‘’Happy the peacemakers; they shall be called the sons and daughters of God’ Matthew 5:9
From The Principal
A reminder to all our families to get online and purchase tickets to our 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner which will take place on Saturday 30 June at the Ballina RSL. Tickets sales will close on Friday 22 June (This Friday!) We are well on our way to 200 guests and hope to have as many people as possible join with us for a great night of fun and friendship. Our platinum sponsor, Morgans Financial, has made an incredible offer to help support the future growth and development plans of the College. They have offered to match any $500 donation to the College’s Tax Deductable Building Fund made up until the 30 June to a maximum value of $10 000. This is an incredibly generous offer and a great initiative on Morgan’s behalf to encourage families to support the College’s future building plans. Attached to this newsletter is a form to download, complete and email to kmalaba@eac.nsw.edu.au All donation pledges made by 30 June will be Tax deductable for the 2017-2018 financial year.
Over the weekend Reverend Sally and I attended the Synod of the Anglican Diocese for 2018. A Synod is a meeting of representatives of all ministry units from across the Diocese. Ministry units include parishes, schools, specific groups such as Anglicare and other chaplaincies. The Synod is modelled on the parliamentary system and has two houses; The House of the Clergy and the House of the Laity. Laws, known as ordinances, are proposed, debated and voted on. These ordinances govern the structure and function of the Diocese. Emmanuel Anglican College, along with the other four schools in the Diocese, plays a significant role in the life of the Church through our work with young people and their families in the realms of education and pastoral care.
The appointment of the next Bishop of the Grafton Diocese was also made over the weekend. Dr Murray Harvey will be installed as Bishop on September 29. Dr Murray is currently Rector of St Mark’s, Clayfield and Dean of the Cathedral in Brisbane. He has a Doctorate in Health Science and previously practised as a Psychologist. He has undertaken a number of Diocesan roles in the areas of Education, Governance and Professional Standards. We look forward to building a strong and positive relationship with our new Bishop.
The building project has begun in earnest with heavy machinery moving in this week. The project includes the development of 6 classrooms, a large shared learning space, a creative arts space, 7 additional toilets and covered outdoor spaces. We will also renew the northern car park area and create an additional drop off and pick up zone to help deal with the additional student and traffic movements due to a growing school. The project also includes the installation of a refuge island and designated crossing point to help students cross Horizon Drive. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by the end of the year.
Congratulations to our strong team of Cross Country runners who travelled to Sydney to represent NCIS at the CIS championships last week. I particularly wish to acknowledge and thank Mrs Kate Sculley, Mr Greg Potts and Mr Daniel Kelly for their wonderful efforts in leading our Cross Country running squad. Thank you also to Mr Graham Walker for all his efforts in managing the team and travelling with them to Sydney. Congratulations to Joshua Mumford who finished fourth in the under 17 age group and will represent CIS at the All School Championships.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
I am presently in the process of proofreading reports across the College. Primary reports have been read as have Year 11 and my next step is Years 7-10. I have found the process to be very engaging and has assisted me in building a wider picture of the strengths/weaknesses and attributes of students in these year levels. This brings me to the question of why do we as educators go to the time and effort to report and what should parents do with all the information that their child’s report card provides.
What should a parent do if the report is less than effusive about your child’s progress?
Every parent wants to know that their child is smart. Whether your child is a bubbly first grader or a moody teenager, you want what’s best for your child. When your child brings home a report card, it’s natural to hope that the grades are good. Unfortunately, for many families, this isn’t the reality. Whether your child has one bad grade or an entire report card of bad grades, it’s important that you demonstrate to your child that you still care.
Focus on the good
For some parents, an easy response to a bad report card is, “I can’t believe your grades are so bad” or “What were you thinking?” Remember that for children, a report card can be incredibly intimidating and scary. Instead of focusing on one bad grade or even a report card full of grades, try to point out the positive aspects of your child’s report card. For example, you could say, “This gives you something to strive for,” or “I noticed you got a ‘B’ in Math! That’s great!” Try to find at least one good thing to say to your child. Even if the entire report card is completely rotten, something like, “I know you’re trying your best,” can go a long way in making your child feel loved.
Get your child the help they need
Sometimes kids just need a little extra help. Whether your child struggles with math, history, or science, it’s important that you recognize when traditional education isn’t working. While some parents might choose to home educate their children, others find that tutoring can be quite helpful. If your child’s report cards keep getting worse and worse, a private tutor or even group sessions might prove to be helpful. For parents who cannot afford private tutoring, there are many state-sponsored tutoring services available. Another option would simply be to try to help your child with homework and projects yourself.
Remind your child that no one is perfect
Was there a time when you failed? Have you ever struggled to get good grades? Did you ever feel like your parents were disappointed in you? Why not talk with your child about it? Let your little one know that you know what it’s like to feel alone. Let your youngster know that you’ve felt scared, sad, and disappointed before. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect, no matter how hard they try to be. Let your child know that you’re still proud of them, even if the report card wasn’t perfect.
I found a wonderful little acronym that parents could use to help gain perspective on their child’s report results and comments.
Relax, this is a report card, not a diploma.
Encourage your child.
Plan to look at the card when you have time.
Observe your child’s mood.
Remember how you felt at report card time.
Talk to your child about their strengths & weaknesses.
Contact the teacher if you or your child has concerns.
Always speak in a calm, respectful voice.
Relinquish your attachment to the grades—they belong to your child, not you.
Don’t yell!
Spend time with your child.
(SCAN, 2011)
As a parent this is great reminder for me when I’m reading my child’s report as well.
Student Supervision Outside of School Hours
Parents are reminded that we have staff on duty from 8.15 am in the morning. The bus duty teacher finishes at 4.15 pm in the afternoon. These are very reasonable hours of supervision. However, students should not be at school outside of these hours unless they are involved in sports or musical practices. Please support the College in its attempt to provide safe environment for the students by not dropping children off early or picking them up late.
Parents are also reminded that the staff and visitors car park is not a drop off zone. There is a perfectly adequate drop off zone at the front of the school. The carpark is just that, it is not a place for impatient parents to make up their own pick up area that compromises the safety of others. Please be considerate and play by the rules in the carpark. Your child’s safety depends on it.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
Week 9
Monday 25 June
Athletics Training-Sprints and Throws
Tuesday 26 June
Secondary Chapel
Primary Assembly
Athletics Training-Cross Country/Middle Distance
Netball Trials-Primary
Wednesday 27 June
Year 11 Reports Distributed
Netball Trials-Secondary
Thursday 28 June
Primary Athletics Championships
Friday 29 June
Secondary Athletics Championships
Week 10
Monday 2 July
Athletics Training-Sprints and Throws
Year 11 Subject Information Sessions
Tuesday 3 July
Whole College Chapel @ St Mary’s Anglican Church, Ballina.9.00 am
Year 11 Subject Information Sessions
K and 1 Athletics Mini Carnival
Athletics Training-Cross Country/Middle Distance
Wednesday 4 July
Primary Exhibition of Learning
Thursday 5 July
AFL 9’s Introductory Sessions -7.15-8.30 am
Friday 6 July
Athletics Training-Sprints and Jumps
Term 2 Concludes
Sports update
Congratulations to the following students who attended the NSW CIS Cross Country Championships in Sydney last week. Marlon Andrews Year 2, Summer Barnden Year 4, Finnian Campbell Year 7, Kelly Campbell Year 5, Zoe Campbell Year 3, Lewis Carroll-Burgess Year 5, Wilson Carroll-Burgess Year 3, Joshua Mumford Year 11, Lachlan Mumford Year 10, Sylvie Peart Year 7, Ella Peart Year 9, William Shepherd Year 4, Katie Smith Year 4, Reid Thompson Year 7, Felicity Walker Year 5, Zali Wallace Year 5.
The Championships were held at the The Eastern Creek Raceway in Sydney's west. It was a fine cool day with perfect conditions for running. The course is tough with plenty of hills to test the strength and endurance of the runners. All of our students performed very well against tough competition.
Our stand out performances was from Joshua Mumford who finished 4th overall and has been selected to compete at the NSW All Schools Cross Country on the same course in late July. Narrowly missing selection for the next level were Zoe Campbell (10th), Kelly Campbell (12th) and Marlon Andrews (14th).
Well done to all competitors. Thank you to the parents who supported their children taking them to the event. Thank you also to our team of coaches who trained the students in the lead up: Mr Kelly, Mrs Sculley, and Mr Potts.
The College will soon be commencing our NCIS AFL 9’s Program. AFL 9’s is a new sport for NCIS this year. It is a fast-paced non-contact version of AFL with 9 players on the field at a time. The program will be open to boys from Year 5 to 12. There will be three divisions in the competition: (1) Primary year 5 & 6, (2) Secondary 15 & Under, (3) Secondary Open. Please find an outline of the program below. Students need to attend come and try / trials to be considered for selection.
Mr Graham Walkers
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Introductory Come and Try Sessions and Trials 2018 for Year 5 to 12 Boys
Thursday 21 June, Thursday 28 June and Thursday 5 July 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Team Training for selected students
Primary Thursday 26 July to Thursday 30 August 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Secondary Wednesday 25 July to 26 August 7.15 am to 8.30 am
NCIS AFL 9’s Championship
Thursday 5 September
Netball Gala Day
Last Thursday, the Primary Girls netball team took a trip to Lismore with Ms Johnstone to compete at the local Gala day.
We all had been training hard to play as a team and it was a fun day. There were many teams from different schools and some of the competition was very tough.
Coming up we have the NCIS netball competition and this carnival was a great way to prepare. Everyone played well and we had an amazing time. Thanks to Phoebe McGowan for awesome umpiring.
Anya Grant
Early Learning Centre News
Primary News
Christ-Likeness, Integrity, Compassion, Commitment and Excellence
Students receive tokens for demonstrating our College values on the playground and in the classroom. Tokens are placed in our Values Barrel and three names are drawn out, acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour on the playground.
This fortnights three deserving winners are: Tallulah, George and Sylvie
Merilyn Mule' Paul Christensen
K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6 Welfare Leader
Music Notes
Japanese Language
The Consulate-General of Japan exists to strengthen relationship between Japan and Australia. Mr Isao Omae has a strong passion for education and was keen to visit Emmanuel Anglican College students.
Last week, he instructed all elective Japanese students in the art and practice of Japanese calligraphy, shodo.
Japanese Teacher
20th Anniversary Gala Dinner
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Special Lunch Dates - Term 2
Noodle Box – Tuesday 26 June
Noodle Box from “Noodle Box” at Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 26 June. If you would like to order Noodle Box for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 25 June . Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668