‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.’
2 Timothy 4:7
From The Principal
The 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner was an absolutely wonderful night and a great celebration of all that has been achieved by the EAC community in our short but remarkable history. As well as lots of glitz, glamour and games, it was also a tremendous evening of fun and friendship. Over 180 people attended the event, which included more than 30 students, parents, staff and parishioners who were involved with the College in its first 5 years. They received a rousing ovation from those gathered and were acknowledge for the wonderful legacy they had founded for the families of our region. While we were looking back and celebrating the events and people that have shaped EAC we were also looking forward and raising money to help fund construction of a1000 seat multi purpose centre for our community.
The evening commenced with another brilliant performance by our Secondary Concert Band, which included a special guest performance on vocals by Dean Doyle. We then moved into the main auditorium which had been transformed into a beautifully decorated dining hall for the formalities and the fun to commence. Our Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Lloyd Morris and he did a fantastic job keeping the evening moving, promoting the sponsors, coordinating the games and leading the live auction. The spirit of generosity of those gathered was amazing and I am absolutely delighted to announce that the evening raised over $50 000 for the Building Fund.
I certainly wish to thank all those people that were involved in the planning and preparation of the event. In particular, I wish to thank the incredibly generous and talented planning team of Vanessa Hansen, Megan Whitaker, Belinda Burgess and Georgie Clarke who met almost weekly over the last 6 months and undertook the massive task of seeking sponsorship, gathering donations, developing a format for the evening, arranging advertising, coordinating ticket sales and liaising with key personal to ensure the evening was great success. Their efforts and the outcome were remarkable.
I also wish to thank all our sponsors and those that donated gifts to be used as prizes for our games and auction. I wish to acknowledge our Platinum sponsor, Morgans Financial, who also provided a major incentive on the evening by offering to match any donation made to the Building Fund up to a total of $10 000. Needless to say that the incentive was very successful in motivating others to dig deep and give generously.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the celebration a very special and memorable occasion for the EAC community.
Over the weekend a number of our Drama students were competing in the state finals of the Shakespeare Festival and I am very proud to inform you that Sinead Fell and Kate Utting won first place in the Dance Category. The two choreographed a very powerful piece based on the play Othello. Our two other teams and Peter Hansen's film also did amazingly well. The Year 10 Group Devised piece finishing runners up in their category. This is a wonderful outcome for our students as this is the first time we have participated in the festival. Once again, I must thank the incredibly talented Ms Eva Brown for her support of all the students in the preparation and development of their pieces as well as her capacity to inspire students to engage in the performing arts.
I wish all our staff and students a very restful and relaxing break as the term concludes this week. Term 3 commences on Monday 23 July. Reports for Kindergarten through to Year 10 will be distributed electronically via the Parent Lounge by the end of the first week of the break.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
This week our Year 10 students are having information sessions with Mrs Boyd-Director of Teaching and Learning plus Curriculum Leaders and subject teachers of Year 11 and 12 courses. These sessions are designed to assist our students in making an informed choice about their all-important Year 11 subject selections. Mrs Boyd provided the students with the Top 10 tips for Year 10’s choosing their HSC courses. In case your son or daughter does not bring theirs’ home I have made an abridged summary.
- Choose what you’re good at, interested in and which will lay a foundation for your future plans.
- Choose HSC courses best suited to your ability. Don’t choose courses just because of scaling or because you think they will give you a better ATAR.
- Make the link between your choice and your life post-school.
- Check university course pre requisites.
- Make sure you will be eligible for an ATAR.
- Depending on what you study, marks around 70 in the HSC could lead to an ATAR in the 50’s while marks closer to 80 could lead to an ATAR of 80.
- If you are getting marks in the 70’s do whatever you can to get closer to 80.
- Remember that universities award bonus points for your performance in particular HSC courses.
- If you’re not sure what level maths and English to take, choose the level that suits your ability and future plans.
- To maximize your ATAR you have to make good choices about what you study, work to the best of your ability and have a plan for life post-school.
This week our Year 3-6 students will present their Exhibition of Learning. This involves a presentation of a selection of their academic work from first semester. Parents are warmly invited to attend and would have recently received a flyer via email outlining details for this. The premise behind an exhibition of learning is that it provides our students with the opportunity to share their work with peers, younger students, staff and parents. It engenders academic discussion and reflection as well as a sense of pride in their work.
The exhibition of learning also allows for an authentic audience for students to showcase their work and allows for a finish point for units completed and a springboard for a fresh start. Exhibition of Learning is a great way to get our students to show pride in their work and demonstrate depth of learning. I am looking forward to being able to visit the displays on Wednesday afternoon and ask questions of our students about their learning.
As we near the end of second term, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students a safe and happy mid-year break. If you are travelling please do so safely. I would also like to thank all of our families for their welcome and support over the first semester of the academic year. I look forward to seeing all of our students back at school, looking immaculate and ready to work hard in order to maximise their learning opportunities.
The first day of third term is Monday 23 July and we want our students to rest, recharge and refresh over the break.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 3 Week 1
Monday 23 July
Term 3 commences
Athletics Training-Sprints and Throws
Kasukabe Visit
Tuesday 24 July
Whole College Assembly-9.00 am Undercover Area
Athletics Training-Middle Distance
Long You Kema Visit
Friends’ Meeting
Wednesday 25 July
Secondary AFL Training
Thursday 26 July
Primary AFL Training
College Primary Tennis Championships
Friday 27 July
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps
College Secondary Tennis Championships
Term 3 Week 2
Monday 30 July
Athletics Training-Sprints and Throws
Tachibana Visit
K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 31 July
K-12 Parent Teacher Interviews
Athletics Training-Middle Distance/Cross Country
ICAS English Testing
Whole College Chapel-St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina. 9.00am
Wednesday 1 August
Secondary AFL Training
7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews
Year 11 2019 Subject Selection
Thursday 2 August
Primary AFL Training
Australian National Chemistry Quiz
HSC Drama Trial Exam
Friday 3 August
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps
Sports update
Athletics Carnivals Postponed
NSW Primary School Girls Hockey Championships
Sports and Coaching Administrator
Primary News
Northern Rivers Engineering Challenge
Last Friday, Primary students came dressed in red clothes in support of raising funds for Red Nose Day.
This is a major fundraiser for SIDS and Kids. Funds raised through Red Nose Day activities assist SIDS and Kids in providing vital services and programs to the Australian community.
Primary students raised $467.15 to support this cause.
Merilyn Mule' Paul Christensen
K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6 Welfare Leader
Christ-Likeness, Integrity, Compassion, Commitment and Excellence
Students receive tokens for demonstrating our College values on the playground and in the classroom. Tokens are placed in our Values Barrel and three names are drawn out, acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour on the playground.
This fortnights three deserving winners are: Ryder, Ellarose and Julianna
Merilyn Mule' Paul Christensen
K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6 Welfare Leader
English News
The 'Write a Book in a Day' competition is on again in 2018. We have 50 students taking part this year!
The competition is a wonderful opportunity for our students to work with their peers to create an original story (with illustrations) which will be given to sick children in hospitals around the state. All money raised is given directly to the Kid's Cancer Project. If you are able to donate and support our students, please go to the link below and follow the prompts to locate our school and our teams. Donations can be given to any team.
Mrs Jenny Holmes
English/HSIE/RAVE teacher
History News
On Wednesday 27 June, Year 10 took part in an Australians at War Experience Day as part of the History course. It was excellent to see the effort, thought and commitment that the students put into their outfits and food. Tables were decorated with an array of delicious examples of the fare commonly eaten at the time, from scones, slices, Anzac biscuits and even a bowl of 'trench soup'. The students participated with enthusiasm in a game based on aircraft spotting, called 'Friend or Foe?' I especially want to thank those students who jumped in to help clean up and put everything back where it belonged. So many did their part that everything was cleaned up in record time.
The students then went to the Ballina Cinema to watch the excellently made but quite harrowing movie, 'Dunkirk'. The kids attracted a fair amount of attention in their uniforms, dresses, suits and uniforms, and they were polite and confident in answering questions and talking to people. It was very pleasing to receive a lot of compliments from members of the public.
Thanks must go to parents for supporting their student in the preparation for the day. It was a fantastic day and I look forward to doing it again in the future.
Drama News
EAC Winners and Runners Up in State Finals in the Sport for Jove Shakespeare Carnival
On Saturday 11 students from EAC travelled to Sydney to compete in the State Finals of the NSW Shakespeare Carnival. Over two hundred students from more than 25 schools across the State gathered at the Seymour Centre to strut their stuff upon the stage.
The students from EAC presented outstanding performance in four categories; Dance, Group Devised, Movement and Film.
From EAC Sinead Fell and Kate Utting took out first place in the Dance Category for their evocative composition Desdemona and Othello.
Taylor Mattock-Golding, Jade Felsch, Moyoko Sugino and Victoria Zheng were runners up in the Group Devised Category for their powerful piece, The Downfall of Lady Macbeth.
Hallie Asbey-Palmer, Megan Richards, Hannah Redman, Lilly Wallace and Matilda Winchester were highly commended for their innovative Movement Piece, Romeo and the Chair Juliet as well as Peter Hansen for his creative smart phone film, A Taste of Fears, inspired by the play Macbeth.
This is the first year that the College has participated in the Carnival and have achieved great success at the regional and State level. It is an incredible achievement for our students to have performed so well at every level.
Mrs Eva Brown
Drama Teacher
Chess Tournament
Interschool Chess Tournament
A group of 48 Primary and Secondary EAC students recently travelled to the Alstonville Leisure & Entertainment Centre to compete in the Far-North Coast Interschool Chess Tournament for Term 2, 2018.
The tournament was comprised of over 130 students from local schools and presented participants with a unique opportunity to socialise with opponents from all around the Northern Rivers Region. The competition is split into primary and secondary divisions and consists of seven rounds of chess.
Our EAC Teams were once again very successful. Three of our primary teams placed in the top three team ratings of the day and one of our Secondary teams placed third.
In addition to the team ratings, we also experienced great success with our individual scores. Several EAC students placed within the high ranks of the overall competition and were awarded merit ribbons and medallions for their efforts. I’d also like to acknowledge the incredible gameplay of Lukyn Patrick (Year 6) who scored a perfect seven out of seven games making him the overall Primary Division Champion of the day.
Interschool Chess Tournaments are held once a term at varying locations. Students interested in participating are encouraged to become involved in the College Chess Club which meets at recess and lunch throughout the week in the Library.
Mr Tom Papworth
Learning Support Teacher
Vacation Care
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi Dates: 31 July and 28 August
Noodle Box Dates: 7 & 21 August, 4 & 18 September
Subway Date: 25 September
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668