Term 3 | Week 24 | 14 August 2019
“You are the light of the world, A city built on a hill top cannot be hidden. No-one lights a lamp to put it under a bowl. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of all, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to God."
Matt 5:14-16
Off the Deputy's Desk
Last weekend the College Council and Executive staff spent the weekend taking the first steps in the development of a new strategic plan for the College. One key element that was a commonality in data collected during the survey process was the College’s commitment to providing a holistic education. Essentially in layman’s terms this means that we educate students in academic, cultural, sporting, and spiritual and wellbeing. Each of these areas is individually important and all contribute to the development of each individual student within a broad, liberal education.
Whilst for many parents and students academic achievement is the main game or central purpose of schooling in an Anglican Independent School the provision of pastoral care and wellbeing of the individual is vitally important. We teach RAVE, hold chapels and say prayers not because we have to but because as an Anglican and therefore, Christian school, because faith development is a central tenet of what we stand for. We encourage involvement in sport because we believe that sound body equals sound mind and that learning physical skills and abilities is important. We debate, play chess, study music and arts and drama because we believe that developing the cultural aspect of our students is also important. I encourage each of our families to engage with the holistic nature of an EAC education by encouraging active participation in each aspect of College life by each of our students. There are many opportunities and sometimes trying a new activity can be a powerful learning experience. No doubt you will hear more about this word holistic as we travel further in the strategic planning process for the future of the College.
An area that we need parental support in is the wearing of the College uniform. We have identified in the Secondary school a number of students who are not meeting our expectations with regards to correct wearing of uniform whilst at school.
Starting on Monday we will be conducting regular inspections and following up, with consequences, if necessary, those students who are continually not meeting the expectations in this area. Our expectations are very reasonable and therefore we expect that our students will do the right thing. Key areas that we will be particularly following up will include the following:
- All students must wear their hat to and from school and when out in the sun. This is common sense and a sun safe practice and again we need your support to ensure that your child does not come to school without his/her hat.
- Year 11 and 12 boys must wear their shirt tucked in at all times, their top button done up and their tie tied correctly. Year 11 and 12 students are to wear their blazers to and from school.
- The tracksuit jacket is not to be worn with the formal uniform, ever.
- The girls long pants should not be rolled up.
- Makeup and decorative jewellery should not be worn, plain earring studs only.
- Girls skirts should be worn at knee length.
- Students should only use a College school bag.
- Mobile phones are not to be used during school hours and need to be away and out of sight. They can live without them for the time they are at school.
- Headphones are not to be worn in the College grounds.
We need your support to ensure that our students meet the standards that we require of them each and every day. It is vitally important that parents support our philosophy and expectations with regards to student uniform, conduct and standards if we are to produce young people of character as the end product of an EAC education.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Sports update
We held our Secondary Athletics Carnival on Wednesday last week at the Cavenbah Centre in Byron Bay. The carnival was conducted with good house spirit and participation. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the house relays which were all very close contests. There were several records broken on the day. Well done to Jack Whitaker from Year 7 who was outstanding, breaking 4 school records. Congratulations to the following record breakers.
Jack Whitaker 13 years boys 100m, 200m, 400m, High Jump
William Cass 14 years boys Discus, Shot put
Abigail Hanna 17 years girls 800m
Bailey Wilson 14 years boys High Jump
Jayden Thomson 16 years boys Long Jump
Scott Hawkins 16 years boys Discus
Sofia Ribechini 16 year girls Javelin
Ryan Kernaghan 15 years boys Javelin
Patrick Thornton 17 years boys Shot Put
Thank you to the Friends of EAC for running a canteen for the students on the day. Thank you also to the teaching staff and maintenance team for making the day run smoothly. Age Champion and house points awards will be given out at the upcoming whole school assembly. Selected students will represent the College at the NCIS Athletics Carnival in Coffs Harbour next Tuesday, best of luck to our team.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Congratulations Katie Smith NSW PSSA Athletics Trials
Congratulations to Katie Smith (Year 5) who represented EAC at the NSW PSSA Athletics Trials in Sydney last week. These trials were held to select the NSW PSSA team to compete at the School Sport Australia Championships. To be eligible to compete at the trials students needed to achieve qualifying standards. Katie qualified to trial for the High Jump and Long Jump events. This was the first time Kate has competed at this level and she performed very well finishing sixth overall in the High Jump and 13th overall in the Long Jump. Well done Katie
Congratulations Charlotte Shepherd Australian Champion: Pool Lifesaving
Primary News
The 2020 Kindergarten students had their second experience day last week.
Kindergarten Teachers
Naidoc Week
This year, NAIDOC Week invited all Australians to walk in a movement for a better future through raising a greater national awareness of the three key elements to the reforms set out in the Uluru Statement. The theme for this year’s NAIDOC Week isVoice. Treaty. Truth - Let’s work together for a shared future. NAIDOC Week also celebrates that 2019 is the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages , which aims to promote and acknowledge Indigenous languages or ‘voice’ as the first words spoken on this continent and the 65,000 plus year-old voice of this country.
Nihongo NEWS
Recently 20 Japanese students from Tachibana Elementary School (they can see Mt Fuji from their playground!!) visited EAC for a week. They were welcomed into the Year 4, 5 and 6 classes and were generously home stayed by many caring EAC families.
During the week, all Tachibana students staged a “Japan Expo” for our Year 5 and 6 classes. At the Expo, EAC students enjoyed many unique Japanese experiences such as: Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, a poetry card game, the ‘koma’ spinning top (a.ka. the original Bey Blade), a crash course in how to use chop sticks (hashi) and of course, the ever popular origami.
Watching young people share and learn from each other is a true delight and one that I’m sure all students will remember fondly for a long time.
Mrs Jennifer Buddee
Primary Teacher
Friends of Emmanuel
Less than 2 weeks until the Friends of EAC 80’s Trivia Night!!
Come and have some fun and laughs at the Friends of EAC 80’s Trivia Night. Get a table of 8 together or if there are only a few of you we can place you on a table with other keen trivia goers.
Prizes for best costume, lucky door, raffles and more! Channel your inner 80’s style…think flouro, leg warmers, big hair…
$15 per person, tables of 8. BYO drinks and finger food.
Book your trivia tickets here.
Contact Friends with any questions by email friends@eac.nsw.edu.au
Secondary News
2019 Australian Geography Competition
Students in Year 8 and Year 10 recently took part in the 25th annual Australian Geography Competition. Over 73,500 students from 792 schools across Australia entered the Competition, which is a joint initiative of the Australian Geography Teachers’ Association and the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland. We had a number of student geographers at our school who performed to a very high level in the Competition this year. Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding achievement.
The results give us an external benchmark as to how our students are going in certain aspects of the Geography Syllabus. A detailed analysis of the results will allow the Geography Team to identify areas of strength and weakness in our students and inform teaching and learning strategies.
Mr Daniel Kelly
Curriculum Leader (HSIE, PDHPE, LOTE)
Year 7 Coast Care Excursion
On Tuesday the 6 August, students of Year 7 committed one hour of their time to assisting Ballina Coastcare in their mission to protect the sand dunes at Flat Rock. Students learnt how to identify and remove various weeds and also cleaned up rubbish from the area. The students represented the College outstandingly and enjoyed being able to 'give back' to the wider community.
Special Event
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Hot Chicken & Gravy Roll - $3.50
Wedges & Sweet Chilli Sauce- $3.00
Pumpkin Soup* & Roll** - $3.50
Milo - $1.00
* Gluten Free
** Students would need to come to the canteen to collect their soup
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Pizza NOT AVAILABLE I am having trouble sourcing Pizza from my suppliers.
Sushi: August 27, September 10
Noodle Box : August 20 September 3 & 17
Subway: September 24
Noodle Box – Tuesday 20 August
Noodle Box from “Noodle Box” at Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 20 August. If you would like to order Noodle Box for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form (found here)
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668