Term 3 | Week 7 | 29 August - 2 September 2022
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
From The Acting Principal
The art of travel gives us a unique insight into ourselves and those around us. Do we set out as tourists or as travellers? Destined to experience or consume, to engage with or to judge? So many of our reactions mirror how we journey through life’s byroads and challenges.
To observe the reaction of others when flights get delayed shows some marching to the nearest airline counter demanding an explanation while others simply reach for a book or device and settle down in a comfortable seat and await an update.
Successful travelling can often be an exercise in endurance and perseverance as we strive to overcome the obstacles we face along the way. Like the Year 6 students who came to experience their first taste of Secondary School today - their adventurous spirit will be tested over the coming years.
But it is the role of our community to support them on their journey. 'To Serve, To Strive and not To Yield' from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem Ulysses: ”Come, my friends. Tis not too late to seek a newer world.“
Dia dhaoibh
Mr Francis McGuigan
Acting Principal

Wellbeing Week Works Wonders
While teachers and support staff put their energy into creating a positive and healthy environment for our students, it is also important to allow time for our faculty to focus on their own wellbeing and that of their colleagues.
This week we spent some time reminding staff of the importance of self care and putting time aside for themselves and their families. The week focused on ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ - Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Be Aware and Help Others. These simple yet effective keystones to psychological and emotional health are based on extensive international research.
A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body for your overall wellbeing. Like physical fitness, you can strengthen your psychological health in many small ways every day. This will help you live a happier and a longer life and better cope with the stresses that life throws our way.
Our Wellbeing Week has included a range of activities to boost morale and provide opportunity for connection with peers.
A healthy staff means we are better able to support student wellbeing which is a key focus of our College.
Amanda Middleton
Acting Deputy Principal

Term 3 | Week 8B
Monday 5 September
- Year 9 Marine Studies + Lizard Island Group Snorkelling Excursion
- Swimming Intensive - Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6
- Matilda Rehearsal @ 3.15pm - 5.15pm
Tuesday 6 September
- Primary NCIS Netball Tournament at Tweed Heads
- Swimming Intensive - Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6
- After School Volleyball Program @ 3.30pm - 5pm
Wednesday 7 September
- Swimming Intensive - Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6
- Stage 2 Public Speaking Grand Final
- Matilda Rehearsal @ 3.15pm - 5.15pm
Thursday 8 September
- Swimming Intensive - Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6
- Stage 3 Public Speaking Grand Final
- Bake Sale
- R U OK Day
- Crazy Sock Day
- After School Basketball Program @ 3.30pm - 5pm
Friday 9 September
- Swimming Intensive - Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6
- Secondary Rugby 7s Training @ 7.30am
- Athletics Training @ 7.30am
Coming Soon...
Monday 5 - Friday 9 September
- Swimming Intensive - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5
Monday 12 September
- Year 7 Camp
Wednesday 14 September to Friday 16 September
- Year 11 Camp
Monday 19 September
- Year 12 Retreat
Tuesday 20 September
- Year 12 Retreat
Wednesday 21 September
- Years 1-6 Japanese Culture Day
- Year 12 Valedictory Service, St Mary's @ 7pm
Thursday 22 September
- Year 12 Graduation Ceremony @ 11am
Friday 23 September
- EAC to host Inter School Chess Competition
- Last day of Term 3
Tuesday 11 October
- First Day of Term 4
Matilda Show Season
- Friday 28 October - Opening Night @ 7pm
- Saturday 29 October - Matinee @ 2pm & Evening Performance @ 7pm
- Wednesday 2 November - Matinee @ 11am
- Thursday 3 November - Reserve Date - Matinee @ 11am
- Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
- Saturday 5 November - Matinee 2pm & Closing Night @ 7pm
Wednesday 9 November
- Year 12 Formal @ Ballina RSL
Tuesday 29 November
- Year 6 Camp
Wednesday 7 December
- Last Day of Term 4
Sports Round Up
Students Ace Tennis Tournament
It was all about tennis this week with the College staging both the Primary and Secondary EAC Tennis Championships. This fiercely contested annual event also serves as the selection series for Emmanuel representatives for the NCIS Tennis trials to be held in Grafton later this term.
Overcast conditions allowed for great matches with no sunburn. Students demonstrated exceptional skills across all age groups.
Students successful in selection for NCIS are as follows:
Year 4
- Jack Higgins
- Benjamin Moye (First Reserve)
Year 5
- Thomas Hunt
- Molly Pritchard
Year 6
- Jayden Hughes
- Nicholas Jewell
- Alexandra Kent
- Amelia Atkinson
- Dylan Clarke (First Reserve)
- Georgie Field
- Madeleine Jewell
- Alice Palmer
- Francisco Schultheiss (Paco)
- Kori Tasker
- Finley Thomson
- Max Wiggins
- Samuel Harding
- William Houghton-Olive
- Jake Nay
- Oscar Parker

Emmanuel Strives Forward at NCIS Athletics
On Thursday 25 August a large contingency of EAC Students made the trip down to Coffs Harbour to compete in the NCIS Athletics Carnival. As always, EAC students represented themselves to the highest standard along with achieving fantastic individual and team success. The Emmanuel Primary team finished in second place in the overall points for primary school, along with taking first place in the 'Points Per Enrolment' category. In the Emmanuel Secondary team also did us proud finishing fourth overall in points amid significant competition.
As well as our excellent team results, we also saw some individual brilliance shine through with 38 students finishing in the top three for at least one event. Well done to everyone on the team - you all gave outstanding performances!
The following students put in especially remarkable efforts across multiple events to achieve either Age Champion or Runner Up Age Champion:
Mathew Rullin 8-10yr Boys Runner Up
Stella Du Plesiss 11yr Girls Age Champion
Annie Docherty 11yr Girls Runner Up
Samuel Mooney 11yr Boys Runner Up
Layla Patrick 12/13yr Girls (Primary) Age Champion
George Morgan 12/13yr Boys (Primary) Age Champion
Henry Drew 12/13yr Boys (Primary) Runner Up
Sarah Vanem 12yr Girls (Secondary) Age Champion
Katie Smith 14yr Girls Age Champion
Milos Safranek 17yr Boys Age Champion
We also had three students who amazingly broke NCIS records.
George Morgan in the 12/13yr Boys (Primary) 200m: 27.86 Seconds
Henry Drew in the 12/13yr Boys (Primary) 800m: 2:34.45
Bailey Wilson in the 17yr Boys High Jump: 1.9m
Stella Du Plessis 11yr Girls 800m: 2:55.00
Thank you to all the staff, parents and students who made the NCIS Athletics an enjoyable and successful day. Good luck to the 29 students who will travel down to the CIS Athletics competition in Sydney on 20 September.

Reminder: Bring Your Hats!

EAC Rugby Kicks Goals
On Wednesday 24 August, 33 students headed off to Coffs Harbour to participate in the 2022 NCIS Rugby 7s titles. Here is a round up from each of our teams on the fantastic outing for all our Rugby players.
U14 & U16 Boys
Both teams were relatively new to the game of rugby but showed great improvements every game, with some students even surprising themselves with how well they were able to play. Both teams came away with one win and two losses but they showed great courage and sportsmanship throughout the day and made the College proud. These boys will continue to develop their skills and will certainly be a force to be reckoned with in the coming years.
U14 Girls
After last week's games against Ballina Coast, the girls started off with the aim to score a few tries and to win one game. At the onset of the first game it was evident that all of their commitment to the Monday training sessions had paid off. They showed how well they could play rugby!
The team won their first game 15-5 against Bishop Druit, had a 5-5 draw with The Armidale School and won 12-0 against Kempsey Adventist.
Overall they came second on the day after a count back for the number of tries scored. Congratulations to all of them as they made EAC proud.
A massive thank you to Scott Jenkins for all of his training, guidance and support for all of the teams.

Music Notes

Matilda News
This week we are calling out for sturdy box packaging to use in our set design. We are looking for the type of box that you get when you buy an iPad, a new laptop, large cereal boxes or similar to the products shown below. Boxes can be donated at Mr Cross’ office in the Primary Innovation Centre or take them directly to the Lindsay Walker Centre. Please tape boxes up to reinforce them. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated and ensure our stage set looks its very best!
We are also looking to borrow EAC Blazers sized 30-36 and portable clothing racks.
Matilda Show Season Dates
Friday 28 October - Opening Night @ 7pm
Saturday 29 October - Matinee @ 2pm & Evening Performance @ 7pm
Wednesday 2 November - Matinee @ 11am
Thursday 3 November - Reserve Date - Matinee @ 11am
Friday 4 November - Evening Performance @ 7pm
Saturday 5 November - Matinee @ 2pm & Closing Night @ 7pm
Library Lowdown
Swap a success in anyone's Book!
Friday's Book Swap was a huge success with all Kindy to Year 4 classes visiting the Library to choose a book to keep!
Our Friends of EAC have raised more than $260 in donations has been received so far which is a great start towards our goal of $1,000 for new books for our Library and other Libraries in need.
There is still time to donate here: https://

Canteen Cookup
Fresh for Kids Campaign - 1 Week To Go!
This great campaign means that students are rewarded for making a fresh fruit or vegetable choice. Students have received token cards to fill and will receive a stamp for their card for each day they make a fresh fruit or vegetable choice. The food choice must be fresh (i.e. not fruit sticks, dried fruit etc.).
The campaign will run until this Friday 9 September.
Class teachers will collect the token cards and send them to the canteen for verification and then prizes (character stickers) will be issued (while stocks last). Token cards will then be forwarded to Sydney Markets to participate in the major prize draw.
How To EAC

How to... Accept/Decline Excursions
The College is always looking for ways connect Students with our community and give examples of how school-based learning can be applied in real-life situations. Excursions are an excellent way to achieve these goals and we schedule hundreds each year.
To ensure your child is able to participate in these excursions, it is crucial for you to record their attendance status via the Parent Lounge.
Confirming your permission means your children avoid disappointment.
- Log in to the Parent Lounge
- Go to 'Events and Payment'
- Select the event
- Choose either 'Accept' or 'Decline'
Early Learning Centre Corner

Ain't Grandparents Grand!
The Early Learning Centre was thrilled to join in with the Primary Students in celebrating Grandparents Day last Friday.
Grandparents are such an important part of our children's lives and our Pre Schoolers were absolutely delighted to have their loved ones come and share their day.
There was lots of art, craft and playground tours together with giggles, squeals and cuddles.
"A Grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend." Author unknown

Primary Pulse

Grandparents Go Off!
We welcomed 382 Grandparents and special friends at last week’s Grandparents and Book Week Celebration - a record turn out for EAC!
The Lindsay Walker Centre was abuzz and the students (and staff!) did not disappoint with colourful costumes and antics as they paraded down the catwalk to show off their creations.
Following the parade, students took their grandparents 'back to school' to complete fun activities, interviews, create art works and show off their EAC. It was so lovely to have these precious members of our College Community with us once again after a two year hiatus.
Our Joan Pickup Library also hosted a very successful Book Swap which saw the kids go home with a book as a keepsake to remember the day.
The Friends of EAC Grandparents Morning Tea is always a highlight where our guest enjoyed each other's company whilst reflecting (and recovering!) from the morning's activities. It was such a lovely feeling to have our Grandparents share in the joy of learning with our students and I thank all of our staff for making the day such a success.
Wayne Cross
Director Primary

Tournament of Minds a really good idea for EAC

Reminder: Bring Your Togs!
Commencing from Monday 5 September our Primary students will be enjoying their annual Swimming Intensive at the Alstonville Aquatic Centre.
Each day of their allocated week, students will change at the College and be bused to and from the Aquatic Centre.
Our swimming intensives are always popular with Students so be ready for excited students, some extra loads of laundry and tired students come Friday.
Please be sure to LABEL EVERYTHING to ensure all swimmers, towels, goggles and rashies are returned safely to the right home!
Week 1 - Monday 5 - Friday 9 September
- Kindergarten - Swimming Lessons & Stroke Correction
- Year 1 - Swimming Lessons & Stroke Correction
- Year 2 - Swimming Lessons & Stroke Correction
- Year 6 - Water Polo
Week 2 - Monday 12 to Friday 16 September
- Year 3 - Swimming Lessons & Stroke Correction
- Year 4 - 'Swim & Survive'
- Year 5 - Lifesaving Skills
And in the immortal words of William Shatner... "Don't forget the sunscreen".

Crazy Sock Day Coming Right Up
Next Thursday 8 September is national R U OK? Day. To mark this day, the Primary Student Representative Council (SRC) have organised a 'Crazy Sock Day'.
On this day, all Primary Students are encouraged to wear their most outlandish socks to school. We will also be talking with the students on this day about aspects of mental health and wellbeing and asking R U OK?
Teacher Aides: We Appreciate YOU!
This week is 'Teacher Aide Appreciation Week' and an occasion where teachers, parents, and students can show their thanks for all the hard work of these classroom heroes.
Teacher Aides work really hard all year round, and Teacher Aide Appreciation Week is here to show appreciation for them and all the hard work they do.
We would like to give special thanks to primary and secondary teacher aides: Loretta Wallace, Tina Thompson, Michelle Anderson, Lucy Smith, Jane Bond, Wendy Finlay, Louise Charter and Jared Rose. We think you are all superstars!

Secondary Scoop
Students Interview the one and only Howard Brockington
On Thursday 25 August, House Captain William Lane and I had the privilege of interviewing Mr Howard Brockington (the ‘namesake’ of Brockington House’). Mr Brockington entertained students with the history of his significant and lasting contribution to the College.
An engineering enthusiast with educational experience, Mr Brockington coordinated the erection of many buildings and other infrastructure projects currently on campus. Impressed and delighted in the College’s mature development from a solitary demountable, to a highly successful and strong academic populous, he revealed the arduous and intricate task of finalising a campus location.
Sites were surveyed from Alstonville to Cumbalum. Ultimately, West Ballina proved the most viable option not only due to its regional
centrality but as it allowed for the inevitable prospect of expansion.
Howard shared how planning for Emmanuel was initiated as early as 1955 with numerous discussions conducted at the Reverend Geoff Smith’s house in Ballina. One of the foundations of the College remains its Constitution, which was crafted alongside fellow House honorary Keith Purcival. Our Constitution prescribes the standards by which the College operates, including its designated name.
Whilst Emmanuel and the motto “God with us” triumphed throughout the drafting process, an alternative title ‘Christ the King College’ was a close contender; however, it paralelled the name of another Anglican Church within the Grafton Diocese.
A founder of the Tournament of Minds program across the North Coast, Howard has imparted new generations of intellectually adventurous youth with the opportunity to exhibit their talents in a competitive fashion. EAC Students in Stages 3 and 4 remain active participants in the Tournament of the Minds program, with many in recent years competing on a state level.
Howard’s desire to share his Anglican faith is a key motivator of his ongoing contribution to the College. Integral to the growth of his personal character remains his wife Dora and what he describes as his ‘inspirational’ children and grandchildren.
We commend his Christ-like service and his generous offer to share his story with the students of Brockington House.
Howard concluded with some simple but sagacious words challenging his attentive audience with the paradigm of personal responsibility:
“If it is to be, it is up to me.” Howard Brockington
Judah Wright
College Captain

EAC Leads the Way at Summit
On Monday 29 August, Students from the College attended the North Coast Youth Summit. In attendance were students from many schools from across the North Coast including, Woodlawn, BCHS, Shearwater Steiner School, Mullumbimby High School and Alstonville High School. The aim of the summit was for young people to connect and identify the issues that matter most to the young people of the Northern Rivers. The Summit also aimed to inspire young people through insightful speeches from organisations such as OzGREEN and spark positive change in communities across the North Coast.
Split into three parts, the first session involved students collaborating to work out how they might contribute meaningfully to society in areas such as climate change, pollution and safety. The ‘North Coast Youth Action Group’, which hosted the event, has only been running for a few months, so the summit was a fantastic opening event to further establish the group. EAC's own Judah Wright and Ash Daniel-Williams helped facilitate the event whilst Oli Payne represented the College through his participation on the day.
Well done to all three students involved.

Drama for HSC Students... in a great way!
The 2022 HSC Drama class successfully completed the practical part of their course on Monday with an audience of Year 11 Drama students, and of course, the markers from New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Congratulations to all the students who performed. You delivered wonderfully.
Some EAC students have been selected to perform in this year's 'Dramaworks' at Byron Theatre and our College community is invited to attend. Dramaworks is a showcase of the best performances from schools around the Northern Rivers and we are thrilled that so many of our students have been selected.
The showcase will be held on Thursday 8 September 2022 with a matinee performance at 11am and an evening performance at 6pm.
Jade Harris, Kyra Jorgensen, Anita Norton and Harry Si are performing their group piece, while both Kyra and Anita will be performing their individual performances as well.
Tickets are available direct from the Byron Community Centre: https://byroncentre.com.au/

Friends of EAC

Dads Rock (+ Egg and Bacon Roll)
Let's hear it for the Dads!
Happy Fathers Day to all our Emmanuel Dads, Grandpas and Father Figures. We're all the better for having you as part of our lives.
Honor Roll: Spotlighting Success from the Broader College Community
Hayley Oakes
Since graduating from EAC in 2021, Hayley Oakes has been following her dreams... mostly downhill... at 100 miles an hour!
Hayley is currently overseas and has just competed in the Mountain Bike World Championships in Les Gets, France.
Being selected for the Australian Cycling Team is, in itself, a tremendous feat and a dream come true.
Hayley placed 53 overall making her part of the exclusive Top 100 riders worldwide.
“World Champs 2022 was a learning experience to say the least! I am a bit disappointed with my performance, but I gave it all I had on the day, and there are always positives if you look hard enough!” said Hayley of the experience.
In what must have been an extraordinarily tough week, Hayley has also competed in the Olympic Junior Series in Bazel Switzerland just four days prior to the World Championships.
Hayley's family are all super proud of Hayley as are we here at the College. Hayley's determination, hard work and sacrifice have seen her achieve her dream and then some!
Hayley's cousins Tyler and Ryan Coughran continue to cheer Hayley on from right here at EAC and we thank the Coughran/Oakes family for passing on the great news.

Northern Rivers News