"They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8
From The Principal
The Anxiety Paradox
Helping kids feel bad can help them feel good
With the end of term fast approaching it is always with a bang and never a whimper at EAC. The students and staff have been incredibly busy in the classrooms and on the sporting fields, but there is plenty more to do yet. This week alone is an opportunity for our Year 11 Hospitality students to do their work placements and they are all very excited at the prospect. The Creative and Performing Arts Department are preparing for their Showcase on Wednesday night, while the Primary parent Social Media presentation on Thursday looks like being a busy event. With so much still to do it is little wonder that students, staff and parents can become a little anxious at times.
At a webinar I attended recently Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the City University of New York discussed the idea that by the time kids turn 18, over 30% of them will have experienced debilitating anxiety. A parent’s natural reaction is to try to stop the anxiety. For example, the family of an anxious child who fears flying in airplanes might limit holidays to only drivable locations.
Research shows that while avoiding anxiety-provoking situations may comfort anxious children in the moment, it prevents them from learning to cope in the long run. A new type of therapy called SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions), offers parents a better option: working through anxiety. For example, instead of allowing socially anxious children to stay home, parents gradually exposed them to challenging social situations and provided support. In the study, 87% of the children whose parents received the therapy showed less severe anxiety, an outcome as good as if children received therapy themselves.
Don’t try to protect young people from their anxiety by “fixing” the situation for them.
Do let kids sit with their anxieties and support them in coping. If your child has a friendship issue or is worried about an upcoming test, listen and advise but don’t intervene. In facing these commonplace but difficult moments, children gain mastery over their anxiety—and that’s the key to feeling good.
Dia dhaoibh
Mr Francis McGuigan
Acting Principal
off the deputy's desk
Reflect, Rest and Reset
As we come to the end of Term 2 it is time for all students to reflect on what they have learnt and their achievements this term. As the reports are distributed to parents it is important to sit with your child and have a conversation about their achievements within each subject and set some goals for improvement.
At the beginning of the year, the Upper Primary and Secondary students used their planners or had conversations with teachers to reflect and set goals for the year. It would be good for them to reflect back on these and see what changes they may need for Semester 2.
We as parents always have goals for our children, but it is also important that we have conversations with our children to ensure long term success and that our children have an understanding of why they are doing certain activities. Goals provide the focus and direction that is important and help with time management. It is important that we set targets throughout the year which are achievable, so we do not give up and feel success. This helps in motivating and guiding us.
This week there are a number of events to support students to connect with their peers including the Primary Disco and Interhouse competitions. This is a great way to celebrate the end of a semester and provide social connections to support student wellbeing.
As the holidays come, it is also important for students to spend some time resting and resetting ready for Semester Two. This is especially important for the Year 11 and 12 students who prepare for their Trial HSC and end of year examinations. It is important that students spend time outside doing things that they love be it going for a walk, bike ride or spending time at the skatepark. Connecting with friends and family is also a great way to reenergise, ready for the term ahead. It is also a great time to celebrate NAIDOC week with a range of events that Ballina is holding.
At the College there is an athletics program available during the holidays or you can also book in for School Holiday Care.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Acting Deputy Principal
Monday 18 July
- Staff Professional Learning Day
Tuesday 19 July
- Term 3 Commences
- Year 11 Drama Task 2
Wednesday 20 July
- Year 11 Biology Task 2
- Year 12 Extension History Task 2
- Year 12 Courage to Care Incursion
- Musical Audition Workshop
Thursday 21 July
- Whole School NAIDOC Week Assembly and Chapel
- Year 10 Subject Information Student Sessions
- Primary Rugby 7’s Training 7.30am
Friday 22 July
- Secondary Rugby 7’s Boys Training 7.30am
- Athletics Training 7.30am
- Year 11 Extension Maths Task 2
- Year 11 Chemistry Task 2
- Year 12 Extension 2 Maths Task 3
- All Schools Rugby 7’s U15 Girls
Monday 25 July
- Athletics Training 7.30am
- U15 Girls Rugby 7’s Training 7.30am
- Art Express Excursion
- Year 12 Drama Task 4
Tuesday 26 July
- Purcival House Chapel
- 100 days of Kindy
- Year 4 Wanayara Incursion
- Years 10-12 Northern Rivers Careers Expo
- Year 11, 2023 Subject Selection Parent Evening 6pm
- Year 12 Trial Study Afternoon 3.30-5.30pm
Wednesday 27 July
- Secondary Netball Training 7.30am
- Secondary Athletics Carnival
Thursday 28 July
- Walker House Chapel
- Primary Rugby 7’s Training 7.30am
- Primary Athletics Carnival
- NCIS Secondary Netball
- Year 10 Natural Ability Interviews
Friday 29 July
- Mountain Bike Training Day 4
- Year 10 Natural Ability interviews
- Year 11 Japanese Task 2
Sports Update
Matilda News
There has been a buzz around the College since the announcement of the 2022 musical Matilda. The musical cast will be made up of students from Year 4 to Year 11. The audition process begins with an audition workshop on Wednesday 20 July 3.15pm-6pm in The Lindsay Walker Centre. All Yr 4-11 students interested in the musical must attend. At this workshop, students will learn about the audition process, meet the production team, learn about the roles available in the musical and learn a short piece of music and dance from the show. Please ensure they have appropriate footwear/clothing for movement. Parents may attend from 5.15pm to find out more about the musical.
The students will then be given two weeks until the audition afternoon on Wednesday 3 August where students will be given an allocated time to audition. Call backs will occur on Monday 8 August with the cast announced Tuesday 9 August. Rehearsals will then run each Monday and Wednesday 3.15-5.15pm beginning Wednesday 10 August.
There will be many callouts for assistance and involvement over the duration of the musical. Our first callout is for a Wardrobe Coordinator to work closely with the Director to fit out the cast. This role does not require great skill for sewing costumes, more it requires great organisational and spreadsheeting skills above all, as there may be well over 150 costumes. Jacquie (Director) has already started planning as this is a special passion of hers. She will be involved and supportive in this very important role. If you are interested, please email the Producer, Mr Wayne Cross at wcross@eac.nsw.edu.au.
Meet the Crew
Jacquie McCalman- Director
Jacquie is thrilled to be the director of EAC's inaugural musical “Matilda”.
Canadian by birth, Jacquie’s musical theatre background encompasses 4 continents over 4 decades, with her first leading role at age 15 in her own high school musical “Fiddler on the Roof”. Since then she has played multiple roles both on and offstage.
Onstage, people will recognise her from Ballina Players productions of Chicago (Mama Moreton); Annie (Miss Hannigan); Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (Miss Mona); Anything Goes (Reno Sweeney); Mary Poppins (Miss Andrew) and the Lismore Theatre Company's production of Steel Magnolias in the iconic role of Truvy, as well as many ensemble roles.
Offstage, many current and former students and parents will have worked under Jacquie’s direction in Ballina Players “The Little Mermaid”, “Beauty and the Beast” and “Wicked”, or attended performances.
She has held a variety of production team roles, including crew, Production Manager and Costume Design.
Jacquie is trained in piano, cello, voice, tap and jazz as well as having sung in numerous choirs, ensembles and played in many bands including a calypso steel band.
A mother of six young adults, she expects hard work, dedication and commitment from herself and those she works with. Firm but fair, she intends producing a show we can be proud of, injected with a lot of fun for everyone involved.
Jacquie brings with her a team of dedicated volunteers whose aim is to mentor and support EAC in producing a sensational production of Matilda, both on and offstage.
Music Notes
International Make Music Day
Last weekend, the Junior and Emmanuel Concert Bands performed at a Schools' Showcase to celebrate International Make Music Day. The day featured a variety of musical performances from schools around our region. Our talented musicians put on two entertaining performances which had the large crowd tapping their feet and cheering them on. Well done to all the musicians who performed!
Mr Adam Holmes
Concert Band Leader
Safe on Social Media Parent Evening
A reminder for the upcoming parent education evening this Thursday 30 June led by the team at Safe on Social, Australia’s most trusted, and in demand Cybersafety and Cyberbullying education, training and consulting company.
From their website:
We specialise in delivering programs that are authentic, factual, conversational and non-fearmongering. We share stories like you have never heard, talk about the most taboo subjects with knowledge and conviction. We'll make you laugh and bind groups together. We are not vacuous or patronising. We're warm, understanding and honest. We share our lived experiences.
Discussing the most current and up to date online safety topics, parents and carers will leave feeling educated and empowered, with a lot of practical information that they can immediately apply to their daily lives.
The Q&A time at the end really provided them an opportunity to personalise the evening and gain beneficial information to suit their individual needs.
This information evening is open to all EAC parents and will be provided free of charge thanks to the Friends of EAC. The session will be held in the Ezzy Centre and will run from 6pm-7.30pm. This is a parent only event.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Secondary News
As we come to the end of Term 2, we can celebrate the huge range of activities which have happened in the Secondary School throughout the term. In this final week of term we celebrated Pride Week with a fantastic bake sale and we saw the celebration of the impressive artistic talents of our students displayed at the CAPA Showcase.
The end of the term is also a good time to revisit our rules and expectations so that we can start Term 3 afresh. Some key reminders for students as they return next term are the following:
- Attendance and punctuality. Parents and students are reminded that the school day starts promptly at 8.48 am with our Pastoral Care classes. Our Pastoral Care time is an important part of the day in which students receive important messages and develop their sense of community. If students are late or absent, it is important that parents provide a note or log this through the Parent Portal so that the absence can be recorded as explained.
- Uniform. Throughout Term 3 students will be continuing to wear the winter uniform. The holidays are a good time to check that students have all the required elements of their winter uniform, including the appropriate school jumper for the colder days. When we return next term, students also need to ensure they remove any additional ear piercings, nose piercings or nail polish which they may have worn during the holidays.
- Mobile phones and headphones. It is well documented that mobile phone use has a negative impact on student learning, which is why our school policy is that phones and headphones should not be used during the school day. If seen, these will be confiscated and taken to the office for safe keeping and collection at the end of the day. If this is a repeated pattern, additional disciplinary actions will be taken. Parents are reminded that if you need to contact your child during the school day to contact the office rather than their mobile device.
I wish everyone in the College a restful break and look forward to our return next term.
Mrs Julie Fryer
Acting Director of Secondary
Stage 6 Legal Studies
On Tuesday 21 June, Year 11 Legal Studies students went to Brisbane to take part in a number of activities at the Supreme Court. They started the day sitting inside a courtroom while asking questions to the Honourable Justice Philip McMurdo who sits on the Criminal Court of Appeal. Afterwards they were able to sit in the visitor section of the courtroom to watch proceedings for a murder trial, the sentencing of a fraud trial and the beginning of an extortionist trial. The afternoon was spent at the Police Museum listening to a talk on a crime scene investigation of what is known as the 'suitcase murders', followed by a visit to the exhibition at the museum.
Ms Melissa Tonnet
HSIE Teacher
Primary Update
It was the Year 5 and 6 students turn to dazzle their peers this week in the second round of the EAC Talent Quest. Acts included full rock bands, solo pianists, beatboxers and dancers. Congratulations to the Primary SRC for running such a great event.
The students are looking forward to the Primary Disco this Thursday 30 June with the Kindy – Year 3 disco running from 5-6pm and the Years 4-6 from 6.15-7.15pm. Don’t forget to pre-purchase your tickets and let us know if your EAC child needs care if you are also attending the Safe on Social evening (6-7.30pm in the Ezzy Centre). Due to the timing of the disco, we will not be serving food on the evening, so best to have a snack before you come! As we are using the gym, it is important that your child wears non marking soled shoes (runners are great) or they can boogie the night away in their socks!
Canteen in Term 3
From the start of Term 3, Primary students will only be able to place an order from the canteen for the First Break. If students put in a Second Break order in error, the Canteen staff will supply it in the First Break. The cut off time for parents to order via the App will be 8.30am. The Canteen will still be able to be accessed in person by Years 1-6 at Second Break. We apologise for the inconvenience, however, this decision is to ensure an efficient Canteen service across the entire school each day.
Peer Support
Week 8
In this week’s final session of Living Positively, the children will reflect on what they have learned in Peer Support. They will remember to think optimistically, persevere and use positive self talk. The children will learn about a model - I laugh, I live, I love. This will help them to remember the activities they enjoy, their strengths and to show appreciation to others. Discuss with your child ways they can live positively
I wish all of our families a safe and restful Term 2 holiday and look forward to welcoming the students back on Tuesday 19 July.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Reminder - this Thursday 30 June, the same afternoon as the Safe on Social session, we will be holding our Primary Disco in The Lindsay Walker Centre. Parents can drop their EAC children off at the centre and collect them at the conclusion of their child’s allocated session. Please read below our offer to assist help care for the kids of parents who wish to attend the Safe on Social evening.
K - Year 3 Disco 5.00pm-6.00pm
- Parents attending Safe on Social who require babysitting (6pm-7.30pm) will be offered for their kids to be supervised with a movie whilst the session is on.
Year 4 - Year 6 Disco 6.15pm-7.15pm
- Parents of students attending Safe on Social will be supervised at the conclusion of the Disco until that session is complete.
Ticket site closes at 1pm today! Click below to book tickets and let us know if you need to take us up on the offer to watch the kids whilst attending the Safe on Social Media presentation. Cost is $5 per child.
Early Learning Centre News
ELC students worked with 5B wherein students engaged in a technology experience.
Year 5 walked ELC students around the school and took photos of them at places they will need to know in Kindergarten 2023.
After they took the photos, students returned to the classroom and coloured in a special picture. They then scanned their iPad and something magical happened to the picture.
After ELC students left Year 5’s classroom, they collaged the photos and wrote a description about each picture.
Mrs Merilyn Mulé
Wellbeing Leader K-3 and
Learning Support Teacher Primary
Online Canteen Ordering
We are excited to be able to offer online Canteen ordering via the 'School Stream' app. View and select from the canteen menu by clicking on Canteen. This will bring up the canteen order form where you will be able to enter the child's details and select desired items from the dropdown lists under the relevant headings and pay. You will be prompted to tick which break you require your selection for.
All online orders must be completed and submitted prior to 8.30am (please note new time) on the day they are required, to enable Canteen staff enough time to prepare and distribute orders.
Manual Canteen Ordering
If you are unable to use the 'School Stream' App please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch, please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break.
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s order.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Primary Orders in Term 3
From the start of Term 3, Primary students will only be able to place an order from the canteen for the First Break. If students put in a Second Break order in error, the Canteen staff will supply it in the First Break. The cut off time for parents to order via the App will be 8.30am. The Canteen will still be able to be accessed in person by Years 1-6 at Second Break.
contact: canteen@eac.nsw.edu.au