Term 3 | Week 8 | 5-9 September 2022
'Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous; Love is never boastful or conceited. Love is
always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.'
1 Corinthians 13:4
From The Principal
It is great to be back! I had an absolutely fabulous break which included the opportunity to visit some amazing places across the globe and the chance to spend some quality time with my family. I feel refreshed, energised, relaxed and I think I have even lost a little bit of weight!
I have had a wonderful week getting back into the swing of College life and catching up on the news of the many exciting and amazing events that have happened during my time away. It has been great hearing about our sporting achievements, success in the HICES Debating competition, seeing some of the completed major works of our HSC students and meeting the cast of Matilda.
It has also been a delight to reconnect with the staff and students. I have missed the energy that comes with the buzz of daily school life – it really is lovely to be back.
The 2022 National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results have been released to schools and I am delighted to report that EAC’s results are nothing short of excellent. As part of the NAPLAN program, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 undertake tests in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Numeracy. In all these domains across each of the four year groups, our students were above national average. The entire Emmanuel Anglican College community can be extremely proud of this outstanding outcome. Parents will receive the individual student report in the next few days. Within the detail, there are many wonderful individual and group achievements. Across the four year groups, the students demonstrated strong growth in their skills in the two years since their last attempt at NAPLAN.
The College will now set about reviewing the performance of all students and identifying ways to respond to the key messages contained within its detail for teaching and learning. While the data is significant, detailed and allows comparison to national trends, it is worth remembering that this is one of many assessment tasks that students will undertake this year and that it is providing a snapshot of student learning at a specific point in time. Recently, we have received results from NAPLAN, REACH, and ICAS testing as well as the numerous internal assessment tasks that students undertake. In isolation, each of these results tell a small part of the story of each student. Their greatest worth, however, is found in gathering all this information together to help create a profile of each learner that can shape what teachers do in providing meaningful experiences for students in their class.
Given the high quality of all our results in external testing, I wish to congratulate all our students for their ongoing commitment to their own learning as well as the great efforts of our teaching staff.
Mr Rob Tobias
Greetings to the EAC Community
The holidays might be just around the corner, but the activity has not ceased at school. Having a walk around the College this morning I came across classrooms full of energy and buzzing with learning.
Year 2
Ms Smith and Mrs Kent’s Year 2 class were busily exploring 'Maths and Mass’ when I arrive for a visit. The was plenty of activity as they sorted, classified and organised their materials after carefully weighing them. The classroom was abuzz with excitement as they sought out objects to compare and contrast.
Year 4
Miss Armstrong had her Year 4 students putting the final touches to their research presentations on the neighbouring countries of Australia. Being an integrated studies unit in Geography, it draws on a number of curriculum areas.
Year 5
Mr Christensen's Year 5s are preparing digital presentations including iMovies to teach their peers the sun safe message 'SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SEEK, SLIDE'. Showing my age, I had to ask what SEEK AND SLIDE referred to and I remember this message from my school days, and it is timely as we look toward the summer months.
So, there may only be a few days to go until the break, but things are definitely not slowing down at EAC!
Dia dhaoibh
Francis McGuigan
Deputy Principal
Term 3 | Week 10B
Monday 19 September
- Year 12 Retreat commences
- Secondary Basketball Trials @ 7.30am
- Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Landing @ 9.15am
- Year 9 Human Movement Excursion to Metricon Stadium
- Marine Studies Excursion to Faulks Reserve Ballina
- CIS Athletics in Sydney
- Matilda Rehearsal @ 3.15pm - 5.15pm
Tuesday 20 September
- Primary Basketball Trials @ 7.30am
- Year 12 Retreat concludes @ 1pm
- CIS Athletics in Sydney
- After School Volleyball Program @ 3.30pm - 5pm
Wednesday 21 September
- Secondary Volleyball Trials @ 7.30am
- Year 12 Breakfast @ 8am
- Year 12 Graduation Ceremony @ 11am - 12noon
- Year 12 Valedictory Service, St Mary's @ 7pm - 8pm
- Matilda Rehearsal @ 3.15pm - 5.15pm
Thursday 22 September
- Public Holiday
Friday 23 September
- EAC to host Inter School Chess Competition
- Last day of Term 3
Coming Soon...
Wednesday 28 September
- Makeup Masterclass for Matilda
Monday 10 October
- Staff Professional Development Day
Tuesday 11 October
- First Day of Term 4
- Primary Basketball Training @ 7.30am
- Friends of EAC Meeting @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 12 October
- Volleyball Training @ 7.30am
- HSC Exams commence
Thursday 13 October
- HSC Exams continue
- 2023 HSC Information Session 6-7pm
Friday 14 October
- HSC Exams continue
Matilda Show Season
- Friday 28 October - Gala @ 6pm & Opening Night Performance @ 7pm
- Saturday 29 October - Matinee @ 2pm & Evening Performance @ 7pm
- Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
- Saturday 5 November - Matinee 2pm
Wednesday 9 November
- Year 12 Formal @ Ballina RSL
Tuesday 29 November
- Year 6 Camp
Tuesday 8 November
- Friends of EAC Meeting @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 7 December
- Last Day of Term 4
Thursday 15 December
- Early Learning Centre and Vacation Care Last Day for 2022
Sports Round Up
Primary Intensive Goes Swimmingly Well
Today sees the close of the Primary intensive swimming program which has taken place over the last two weeks. Kindy to Year 5 developed and tested their swim and survive abilities whilst Year 6 competed at Water Polo.
I enjoyed the two weeks and in between facilitating the days it was rewarding to spend quality time getting to know our lovely staff some more. There were standout stars amongst the swimming groups although being honest and it was rewarding to see a consistent number of students throughout the different grades improve their swimming skills. Overall the children's confidence grew as each week progressed and they had lots of fun.
Tony Lancashire
Primary Sport Leader, Coach & Duke of Edinburgh Leader
Music Notes
Hooray for Harcourts!
Congratulations to Harcourts Northern Rivers for coming on board as our Production Partner for Matilda The Musical! Harcourts is one of the Northern Rivers premier real estate agents and a valued member of our College. Harcourts is a highly successful multi-national real estate company, who have global, national, and local connections for selling, managing and letting property.
Thanks especially to Shane Tasker for supporting our College in staging this great event. We thrilled to have you as part of our Matilda family.
Pre Sale Tickets On Sale Soon!
We are excited to announce that EAC families will soon have exclusive access to a Pre Sale of Matilda tickets from this Wednesday 21 September. This EAC Presale will be available for one week only before tickets go on sale to the general public.
Demand will be high for such a popular and family friendly musical so we don’t want our EAC families to miss out.
Keep your eye on the Emmanuel Anglican College Facebook page and the Matilda section of the EAC website for more information.
We are excited to announce that Iesha Williams will head up the make up for Matilda the Musical. Given Iesha is currently working on Moulin Rouge in Sydney, it is a real honour to have such an industry expert working with our show.
Any Senior students who are able to give some time during the musical season to help with makeup are invited to a master class with Iesha in The Lindsay Walker Centre on Wednesday 28 September at 10am.
Please email Mr Cross at wcross@eac.nsw.edu.au to secure your spot.
Matilda Show Season Dates
Friday 28 October - Opening Night @ 7pm
Saturday 29 October - Matinee @ 2pm & Evening Performance @ 7pm
Thursday 3 November - Reserve Date - Matinee @ 11am
Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 5 November - Matinee @ 2pm
Library Lowdown
And the Hunt Begins...
It's that time of term again when parents and students take part in the Great Overdue Book Hunt! Are they under the couch? In the car? In the other car? Maybe check with the grandparents? Or are they (gasp) on the trampoline?!?!
Please do have a look around for any overdue library books and send them back before the end of term. May the hunt be ever in your favour!
Canteen Cookup
Here's Your Big Chance!
Is helping out in the Canteen on your Bucket List? Here's your chance!
We're looking for a volunteer for each of the days listed below. If you are able to assist, please email enquiries@eac.nsw.edu.au and may the finger buns be ever in your favour!
Tuesday 13 September from 9am to 12noon
Thursday 15 September from 9am to 12 noon
Thursday 22 September from 12 noon to 2pm
How To EAC
How to... Book Vacation Care
The College is proud to offer a great Vacation Care program for our Primary students that provides heaps of fun and engagement for children and a helping hand to families juggling logistics during the school holidays.
To book your child's place, simply email your preferred dates together with your child's name to enrolments@eac.nsw.edu.au
Be quick though as places are limited and do book out.
Early Learning Centre Corner
Farewell to a Fan Favourite
With great affection our Early Learning Centre staff and students will farewell the much loved Mrs Docherty at the end of term. Mrs Docherty has been delighting children at the ELC for more than eight fun-filled years and is resigning her position to spend more time with her wonderful daughters as they navigate the transition from Primary to Secondary school. Hundreds of ELC families have come to know the fabulous antics of Mrs Docherty including many truly magnificent sandcastle creations and the unexpected joy of a chorus of four year olds belting out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star... in Fijian.
Thank you Siteri, from all of us, for the genuine love and affection you've shown all the children in your care. The ELC community is all the richer for having you as one of our own. We look forward to some 'guest star' appearances from you in the future.
Primary Pulse
Luca Goes Above and Beyond
Last week, I received an email congratulating Year 5 student Luca Durston for charity work he undertook last school holidays. Luca was involved in the Kids Giving Back community program. It was especially heart-warming to know that Luca chose to spend some of his holidays volunteering to help others in need. Giving Back is an important value, and we are proud that Luca has shown this quality. He was among over 500 young people who produced over 13,500 hot meals, soup, salads, fruit kebabs, breakfast boxes, snack packs, care packs and decorated tote bags, with empathetic, positive messages, which were distributed to 13 charities around Sydney. Well done Luca. We're really proud of your contribution.
Wayne Cross
Directory Primary
'Stellarphant' Sees Students Shoot for the Stars
This week we went to see a show called Stellarphant. First we saw the characters. The main character was Stellarphant! She wanted to become an astronaut but the problem was that the Manager thought she was too big! So they couldn’t approve her application. So she made a spacesuit but they still did not approve her application! So she made a rocket and got a crew. Finally she was an astronaut! I liked the show a lot! It was well played especially the start when the sheep dances!
By Maasai Solano Fallon, 1A
On Tuesday we went to see a show called Stellarphant. First we came in and sat down on the carpet and we held up our masks. Next, the show people came out and said their names and there was a girl dressed like an elephant and a boy dressed like a Manager. Three kids from Year 1 got to perform on the stage. Then Stellarphant came out and asked the astronaut if she could be a real astronaut but he said "No". Stellarphant needed a rocket, a crew, a uniform and an application. Stellarphant did all that but the Manager still said "No". Stellarphant left and thought that she already has all those things. She doesn’t need an application. She can just go. I loved the show!
By Ava Murray, 1A
Secondary Scoop
Year 7 and 11 Camp a Muddy Success
This week Year 7 and 11 students attended camp in Coffs Harbour. This was a great opportunity for students to connect with each other and develop independence.
Camp provides students with challenges that they would not normally face at home and provides opportunity to develop their own identify, self worth and many other character building traits like responsibility, resourcefulness and resilience.
During the week, students participated in a range of activities including canoeing, a commando course, the giant swing and sky wire. On Wednesday both Year 7 and 11 students worked together in their Houses and with their peer support leaders to celebrate the connections that have been developed during the school year so far.
Year 7 returned to classes on Thursday a bit tired but full of great memories from the week including:
- Muddy tug o war
- Mr Lake encouraging the students to go in the mud run
- The competition between the Leaders of House when it came to the combined Year 7 and 11 'Capture the Flag' competition
- Sitting around the campfire at night
- Mrs Payne screaming on the giant swing
Thanks to all the teachers who gave up their time to attend Camp and ensure students had a great experience.
Amanda Middleton
Director Secondary
Judah and Oliver Pay It Forward
Over the past few weeks some of our graduating Year 12s have been volunteering to lead our Year 1 reading groups and the results have been wonderful for all involved. This multi-age collaboration and cooperation is a valuable aspect of belonging to a College that spans the education continuum all the way from Early Learning, through Primary and on to Secondary.
The friendships forged in activities like this leave a lasting impression on both mentors and mentees alike and provide moments of inspiration for us all.
Thank you Oliver Payne and Judah Wright for lighting the way for our Year 1s. We will miss you greatly as you move forward beyond the College.
Judah Wright and Owen Turner
Oliver Payne and Lincoln Bradfield
Year 10 Develop the Courage to Care
On Thursday 25 August during our Wellbeing lesson, Year 10 was invited to the Ezzy Centre to listen to a great presentation by an
organisation called 'Courage To Care'. We listened to a presenter from Sydney via Zoom as she told us her message about how important it is to care for others and to be an upstander in situations of injustice or bullying, using examples mainly through the context of the Holocaust, which has been a current topic in our history lessons.
Year 10 learnt about many quiet heroes of this genocide, hearing how a few regular German citizens were brave enough to risk their lives to save those of the Jews who being hugely discriminated against. These inspirational stories all demonstrated acts of true human kindness,
for example the case of Irena Sendler, a 29 year old woman who rescued thousands of Jewish children.
We also had the unique experience of hearing from the lovely 86 year old Mimi, an actual holocaust survivor. She was generous enough to share her incredible story of courage from the age of 6 living in Poland, and her frightening experience hiding from the Nazis with her Jewish family.
Emily Kay, Year 10
Tournament of Minds
At the recent Tournament of Minds, EAC fielded an elite team of six hugely talented students in the Social Sciences Challenge category. They prepared for many weeks outside of class time - before school, during breaks and after school - in preparation for the event held on Sunday 28 August at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.
The team comprised of a number of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 - Franceska Payne, Olivia Rose, Emanuelle Harding, Connor McGreevy, Rory Neaves and Stella Payne.
The competition attracted 30 schools, with almost 600 students across the four disciplines. Our team won the Honours award, which is an impressive second place. They put on an incredible performance and should be proud of their sterling performance.
Daniela Payne
Secondary Maths Teacher & Tournament of Minds Team Coach
Friends of EAC
Friends of Friends
Tuesday's Friends of EAC meeting went really well with lots of input from members new and old. The Friends committee is a great way for parents to connect and share experiences as well as engage directly with the College on all manner of topics.
This meeting saw the drafting of our calendar of events for 2023 and we'll be looking forward to bringing you diary dates early in Term 4.
A key initiative of the Friends is to enhance the existing 'class parent' initiative and will launch 'Friends of Friends' in 2023. Watch this space for more information and some great ideas to make life easier for the families of each year group throughout the College.
Our next meeting is 6.30pm Tuesday 18 October and all are welcome to come along.
Honor Roll: Spotlighting Success from the Broader College Community
We are on the hunt for news from our College Community. Know of an update from one of our Amazing Alumni? Maybe you are one of our Terrifically Talented Teachers with tales to tell. Proud Parents and Cherished Carers, we want to celebrate your achievements. Superhero Support Staff, we see you too and want to share your stories!
Our College community is full of remarkable people achieving the most incredible of things. The 2020s have featured some interesting challenges and we have all grown so much as a result. There are most certainly heroes in our midst with stories of inspiration and achievement that we can all benefit from. This is the place to share those stories and celebrate those heroes.
Please email enquiries@eac.nsw.edu.au with your good news.