“You are the light of the world, A city built on a hill top cannot be hidden. No-one lights a lamp to put it under a bowl. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of all, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to God."
Matt 5:14-16
From The Principal
Thank you to all those parents and friends that were able to join together with the staff and students at our Whole College Chapel Service this week, as we prayed for God’s blessing on the year ahead. We also inducted the 2018 Primary Student Captains and Primary House Captains into office as part of the Service. The student leaders were called upon to support the College community as we strive to become an Anglican educational community inspiring learning, living and leading. In response, the student leaders made the following pledge:
As the elected leaders of the student body we acknowledge and accept the privilege and responsibility that comes with the office we undertake. We pledge to undertake this office with generosity, commitment and integrity; to use our God given gifts to serve the staff, students and friends of the Emmanuel Anglican College Community and to call on the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit to ensure that all that we do is done in God’s name.
We look forward with much anticipation to working with these fine young men and women for the good of the College Community in the coming year.
Primary Captains - Anya Grant, Mahli Smith
Brockington House - Jorja Woolfe, Jonty Garrett
Purcival House - Ava Scotcher, Kale Stotter
Smith House - Sofia Rezai-Smyth, Jack Whitaker
Walker House - Priya Singh-Pangly, Luca Muzzonlini
This week we also welcomed our first group of international visitors from China. The students have spent time at EAC learning English, visiting classrooms, sightseeing in the local area and making friends. The feedback from all of the visitors is that they have been made feel extremely welcome and have loved their experience of the Australian way of life. I also want to thank the students who have acted as buddies for these students. Their enthusiasm for the task and genuine desire to make the students feel part of our community has been wonderful.
The start of the school year is always filled with much excitement and frenetic activity and this was certainly true for our 2018 Kindergarten class. I have spoken with a number of students and families from Kindy last week and they all appeared to be loving ‘big school’ and getting into the routine of learning. They looked great in their uniforms and were very proud of their new hats, shoes, lunchboxes and classrooms. Special thanks to Mrs Baker and Mrs Kent for helping make the transition to Kindergarten as smooth as possible for all.
I remind all our community about the need to be highly vigilant when it comes to issues of safety during drop off and pick up times. I ask all parents to:
- Obey the signage in the College car park and drop off zone.
- Only allow student to get in and out of cars when they are parked in a designated spot -not while waiting in the driveway or the bus zone.
- Park appropriately when using street parking -not across driveways or too close to the corner/intersection.
- Park your car and walk to meet your children.
I appreciate everyone's patience and support with this mater of safety.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
We are well into the swing of a new school year and it has been great to watch our students as they settle into their academic routines. On Friday, we launched the Thinking Curriculum with our students and we are now in the early phase of rolling this strategic plan item in our community. The Habits of Mind are excellent tools for learning but moist importantly they are excellent tools for life. These 16 Habits of Mind represent dispositions that we want our students to use and develop over time in order to enhance their learning.
The first of these habits that I will outline is the habit of persistence. It is also known as grit, resilience or sticking to it. It means persevering with a task right through to completion; remaining focused; looking for ways to reach your goal when stuck; and not giving up.
To be successful we must persist. Successful people have learnt that failure and persistence are the close cousins of success. But more than this we must know how and when to persist. The desire to succeed is not enough without also having this ability. Persistence is such a great life skill and is necessary in all elements of the modern workplace. It is needed in sport, music and academia and in the area of innovation and invention. The quote listed below by US President Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 exemplifies just how vital this Habit of Mind is in our daily lives:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
I hope to see many of our students demonstrating persistence during the Year 7 and Year 9 camps, at the Swimming Carnivals this Thursday and Friday and at the upcoming football (soccer) trials. Most importantly, I hope to see evidence of it in the classroom, particularly when we are faced with academic challenges.
Absences from School
Parents need to complete an application for extended leave when a student will be away from the College for more than 2 days. This needs to be signed by their teacher and Mr Tobias. We are aiming for full attendance from our students so that they can maximize their learning opportunities.
Parent Lounge Medical Details Update
Parent Lounge provides families with one central place to access details regarding the operations of the College, including Tours and Excursions, reporting etc. It also has the facility for parents to update their child’s/children’s medical details. The beginning of the school year is a great time to do this, especially with Year 7 and Year 9 heading off on camps very soon. Therefore, I would ask that all parents log into the Parent Lounge and check all of their details, including the medical information that we have recorded and update where necessary.
Upcoming Events
Week 3
Monday 12-Wednesday 14 February - Year 9 Camp
Wednesday 14-Friday 16 February - Year 7 Camp
Tuesday 13 February - Whole College Assembly
Wednesday 14 February - Ash Wednesday
I look forward to meeting with of many of you as possible at the Information Night tonight starting at 6.00 pm in the Undercover Area. It will be a very worthwhile night if you can make it as it gives parents a chance to find out about their child’s learning Stage. The evening also provides the opportunity to build productive relationships between home and school. If we work together we have a much greater chance of achieving success for our students.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Sports update
Coles Sports for Schools program 2018
The College has registered for the 2018 Coles Sports for Schools program. For every $10 spent at Coles, customers will receive one Sports for Schools voucher.
We have a collection bin placed in the student reception area where you can deposit your vouchers. These will be tallied up in June and redeemed for sports equipment items for the school.
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Welcome to Kindergarten Students and Families
Kindergarten students are settling in very well to their classrooms, getting to know their teachers and peers.
They are following routines, engaging in many exciting learning activities and making lots of friends.
Year 6 students are enjoying getting to know their Kindergarten Buddies and are developing their friendships through fun activities and talking together.
Merilyn Mule'
K-2 Welfare Leader
Secondary news
Scholastic Book Club catalogues will be going home today with all Primary Students. It contains a great selection of new and noteworthy fiction, classics, award winning titles, favourites, reference books and more.
You can purchase books at discount prices starting from as little as $1. Orders can be placed directly online with payments made by Visa or Mastercard. Paying online also unlocks great benefits and special offers throughout the year.
You may also pay by cash or with cheques payable to Scholastic Australia.
Mrs Fiona Wilson-Jones
Library Manager
Friends of Emmanuel
Welcome back and hello new parents!
For those who don’t know me, I am Melissa Collins and the President of Friends. I have three children at the school, William Year 10, Candace Year 6 and Benjamin Year 4.
This is just a quick note to remind you of the first Friends meeting for the year scheduled for 7pm, 13th February at the Joan Pickup Library.
This will be a getting together of parents, friends, grandparents, carers to meet and greet with the current committee members and discuss the plans for our children for 2018. Maybe we could even do some nibbles and drinks!
If you would like to attend the gathering, please come along, all welcome and don’t worry, we won’t be signing you up for any volunteering!
Melissa Collins
Friends of Emmanuel President
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays , only at lunch time for general sales. Canteen opens at 8.30am.
CANTEEN MENU available from the EAC website, Go to Publications, then Forms & Documents, then scroll down to Canteen.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
PRICE RISE: At the beginning of each college year a review of the canteen prices is undertaken, some items have gone up in price ranging from .20 - .50 cents. Please check the updated price list (online) before ordering, if correct money is not enclosed a substitution will be made.
PRIMARY EMERGENCY LUNCH: At times, for various reasons, students may require an emergency lunch or recess this will be provided with a canteen note sent home requesting payment, please send in the money on the next canteen day. High School Students will not be issued with Emergency lunches.
The EAC Canteen runs with 1 paid member and a team of volunteers, for this to continue we need the support of parents, grandparents etc to help out. Please check which dates you are able to help, and click on these. I will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your times.
Special Lunches
Noodle Box – Tuesday 13 February
Noodle Box from “Noodle Box” at Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 13 February. If you would like to order Noodle Box for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 12 February. . Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668