Term 3 | Week 5 | 19 August 2020
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
Romans 15:13
From The Principal
With the news all around us continuing to be fairly grim and very few uplifting stories making their way to news bulletins it seems to some of us that we are losing hope. With Victory in Pacific 75 years old it was a moving opportunity to reflect upon the messages of hope that the Bible provides for us. At present all the doom and gloom regarding COVID-19 smashing lives, livelihoods and people’s wellbeing can be a little overbearing. Our young people and the not so young need to find hope and meaning so that they can plot a course forward in their lives. I don’t know about you but I’d love to hear a good news story that demonstrates the power of hope.
My hope story for the week involves the wonderful sense of humour of a pre-Kindy child. As you may be aware I am presently conducting Kindergarten Interviews with parents and their children for 2021. One of the books that I share with the children during the interview has pictures of opposites. One page has 2 characters that are on a see saw to demonstrate the difference between up and down. When asked who would be up and who would be down if Mr Parks and the future student were on a seesaw; the future student correctly replied Mr Parks. When questioned as to the why, the student responded delightfully with, “because you are too heavy!”. I laughed a lot and found the humour in the moment. The comment was wonderfully innocent and the sheer spontaneity of a 5-year old’s response made my day.
Last Thursday we held a Year 7 Experience Day and it was very successfully planned by Miss Guest-Stage 4 Coordinator. Our staff made sure that the students had a great day and there were many positive comments about the day as the students were departing. Thanks to all the staff who worked so cohesively to make the day come to fruition.
Year 12 students have commenced HSC Trial Examinations and we pray for good health, clarity of mind and wise responses for our students. This marks the beginning of the transition towards completing their formal education for our Year 12 students and I wish them individually and collectively every success during this examination period.
This Friday sees our Year 8 students begin the process of selecting their elective subjects for Year 9. Subject teachers will address the Year 9 students during periods 3 and 4 on Friday. Thanks to Mrs Boyd for all the work that she has put in with regards to overseeing the subject selection process for our Year 8 students. Year 8 parents will receive a detailed letter outlining the steps in the process along with a detailed subject selection information booklet.
Mr Darren Parks
Acting Principal
Term 3 Week 6
Term 3 Week 6
Monday 24 August
Year 12 HSC Trial Examination Block continues until 31 August
Tuesday 25 August
Primary Chapel-This will be a virtual chapel-9.08am
Wednesday 26 August
Secondary Chapel-This will be a virtual chapel-8.48am
Thursday 27 August
Secondary Chapel-This will be a virtual chapel-8.48am
Friday 28 August
Secondary Sport-Years 7-10-Periods 5 and 6
Term 3 Week 7
Monday 31 August
HSC Trial Examinations conclude
Tuesday 1 September
Year 12 Elevate Study Skills Workshop-8.48am
Primary Chapel-8.48am-Virtual Chapel via Screencast
Wednesday 2 September
Secondary Chapel-8.48am-Virtual Chapel via Screencast
Thursday 3 September
Secondary Chapel-8.48am-Virtual Chapel via Screencast
Friday 4 September
College Cross Country-Details will be in a note coming home soon
Secondary Sport-Years 7-10-Periods 5 and 6
Chaplain's Chat
This week we had our Term Three Whole College Chapel. It is still a little strange running chapel online – where I effectively make a little movie and then all around the school the students watch it – together…but apart.
This week we focused on the writing of James, where he talked about the power of the tongue – our words.
I suspect regardless of our age it’s a lesson worth remembering. Our words can bring hope and healing…or be incredibly hurtful and damaging. Like many, I grew up with ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. Wow! Could that be any more incorrect. Bones can and will heal, hearts and psyche, self-esteem and self-worth take a whole lot more work.
As parents we continually walk that fine line between words that will help shape and mould, discipline and instill values in our children, and those throw away lines that just rush from our mouths when we are tired, overwhelmed or quite simply cross! It happens. To all of us.
Thank God, quite literally, for those wonderful words – I’m sorry!
A genuine I am sorry goes so far in restoring relationships doesn’t it? Taking the time to acknowledge when our words have been hurting words goes a long way to modelling that same behavior in our children. What a gift for an adult to pass on to a child. The capacity to say – I was wrong.
As we speak of the power of words, you may remember that at the beginning of this term a number of our students sent some letters to the folks in the local aged care facilities. They may have thought that was the end of it.
It wasn’t! Some of the folk wrote back to our students – beautiful, funny and fascinating letters.
Such a simple activity – wouldn’t it be great if this keeps on growing, building connections, and breathing life into the age old treasure of a real, written on paper, letter.
Rev. Sally
Primary News
The NED Show
Last week, the Primary school were involved in an incursion with the team from NED Mindset Mission. The show was delivered via a Zoom link shared across the classroom connecting us to the performers who were based in Portland, Oregon, USA. The aim of the NED Show is to inspire students to have a growth mindset through the use of yo-yo tricks performed by the presenter. Thank you to those families who have allowed their child to purchase a yo-yo here at school over the past week. Our SRC students have been selling the yo-yos in the Discovery Centre all week. All monies raised allows another school to have the NED show visit as per the NESD Pay-It-Forward initiative.
The students have been busy mastering yo-yo tricks in our very own NED Zone on the playground. Ask your child what NED stands for to help reinforce the message of the show. Below is the acronym to help you check their answer! You don’t need a NED yo-yo to have fun in the NED Zone. Perhaps you could dust off the old Coke yo-yo from your own school days to send in with your child.
You may be wondering why Spotlight still has so many Mary Poppins and Peter Pan costumes in stock? Well, it’s due to the fact that traditionally a Term 3 event, Book Week 2020 has moved into Term 4. The official Book Week is now 17-23 October. EAC will still celebrate Book Week in 2020 and we will let you know the details later in the term. Maybe now is a good time to think about those costumes though!
I hope that you have been enjoying watching our online Primary Assembly each fortnight. For the time being, I will continue to produce these for your viewing pleasure and hope that it is one way to help you share your child’s schooling journey this year. Next week, our Year 3 students will be featured, as well as the Round the Grounds section and the Bronze Award recipients.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
This week in Peer Support, children discussed skills and how to communicate their feelings and needs to others. The children discussed skills they used when participating in a variety of activities. When the students understood they already had many of the skills needed to succeed, they felt more confident when trying something new. The children were asked to identify events which triggered different feelings.
Year 7 Experience Day
Last Thursday saw a number of nervous Year 6 students attend the Secondary College for Year 7 Experience Day. They started the day with a short assembly which included interviews from current students on lessons they have learned transitioning to high school. Advice provided included use the planner, ask for help and support if required and the importance of being organised.
Students were then divided into 5 groups and transitioned through a number of activities throughout the day. These experiences included Photography, Science, Geography, STEM and Math. Students were engaged in all the activities with many going home excited about the learning from the day. We look forward to seeing these students at school next year as they start Year 7.
Year 10 Police Liaison Officer Presentation
The Police Liaison Officer spoke with Year 10 students on Tuesday 18 August about Cybersafety and Image consent. This presentation explained to the students the law linking to these issues and the importance of image consent with images on social media. The Office of the Safety Commissioner provides advice for parents and students on reporting issues of Cyberbullying.
Sport Update
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.The canteen will operate Monday to Friday.
The revised menu is below for your information and is also available on the College website.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items.
If you are ordering a drink with your lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering RECESS, you must have a separate recess bag.
RECESS: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Recess Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A
Cheesymite Scroll
Pack Sultanas, Small
LUNCH BAG 1: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Lunch Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Snack Pie
LUNCH BAG 2: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Drink Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Orange Juice
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Coodinator