Term 2| Week 9 | 26 June 2019
“So always treat others as you would like them to treat you’ Matthew 7:12
From The Principal
Over the weekend Reverend Sally and I attended the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton for 2019. A Synod is a meeting of representatives of all ministry units from across the Diocese. Ministry units include parishes, schools, specific groups such as Anglicare and other chaplaincies. Emmanuel Anglican College, along with the other four schools in the Diocese, play a significant role in the life of the Church through our work with young people and their families in the realms of education and pastoral care.
The Synod is modelled on the parliamentary system and has two houses; The House of the Clergy and the House of the Laity. Laws, known as ordinances, are proposed, debated and voted on. These ordinances govern the structure and function of the Diocese. Motions are also put forward regarding the policies, programs and initiatives of the Diocese. Many of the motions passed relate to the ministry and social justice work of the Diocese as well as formally stating the Diocesan policy on significant issues. I am delighted to say that the Diocese has adopted a policy of full inclusion of all people regardless of gender, identity or sexuality. They have also put a motion to the National Synod to develop service for the marrying of same sex couples in the Anglican Church. We also passed a motion calling on the Federal Parliament to enter into discussion with indigenous Australians about modifying the constitution to recognise Australia’s first peoples.
Congratulations to our Year 6 Science and Engineering Challenge team who emerged from this week’s tournament as regional champions. The Challenge takes place at Southern Cross University and involves primary students from more than 20 schools across our region. Students are asked to undertake a number of challenges and gain points for their ideas, teamwork and the success of their solution to the various challenges. As well as a trophy and bragging rights for the next 12 months the College received some robotic equipment to use in our Science and Technology program in Stage 3. Well done to all the students and to Mrs Sculley and Mr McCotter for their work with the students and attendance on the day.
I have commenced the process of reading reports for all students from Kindergarten through to Year 11. I am always so pleased to read of the high levels of effort, engagement and achievement of students right across the College. It is also very interesting to read about the various learning experiences that students participate in as they take the learning journey with their teachers. I am very proud of both the students and the teachers for the amazing outcomes that are achieved and the wonderful variety of learning experiences and opportunities that occur on a daily basis at EAC. Year 11 reports will be available via the parent portal at the end of this week, while Kindergarten to Year 10 will be published to Parent Portal in the first week of the mid year break.
Mr Robert Tobias

Off the Deputy's Desk
Whilst we often focus on academic outcomes when evaluating the success of a school we tend to forget about the importance of interpersonal and the soft skills such as teamwork, communication and the ability to be creative when solving problems. Last week our senior Hospitality students completed their work placement in a variety of local businesses. Thank you to all those businesses who took our students on. We appreciate your support in enabling the practical industry component of hospitality. We have received some wonderfully positive reports about our students and this is always lovely to hear. I congratulate each of them on their efforts. They will continue to put these practical skills to good use this coming Thursday evening when they open their Hospitality Restaurant and serve a three course meal to parents and invited guests. Well done to these students and to Mrs Annetts. I hope that the evening will be a great success.
Next Thursday evening will see our Secondary Music Showcase evening. Excitement is building in the music community as they prepare for what will be a great night of entertainment. Mrs Campbell and the Music staff are doing a great job in promoting the cultural life of the College and I look forward to a successful evening.
This Wednesday our Year 8 students will be involved in the annual Year 8 Retreat day at St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Lismore. Rev Sal and the RAVE staff plus Mrs Miller have planned a day where students will have the opportunity to reflect deeply and meaningfully and take the opportunity to explore elements of faith. I hope to be able to get up there for a visit to check in on how they are going.
The reporting process is now in full swing and I am currently knee deep in reading reports. I am looking forward to reading these and being able to understand the strengths and areas for improvement of each of our students. Reports will be available on Parent Lounge early in the mid year break and parents will be notified when access has been activated.
It was wonderful to see our Primary students doing so well with STEM and I congratulate the students who were involved in the SCU Discovery Day for their great performance yesterday and for the positive way that they represented the College.
Unfortunately wet weather has forced the rescheduling of the Primary Athletics Carnival and a decision is still being made on the Secondary carnival at the time of writing this article. If the carnivals are both off the Primary one will be rescheduled to Tuesday 23 July (first day of Term 3) and the Secondary one to Friday 5 July (last day of Term 2). There have been some excellent performances during the lead up events and I hope that the carnivals will be close and contested with friendly rivalry and positive house spirit. The Secondary students had war cry practice last Friday and as I did the rounds I thought that Brockington and Walker were sounding very pumped up about the upcoming carnivals. Please note that the carnivals are being held at the Cavanbah complex at Byron Bay this year and they are a normal school day and attendance is compulsory.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
Monday 1 July
Athletics Training Sprints and Throws-7.15am
Tuesday 2 July
Primary AFL Come and Try Morning- 7.15am
Whole College Chapel-9.00am-St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina
Wednesday 3 July
K-1 Athletics Carnival-1.20-3.00pm
Thursday 4 July
Primary AFL come and Try Morning-7.15am
Secondary Concert Band Showcase Evening-6.00pm-Ezzy Centre
Friday 5 July
Secondary Athletics Carnival (Cavanbah Centre, Byron Bay)
Term 2 concludes
Term 3 Week 1
Monday 22 July
Staff Professional Development Day
Tuesday 23 July
Term 3 commences
Primary Athletics Carnival (Cavanbah Centre Byron Bay)
Wednesday 24 July
Secondary Girls AFL Training-7.15am
Thursday 25 July
Secondary Boys AFL Training-7.15am
Friday 26 July
Secondary Sport
Early Learning Centre News
Responsiveness to children is a practice that is evident when educators value and build on children's strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure ongoing motivation and engagement in learning. When educators are responsive to children's ideas and play, this forms an important basis for curriculum decision-making. Intentional teaching is deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful; a practice whereby educators actively promote children's learning through worthwhile and challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills.
Director ELC
Primary News
Today, students in the Primary had a mufti day called Future Day. They had to dress up in what they wanted to be when they grow up and to remember the importance of protecting our environment so that we have a future.
There were lots of fantastic outfits and many varied professions from doctors and engineers to sports and film stars. It was a lovely insight into what students are thinking about doing at this point in their life.
Thank you to the SRC that helped make this day possible.
Paul Christensen and Merilyn Mule'
Year One students have been learning about Living Things in Science and have explored the history topic What’s Special About Ballina? We went on an excursion to Macadamia Castle and drove past historic buildings in Ballina to reinforce concepts that we have been studying.
Thankyou to the parents who joined us on this excursion. We had a fabulous day of learning and the children thoroughly enjoyed the excursion!
Here are some photos and recounts of the day.
Mrs Tina Cahill
Year 1 Teacher
Southern Cross University Discovery Day
It was a cold, wet and windy Monday morning. Excitement was in the air as we boarded the bus wondering about the day ahead. As we arrived at Southern Cross University we were rushed to the waiting area. Excitement grew as we were placed into our groups for the day before we were swept into the auditorium and told about the exciting day ahead, and were shown a robot that could respond to us.
During the day we would participate in two activities including; get over it, make a chair for spot or ginger,earthquake helter shelter, electropolis, minipult, get a grip, string along, light comms, water wheel and Mars rover. After we enjoyed a BBQ lunch we returned to work on our science experiments, then the closing ceremony would commence. In the closing ceremony we were told which school was placed first for the day. To our excitement, EAC came first and we won a new EV3 robot for the school. After the closing ceremony we rushed outside to wait for the bus. As the day came to an end the weather became even worse and as we scrambled into the bus the wind was howling and the rain was pouring, and it was nice to be collected by our parents at the end of a busy day. Overall, the day was a total success. We won an amazingly cool trophy, a certificate and a new robot for the school.

This is Amy who is a NAO V6 robot. She waved at random intervals and sat down like in the picture above. At the start of the day she introduced herself and explained what was happening. Go Amy!
Written By Bella Boyd and Ava Delaney
Primary Chapel

Leader of Welfare - 4-6/Year 4 Teacher
Sports Update
Primary NSW Schools Cup Netball Carnival
On Thursday 20th June the EAC primary girls and boys netball teams traveled to Goonellabah for the Primary NSW Schools Cup Netball Carnival. Following our success at the NCIS netball carnival both of our primary girls and boys netball teams were positive about the tournament and had been training for the tournament in their lunch time over the past 2 weeks.
This tournament consisted of both single sex and mixed sex teams and teams could enter as either competitive or non-competitive. Both of our teams entered as single sex teams (male & female) in the competitive section of the tournament. Both teams had wins during the round games with the boys team playing very well resulting in only 1 loss during the round games. Unfortunately the girls team did not progress to the finals but their were some positive signs that the players skill and game play awareness is improving which will assist them in next years carnival.
The boys final game was against a St Carthage's (Lismore) all girls team. The boys team settled into their rhythm of play quickly and played outstanding both in defense and attack and raced away to easily win with a final scoreline of 18 nil. In doing so the boys team have booked their place in the following round in August of the Primary NSW Schools Cup. The boys team is looking forward to continuing to improve their netball skills and seeing how far they can progress.
Kate and I would also like to thank our maintenance staff for their assistance in preparing the gear we required for the carnival and Graham Walker for all his administrative background preparation. Special thanks to our Yr 8 EAC umpires (Sophie Lawson & Lara Atkinson) who did a great job with their umpiring duties all day as well as all of the parents for ensuring their daughter/son arrived on time at school or the netball courts for the carnival.
A further thank you to the players/students for their excellent behavior, sportsmanship and respect to the umpires and staff throughout the day.
Kate and I look forward to seeing the students learn from this experience and the Primary NSW Schools Cup tournament in August.
Mr Randall Evans
Primary Sports Coach
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Subway – Tuesday 2 July
Subway from Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 2 July. If you would like to order Subway for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form found here
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668