“You are the light of the world, A city built on a hill top cannot be hidden. No-one lights a lamp to put it under a bowl. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of all, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to God."
Matt 5:14-16
From The Principal
Thank you to all those parents and friends that were able to join together with the staff and students at our Whole College Chapel Service this week as we prayed for God’s blessing on the year ahead. We also inducted the 2019 Primary Student Captains and Primary House Captains into office as part of the Service. The student leaders were called upon to support the College community as we strive to become an Anglican educational community inspiring learning, living and leading. In response, the student leaders made the following pledge:
As the elected leaders of the student body we acknowledge and accept the privilege and responsibility that comes with the office we undertake. We pledge to undertake this office with generosity, commitment and integrity; to use our God given gifts to serve the staff, students and friends of the Emmanuel Anglican College Community and to call on the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit to ensure that all that we do is done in God’s name.
Brockington House | Cooper Keane |
Zali Wallace | |
Purcival House | Kelly Campbell |
Franceska Payne | |
Smith House | Harry Falvey |
Ava Delaney | |
Walker House | Luke Rippon |
Summer Thompson | |
Primary Captains | Emmie Asbey-Palmer |
Jack Carrigg |
The start of the school year is always filled with much excitement and frenetic activity and this was certainly true for our 2019 Kindergarten students. I have spoken with a number of students and families from Kindy and they all appeared to be loving ‘big school’ and getting into the routine of learning. They looked great in their uniforms and were very proud of their new hats, shoes, lunchboxes and classrooms. Special thanks to Mrs Baker and Mrs Smith for helping make the transition to Kindergarten as smooth as possible for all.
On Monday evening 11 February, we will hold the Parent Welcome and Information Evening commencing at 6.00pm. There will be an information session for Kindergarten and Years 7 through to 11. Parents of Year 1 to Year 6 will be able to meet with the class teachers and also tour the brand new Innovation Centre. There will be an opportunity for parents to meet staff and ask questions about routines, programs and expectations. Following the information session, there is a wonderful opportunity for parents and staff to connect in a less formal setting over nibbles and refreshments in the Ezzy Centre. The evening concludes at 8.00pm. If you are a new parent to the College please ensure that you come along, as it will be a great opportunity for you to connect with parents within and beyond your child’s year group.
The new Drop Off and Pick Up zone will be open on Monday 11 February. Attached to the newsletter once again is an overview of procedures relating to its use. I remind all our community about the need to be highly vigilant when it comes to issues of safety during drop off and pick up times. I ask all parents to:
- Obey the signage in the College car park and drop off zone.
- Only allow student to get in and out of cars when they are parked in a designated spot -not while waiting in the driveway or the bus zone.
- Park appropriately when using street parking -not across driveways or too close to the corner/intersection.
- The new zone is a Kiss and Drop area in the morning. (no parking)
- In the afternoon the new zone is Park and Pick Up. Park your car and walk to meet your children.
I appreciate everyones patience and support with this mater of safety.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
This week has been our first full week of school. I am presently interviewing each Year 12 student. In our chats I have really enjoyed getting to know these young men and women better and have been impressed with their optimism and the fact that thus far everyone whom I have spoken to has a plan for Year 12 and often beyond. They are taking their schooling seriously but at the same time seeking that balance between studies and having a life. Once I finish meeting with Year 12 I will move onto Year 11 and then Year 10. Not only do these meetings give me the chance to know more about the students and their hopes/dreams and aspirations they can assist me to share any issues or concerns with the appropriate member of staff in order to assist each student. This will then hopefully further personalise their experience of senior schooling in a pastoral sense.
Our students will also be nominating for SRC positions this week in both Primary and Secondary with voting to occur next week and the week after. SRC representatives will be inducted at the Foundation Day Whole College Chapel on Tuesday 5 March. Being a member of the SRC is much more than holding a badge. Being involved in the SRC takes commitment to the College and to other students.
The service of others in one of the most important learning opportunities that students gain from being involved in the SRC. I am hopeful that we will have a quality field of candidates from which the students can vote. I look forward to sharing news of the achievements of the SRC throughout the year.
This Thursday and Friday sees our interhouse Swimming Carnivals. I wish each house every success and look forward to some strong, good natured competition between the houses this week. The war cries are always a highlight and there will be opportunities for students to practice these this week.
Next week is Year 7 and Year 9 camp week and I wish the students in these 2 year levels a safe, enjoyable and engaging experience as they head off on camp. Thank you to Mrs Miller and Mrs Campbell, the respective Stage Coordinators for their work in organizing the camps. I also thank the Pastoral Care teachers in each year level for giving up their time to mentor the students whilst they are away on camp. I am hoping to hear some exciting camp stories upon their return.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Week 3
Monday 11 February
K-12 Parent Information Evening-6.00pm-Undercover Area
Tuesday 12 February
Primary Football Training
Whole College Assembly-Presentation of Swimming Age Champions and Champion Houses-9.00am-Undercover Area
Wednesday 13 February
Year 7 Camp-Thunderbird Park
Year 9 Camp-Camp Bornhoffen
NCIS Basketball Trials
NCIS Swimming Training
Thursday 14 February
Kindergarten My Child Interviews
Friday 15 February
Kindergarten My Child Interviews
NCIS Swimming Training
Week 4
Monday 18 February
NCIS Swimming Training
Primary Netball Trials
Tuesday 19 February
NCIS Hockey Trials @ Murwillumbah
Primary Football Training
Primary Assembly
Wednesday 20 February
NCIS Swimming Training
Taiko Drumming Performance
Thursday 21 February
CIS Football Cup vs Lindisfarne @ Alstonville Football Club
Friday 22 February
NCIS Swimming Training
Secondary Sport
HICES Debating vs Lindisfarne @ EAC
Sports Update
Primary School Soccer Trials
On early Monday & Tuesday morning this week the schools sport and coaching team held the primary school soccer team trials.
The soccer trials were a success with 24 boys and 17 girls attending. All students who participated are to be congratulated on their positive behaviour and sportsmanship during the trails. The players enthusiasm, high skill level and number of participants made it extremely difficult for the selectors to choose the teams. Student selections will be finalised by the end of this week and training for those selected commencing next week.
A special mention and thank you to all of the parents for ensuring their student was able to participate in the soccer trials. For those students selected in the College, team a big thank you in advance to theirparents for ensuring that their child attends the up coming morning training sessions which will be critical in improving player skills, match tactics and for team building prior to the NCIS soccer carnival on 12 March in Coffs Harbour.
I would also like to thank our Soccer Coach Wendy Britton and Mrs Debbie Wilson (Year 2 Teacher) for their assistance with the soccer trials and continued work over the next few weeks with the teams.
NCIS Primary Boys and Girls Netball 2019
The College will soon be commencing our NCIS Netball Primary Program. Please find an outline of the program below. Students need to attend trials to be considered for selection. In 2019, Boys Netball will be included in the NCIS Competition for the first time. This is a great opportunity for our boys to enjoy this sport and represent their school.
NCIS Primary Netball Dates 2019
Trials: Monday 18 & 25 February 2019 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Training: Monday 4 March to Monday 1 April 7.15 am to 8.30 am
NCIS Primary Netball Championships: Wendesday 3 April Tweed Heads
Please give permission to attend trials and training on the parent lounge.
We are fortunate to have Mrs Elizabeth Shaw leading our Netball Coaching again in 2019. Mrs Shaw is the current North Coast Academy of Sport coach. Mrs Shaw will be work with our regular team of teaching staff to deliver the program.
Mr Graham Walker
Sports and Coaching Administrator
Primary News
Chaplains Chat
A place and a part for everyone.
One of the things that I notice and that I love at the start of every school year is the newness of things; physical items like uniforms and shoes, obvious things like new buildings and equipment, new staff and students. But it’s the intangible, seemingly invisible things that interest me.
In our Staff chapel at the beginning of term I noted that every year creates a new community here at EAC, we are not who we were last year, nor who we will be in time to come. This year, we are something uniquely 2019. This has got to be great news for those among us for whom 2018 was not great, for those of us who didn’t hit the targets we were aiming and hoping for. We get a fresh start should we choose to take it. That’s just awesome.
In our Whole College Chapel on Tuesday we inducted and badged our new Primary Leaders, yet another sign of this new year. In the course of this we reflected on the letter that Paul wrote to the people in Corinth, reminding them of the important role of everyone.
I think that Paul was doing more that reminding the people that God has created each one of us unique, remarkable, with varying skills and abilities. It strikes me that we are also encouraged to love that in each other. Often when we speak of diversity we talk in terms of tolerance, which is fine, except that it can become merely putting up with the other person. But loving someone’s uniqueness means to uplift and honour it. To recognize the essential nature of that person to our community.
As an Anglican school we talk in these terms all the time, and what a wonderful gift we as parents, teachers and friends we can give to each other and to our children if we teach them about honouring, seeing the good in the differences we have. To celebrate rather than to feel threatened by difference.
I am grateful for those whom God made whose minds, skills and bodies work so differently to mine so that I might be surrounded by all the wonders of the world that I simply can’t do – I can’t dance (not well anyway!), or understand the wiring and plumbing in a building – let’s face it, there’s lots I can’t do! I am reminded though, that in the body of Christ I don’t have to! I am instead grateful for those who can, and grateful for those who see and celebrate what I can offer.
This year as the new community of Emmanuel Anglican College 2019, I look forward to fully celebrating who we are as the God’s people in this place. I hope you will join me in celebrating and speaking out the good things, good people that surround us every day.
Rev Sal
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays. Canteen is open on Tuesdays only at lunch time for general sales. Canteen opens at 8.30am.
CANTEEN MENU available from the EAC website, Go to Publications, then Forms & Documents, then scroll down to Canteen.
PRICE RISE: At the beginning of each college year a review of the canteen prices is undertaken, some items have gone up in price ranging from .20 - .50 cents. Please check the updated price list (online) before ordering, if correct money is not enclosed a substitution will be made.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Noodle Box – Tuesday 12 February
Noodle Box from “Noodle Box” at Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 12 February. If you would like to order Noodle Box for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Primary Emergency Lunch: At times, for various reasons, students may require an emergency lunch or recess this will be provided with a canteen note sent home requesting payment, please send in the money on the next canteen day.
High School Students will not be issued with Emergency lunches.
Canteen Volunteers: The EAC Canteen runs with 1 paid member and a team of volunteers, for this to continue we need the support of parents, grandparents etc to help out. Please check which dates you are able to help, and click on these. Christine Hall will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your times.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668