Thursday 7 November in Byron Bay
Permission: Please give permission to attend trials and training on the Parent Lounge.
On Wednesday and Thursday of Week 5 our Year 3 to 6 students played in the first Inter-house Primary AFL 9's Tournament. The tournament was conducted following an 'AFL' program delivered by our Primary Sports Coach.
The students played in year groups for their individual houses. The tournament consisted of a round robin followed by finals. Congratulations to all students who played on the day as the tournament was played with great house spirit, sportsmanship and respect for the umpires. It was also played with plenty of smiles and fun was had by all students!
The individual house age group winners and overall house champions for AFL will be announced and awards presented at the next Primary School Assembly.
A special mention and thank you goes out to AFL QLD who assisted by providing 1 umpire on both days and to the Year 9 PASS students who assisted with various tournament tasks during the day and the wonderful assistance of all the Yr 3-6 Primary Teachers.
The next primary sport program is Basketball with an inter house tournament for this event in Term 4.
Randall Evans
Primary Sport Coach
Music Notes
We took 106 keen musicians to the Lismore Eisteddfod. Knowing that we had limited competition, we made the decision to create our own and compete in as many section against ourselves. Here are the results (please take note of how close the results were:
Percussion Ensemble
- First (89) - Lewis Carroll-Burgess, Kade Paish, Jack Carigg
- Second (86) – Max Saltalamacchia, Erin Lister, Ethan Grier
Woodwind Ensemble
- First (86.5) - Max Whittaker, Julianna Addenbrooke, Rayissa Hansen, Miley Spencer
- Second (86) – Charlize Hughes, Charles Cross, Maya Bright
- Third (85) – Eva Rylands, Jo-Yi Chan, Felicity Walker, Ellen Miller
- Highly Commended (84) – Ben Vanem, Lennox Broadley, Rory Neaves
Brass Ensemble
- First (87) – Jayden Matthews, Alex Grant, Angus Carter, Archie Cook
- Second (86) – Leo Smith, Mili Docherty, Laylan Bradbury
- Third (85) – Philo Rylands, Brighton Wilson, Will Lowrey
Stage 2 Band
- First (89) – Year 4 Band
- Second (88) – Year 3 Band
Stage 3 Band
- First (90) – Year 6 Band
- Second (88) – Year 5 Band
All Ages Band
- First (89.5) – Senior Primary Concert Band
Concert Band Leader
Emmanuel Primary Choirs
Emmanuel Anglican College was awarded the Perpetual Trophy for Choirs.
The trophy will be engraved with the school's name and will be on display in the Lismore Library.
A replica trophy will be presented to Emmanuel College.
Students were commended on their professional entrance and exit from stage as well as their conduct and sportsmanship during the competition. This was in addition to their highly skilled performances in all sections entered.
We look forward to next years competition.
Jennifer Buddee and Justin Cleverley
Choir Teachers
Book Parade and Grandparents Day
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who attended our Book Parade and Grandparents Day last Friday. It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying the parade and students’ classrooms. Students looked wonderful in their costumes and teachers were very enthusiastic in portraying the 2019 Book Week theme 'Reading is My Secret Power'.
Dr. Seuss quote:
"You can find MAGIC wherever you look. Sit back and RELAX, all you need is a BOOK."
Merilyn Mule'
Welfare Leader K-3
Library News
Scholastic Book Club Issue 6 has been sent home with all Primary students this week and it is full of great books for all readers. Some highlights from this issue include:
Value Books
#010 Hot Dog! $3
#101 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fossil $2
#201 Star Friends: Mirror Magic $2
#202 Pokemon: Thunder Shock in Pummelo Stadium $2
#301 Treasure Island $2
#401 Wings of Fire: A Winglets Collection $2.50
Take a look at these New Release titles including:
- Now That’s a Hat by Heath Mckenzie
- Aladdin Movie Novel by Danielle McDonald
- Be Unstoppable by Bethany Hamilton
- Hot Dog #6: Movie Time! By Anh Doh
And the list goes on and on…
Orders can be placed directly online with payments made by Visa or Mastercard. Paying online also unlocks great benefits and special offers throughout the year.
You may also pay by cash or with cheques payable to Scholastic Australia.
Scholastic Book Club Orders must be completed online or given to me by THURSDAY 12 September 2019.
Mrs Fiona Wilson-Jones
Library Resource Centre Manager
Early Learning Centre News
EAC Art Show
Last year we visited the College art show that was on display in the library and the Ezzy centre. We took our learning journals and the children were encouraged to re-create their favourite piece of art.
This year, we were invited to participate. This meant that when we went over to have a look, we also got to see our works of art on display. This made us feel proud.
The children wandered around each screen - displaying a range of art mediums from each year level of the College. We were inspired to share reactions (‘oh wow! Look at this one!’), questions (‘how did they make that?’), fascinations (‘It’s a skull in the desert. I love skulls’), awe and wonder (‘it looks like the picture is moving’).
Once a decision was made, children sat in front of the chosen art piece and practiced drawing what they could see.
Colours were matched. Lines were formed. Shapes were guided and patterns were recreated.
Some children were mindful of the details, whilst others were more interested in the story behind the art.
Engaging with the art show in this manner affords children an understanding of the role of the audience – to appreciate, respect and interpret.
We also deepen our sense of belonging and connection with the College.
I wonder whether the ELC children will recall these experiences as they move through the College and create ongoing art for this event.
Ms Natasha Livock
Early Learning Centre Coordinator
Primary News
Last Wednesday Kindergarten and students from the ELC spent time together as we celebrated Literacy Week. We all had fun singing Baa Baa Black Sheep and then Mrs Smith read us a story called Russell the Sheep. Poor Russell had lots of trouble falling asleep. Kindergarten students then helped our pre-kindy friends to create a baa -utiful Russell the Sheep artwork.
Drama News
The North Coast Drama Collegiate presents - DRAMAWORKS
Write a Book in a Day
On Wednesday 28th August, 70 eager students took part in the Write a Book in a Day competition, completing a 4000 word book (fully illustrated) in 12 hours. Once again I was extremely impressed with the collaborative way in which the students worked and the quality of the books they produced. It was lovely to see students enjoy their writing and receive joy from making books which will be given to sick children in hospitals around Australia. They also managed to raise over $2600 which goes directly to the Kids Cancer Project. A mammoth effort. Big big thanks to Fiona Wilson-Jones who not only made lolly bags for the students and bought them cupcakes but supported the students through the process. Also to Christine for providing fruit to balance out the sugar. Thanks to Rebecca Campbell for coming to help at the end of the day too. This inaugural event has been part of the college calendar for 6 years now is such an important one in regards to improving literacy and writing skills and also developing collaboration and planning skills in students. It is a joy to run it each year.
Mrs Jenny Holmes
Write a Book in a Day is a great fundraiser going to a fantastic cause. This year we had a lot of fun, write a book in a day helped us with our time management skills as well as learning to work collaboratively with others. We thoroughly enjoyed it and are going to come back for years to come. The snacks provide were much appreciated. (Charli Ivers Yr 8)
I found WABIAD a real joy this year. It was so much fun writing and illustrating and actually getting our book completed instead of running out of time. I would definitely go next year! (Elvis Stankievich Yr 7)
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Hot Chicken & Gravy Roll - $3.50
Wedges & Sweet Chilli Sauce- $3.00
Pumpkin Soup* & Roll** - $3.50
Milo - $1.00
* Gluten Free
** Students would need to come to the canteen to collect their soup
Sushi: September 10
Noodle Box : September 17
Subway: September 24
Sushi – Tuesday 10 September
Sushi from IGA will be available from the canteen next Tuesday 10 September. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 9 September.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Yes it’s that time of the year again when the primary students are rewarded for making good food choices. The campaign will run for three (3) weeks commencing on Monday 26th August and finishing on Friday 13th September.
Students are required to make a good choice of fresh fruit or vegetables for fruit time/recess or lunch (MAX one a day). It MUST be fresh not fruit sticks, dried fruit etc.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668