‘And if you have faith, everything you ask for in prayer you will receive’ Matthew 21:22
From The Principal
Welcome back to all our students and staff following what I hope was a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday.
During the break, families of students from Kindergarten to Year 10 would have received Semester One Reports. For a vast majority of students these were overwhelmingly positive and a confirmation of their hard work, enthusiasm, dedication and talent. I hope that all parents take the time to discuss the contents of the reports with their children, affirming their success and challenging them where necessary. The beginning of a new semester is a great time for students to set themselves some new goals about their learning and involvement in College life. I ask parents to take some time to encourage and help students to set goals for Semester Two. I strongly encourage all families to take advantage of the opportunities for parent and teacher interviews next week.
All of the students in Years 7-11 who earned the grade, ‘Excellent’ for ‘Effort’ in a majority of their courses will receive a College Silver Award for ‘Excellence in Effort and Application throughout Semester One’. These students have demonstrated great commitment to their learning. Students from Years 7-11 who received an ‘A’ Grade for their overall achievement in a majority of their courses will receive a Silver Award for Excellence in Achievement. There is no greater virtue for a student then to always give of their best and I am delighted that so many students have demonstrated such dedication and focus for the entire semester.
I particularly wish to congratulate the following students who have been honoured in for both their Effort and Achievement. These outstanding students have earned a Principal’s Gold Award.
Alastair Miller |
Anneke Du Plessis |
Brianna Nay |
Caitlin Seamer |
Eliza Grosser |
Ella Peart |
Ethan Jenkins |
Georgina Hunt-Medley |
Hallie Asbey-Palmer |
Hamish Walker |
Hannah Hobson |
India Trevan |
Jade Monti |
Josephine Carey |
Joshua Mumford |
Lachlan Walker |
Lily Boyd |
Olivia Grosser |
Paloma Vazquez |
Phoebe McGowan |
Sophie Kreutzfeldt-Jensen |
Sophie Jones |
The first of our international tour groups have arrived and are enjoying their sample of Australian life and education. This week, we have students from our sister school Long You Kema High School, China and also Kasukabe Senior High, Japan. Thank you once again to all those families who have offered home stay places to our international visitors. Your generosity and hospitality is greatly appreciated. For the families of students who are travelling, it gives them great comfort knowing that our own school families are looking after their children. We will have more visitors from both Japan and China in the coming weeks and we look forward to the new friendships that will be forged between our community and our sister schools from abroad.
This week, we have formally launched our fund raising raffle, with a first prize of a new car. Thank you to all those families that have opted in on the parent portal to take a book of tickets. Please contact the office if you wish to receive a book of 10 tickets. There are only 5000 tickets to be sold. All the funds raised will go toward the building fund for the construction of a Multi Purpose Centre on the College site. Please click the following link to view a 3D fly through that has been put together by our architects, Raunik Design.
I invite all our families to join with the College at St Mary’s Anglican Church next Tuesday 25 July at 9.00 to celebrate the start of Semester Two. We look forward to a happy, productive and fun filled term.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
Welcome back to third term. This promises to be a very busy term for students and staff and is the last full term for our Year 12 students - a fact which they may find exciting but also somewhat frightening as well. In AFL vernacular the third quarter of a Grand Final is known as ‘The Premiership Quarter’ because it is often where the match is won and lost. For our students, Term 3 can be likened to the Premiership Quarter. They can make the choice to either go one of 2 ways. They can choose to take on board the feedback and comments made by their teachers in their reports, work hard in class, work diligently at home and put their best foot forward. Work habits such as these generally lead to improved academic results and satisfaction with school for the student who chooses this path. Alternatively they can coast along, do the minimum to satisfy requirements and keep teachers off their backs but not really put their best foot forward. Work habits such as these tend to maintain the status quo or lead to falling results and reduced satisfaction with school. I challenge our students to, in the words of Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor, tread their own path in Term 3 and set themselves up for a grandstand finish to the year.
The first few weeks offer parents the opportunity to meet with their child/children’s teachers at parent teacher interviews. Parent teacher interviews provide an opportunity for a dialogue to occur between parents and teachers with the aim being to discuss progress but also to find a way forward for the betterment of the student. Parents can use the opportunity to ask questions of their child’s/children’s teachers.
Here are three questions you might like to ask:
- What are my child’s strengths and what goals should we be aiming for?
- How is my child progressing compared to the rest of the class or year cohort?
- What areas does my child require help in and is there anything I can do to assist them?
I hope to see many of you at the interviews next week. If you haven’t booked you’ll need to get in quickly as bookings close on Parent Lounge this Thursday night at 8.00 pm.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 3 Week 2
Monday 30 July
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps-7.15-8.30 am
K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews-3.30-6.30 pm-Ezzy Centre
Tuesday 31 July
Whole College Chapel/Assembly-St Mary’s Anglican Church-9.00 am
Year 9.2 Community Outreach Visit to St Andrews following Chapel
ICAS English Testing –Years 4,6,8,10
K-12 Parent Teacher Interviews-3.30-8.00-Ezzy Centre-Primary; Library-Secondary
Wednesday 1 August
Secondary AFL Training-7.15-8.30 am
Years 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews-3.30-6.30 pm-Library
Year 11 2019 Subject Selection-6.00-7.00 pm-Ezzy Centre
Thursday 2 August
Primary AFL Training-7.15-8.30am
K-1 Athletics Carnival
Australian Chemistry Quiz
Byron Writers’ Festival
HSC Drama Trial Exam
Friday 3 August
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps-7.15-8.30 am
Monday 6 August
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps-7.15-8.30am
HSC Trial Examinations commence and run to Friday 17 August
Primary NAIDOC Week Activities
FNC Boys’ Netball Championships
Tuesday 7 August
Secondary Chapel
Primary Assembly
Lismore Eisteddfod
Athletics Training-Cross Country/Middle Distance-3.30-4.30pm
Wednesday 8 August
Secondary AFL Training- 7.15-8.30 am
Kindergarten 2019 Experience Day
Lismore Eisteddfod
Thursday 9 August
Primary AFL Training -7.15-8.30am
Australian Mathematics Competition
Lismore Eisteddfod
Friday 10 August
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps-7.15-8.30am
Early Learning Centre News
The theory of loose parts has begun to influence child-play experts and playscape designers in a big way. It was first proposed back in the 1970's by architect Simon Nicholson, who believed that it is the loose parts in our environment that empower our creativity. In a preschool, loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways.
This image demonstrates the creativity open-ended 'loose parts' resources enable as Sophie and Ainsley chose to transform our tree branches into an apple tree. "We are decorating for the Princess party", explains Sophie. Both children demonstrated sustained focus and attention to detail as each carefully draped ribbons over the white branches. At times, the branches became unbalanced and the whole thing toppled over, but neither child gave up. Persistence and perseverance were demonstrated as were cooperation and problem-solving. Sophie and Ainsley dress up every day and their choice of clothing depicts the play. One afternoon I posed, "Why do you choose to dress up when you are at preschool?" Ainsley responded, "I don't like wearing blue. It's ugly (uniform)". Sophie expressed with a smile, "I feel beautiful in them". As early childhood educators, it is our responsibility to program for not only the curriculum, but to consider aspects of time, space, resources and the adult role. We will be introducing more 'loose parts' into the early learning centre and look forward to the play and creativity it inspires among our early learners
ELC Director
Primary News

Friends of Emmanuel EAC Car Raffle Launched

The beginning of Term Three sees the launch of the Friends of Emmanuel Anglican College Car Raffle!
This is the largest fundraising raffle the College has ever conducted, with net proceeds going towards the construction of the Multi Purpose Centre.
How many tickets are available for sale?
Only 5000 tickets are available for sale.
What are the Prizes?
1st Prize is a brand new Toyota Corolla Ascent Hatch, courtesy of Ballina Toyota.
Valued at $23,990, including on road costs.
2nd Prize is the Ballina Experience Package – this includes the following:
- 2 nights accommodation in a Hotel Spa room at the Ramada Hotel and Suites Ballina (valued at $480)
- A “Coastal Reconnaissance” flight for one person in a CA-25 Winjeel Warbird Plane with Classic Aero Adventure Flights (valued at $360)
- An Electra Townie Original 7d ladies bike courtesy of Transition Cycles Ballina (colour choice to be finalised) (valued at $599)
Total Package valued at $1,439.
3rd Prize is 2 VIP Passes to The Falls Festival (including camping). The Festival is from 31/12/18 to 02/01/19.
Third Prize is valued at $875.
How much are tickets?
Tickets are $10 each and are available in books of 10.
Where can I get tickets?
Families and staff who have opted to sell tickets via the Parent Portal will receive their books this week. Should you wish to receive a book of raffle tickets, please email Peter Weingarth at pweingarth@eac.nsw.edu.au t
o arrange. Alternatively, additional books for sale are available at the Front Office.
Why should I sell raffle tickets?
Multi Purpose Centres don’t come cheap! The College is growing rapidly – and the construction of the Multi Purpose Centre will provide the whole College community with a place to gather, as well as indoor sports courts and facilities.
To promote the raffle, we would like to offer a Booksellers Prize to the EAC family or staff member that sells the most raffle tickets. The Booksellers Prize consists of the following:
Family Pass to Ballina Ten Pin Bowl (2 adults, 2 children) – valued at $45
- Family Pass to Ballina Cinemas (2 adults, 2 children) – valued at $48
- A nine hole round of Footgolf for 2 adults and 2 children at Teven Valley Golf Course – valued at $90 (includes ball hire and a drink each)
- A $200 Banquet voucher for 2 adults and 2 children at Dumpling Yum Cha in Ballina
- An Oztrail 2.4m x 2.4m Heavy Duty Compact Gazebo courtesy of Bunnings Ballina – valued at $159
- 3 x VIP bread cards courtesy of Bakers Delight Ballina – these cards entitle the holder to one free Traditional loaf every day of the month. Valued at $368.
Total Booksellers Prize is valued at $910.
Will tickets be sold elsewhere?
The Raffle co-ordinator, Megan Whitaker, is currently investigating other ticket selling opportunities. More information will be available in due course.
When will the Raffle be drawn?
The Raffle Draw will take place on Friday 28 September 2018 at the College at 11am. Winners will be notified by phone, published on www.eac.nsw.edu.au on 28/9/18 and in The Ballina Advocate dated Wednesday 3 October 2018.
When do tickets and money need to be returned?
There will be three opportunities for families to return sold ticket books and money to the Front Office:
- Wednesday 22 August
- Wednesday 12 September
- Wednesday 26 September
All sold and unsold raffle tickets must be returned to the Front Office by COB Wednesday 26 September.

Chaplains Chat

live life well @ school

EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
SUSHI: 31 July, 14 & 28 August
NOODLE BOX DATES: 7 & 21 August, 4 & 18 September
SUBWAY DATE: 25 September
Sushi – Tuesday 31 July
Sushi from IGA, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 31 July . If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 30 July . Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Help Needed:
July 23, 25, 26, 30
August: 1PM, 6, 9PM, 10, 13, 15 PM, 16AM, 20, 22PM, 27, 29, 30
September : 3, 6PM, 7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20AM, 24
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668