Term 2 | Week 7 | 07 June 2017
“If anyone wants to be a follower of mine let them take up their cross and follow me. For anyone who wants to save their life will lose it; but anyone who loses their life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 16:24-25
From The Principal
The College has commenced the recruitment process for a College Chaplain. Applications will close later this month and we plan to undertake interviews in the mid year break with a view to appointing a highly qualified and experienced person with a start date of no later than January 2018. The College Chaplain will lead the Chaplaincy Team, which be developed over the next few years as the College grows towards its enrolment capacity. One of the key roles within the Chaplaincy Team will be that of the Families Chaplain. This role has been designed to provide Chaplaincy support to families and to look for opportunities to build links between the families, College and parishes of Alstonville and Ballina. It is jointly funded by the College and the two parishes. I am delighted to announce that Rev Sally Miller will continue in the Chaplaincy Team in the role of Families Chaplain. This will compliment Rev Sally’s formal Diocesan appointment as Arch Deacon to the Anglican Schools.
I invite all our families to join with me on Thursday of this week for the Band Performance Evening in the Discovery Centre at 6.00pm. It promises to be a very entertaining evening as the Bands have been busily preparing for the event. I am sure it will be a wonderful occasion. Mr Adam Holmes and Mr Justin Cleverly do an incredible job coordinating the Band Program and are supported by a super team of instrumental tutors. Their commitment, dedication and skill are great assets to the College and I am sure they are very proud of the students and their amazing musical achievements.
Last week one of our tutors, Mr Alfredo Lopez, presented a paper titled Jazzing: Intuition and Intellect at the "Australasian Jazz and Improvisation Research Network" conference in Melbourne. He is also presenting a paper, Jazz as process: A different perspective for the 21st century, on 15th–16th July, at the "Continental Drift: A Century of Jazz on Record" conference in Edinburgh Napier University. Alfredo is at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, studying with jazz composers/educators, Dr Stephen Newcomb and Dr Louise Denson; developing a Doctorate of Musical Arts exegesis: Perspectives on creative design as a composer/player/leader in a small jazz ensemble. It is wonderful that the students of EAC have the opportunity to learn and develop their instrumental skills under the tutelage of such an accomplished and respected musician.
Once again, I invite families to consider joining our home stay network and hosting an overseas student(s) for one to two weeks in early July and late August. We have visitors coming from both Japan and China. All home stay families are paid approximately $40 a night for hosting. EAC has quickly developed a great reputation as a very welcoming and friendly place to visit. One of the most pleasing aspects of the home stay program has been the genuine friendships that has developed between families and the students they host. We are now seeing students and families from EAC travelling to Japan to visit their friends who they have met through the program. For more information, please see the advertisement from ASA Students Accommodation later in the newsletter or contact Mrs Kate Jenkins at the College Office.
Mr Robert Tobias
Lost Property Update
We have a large number of VALUABLE items in the front office that have been handed in. These items include:
- Glasses
- Watches
- Phones
- Jewellery
- Wallets
- Keys
- Fitbits / Garmins
If you think your child may have lost something of value, please contact Margaret or Kathy on 6681 5054.
Please note - any unclaimed items will be donated to Anglicare at the end of term.
European Art, History and Cultural Tour 2018

Just a reminder that the College is proposing a tour to Europe in April next year. Students in Years 9-12 in 2018 can travel independently as part of the tour. Younger students (Years 6-8 in 2018) would need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Some of the highlights are Berlin, Nuremberg, Barcelona and Madrid (see colour brochure for more details). I've just heard from Academy Travel and they have managed to source good value flights with Singapore Air. These flights are $200 less than advertised on the brochure. If would like to express interest in the tour please complete the Expression of Interest Form attached and return it to Mr Greg McDonnell, Mrs Evans, Mr Raguse or the College office by Friday June 16. There is absolutely no obligation or expectation connected to expressing an interest.
Mr Greg McDonnell
EAC Europe 2018 Expression of Interest
EAC Tour Itinerary 2018
Parents and carers of students enrolled in EAC are invited to attend an information evening titled “Safe on Social”. This event will be held on June 15 in the Ezzy centre at 6:30pm. The presenter, Kirra Pendergast, is accredited with the Office of the Commissioner of Children’s eSafety and has many years’ experience presenting digital safety information to parents. The information evening will cover:
- Using social media with awareness
- Respecting others online
- Safe social networking and privacy settings
- Information permanence and managing your digital footprint
- Posting and sharing photos
- Sexting and the legal consequences of producing and sharing child pornography
- Cyber-bullying
- Identity theft
- Age restrictions and why they should be respected
- Legal responsibilities
- Gaming network dangers
- Popular apps and their specific risks (SnapChat, Musical.ly, Yellow, Tinder, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Gaming, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Omegle, and others)
This evening is for parents to have an opportunity to learn about their children’s online world and seek answers to questions that they may have about digital safety. It is only for parents as the material covered is presented at adult audience. For more information please visit the website ‘Safe on Social’ at the link http://safeonsocial.com/.
This information evening forms part of the College’s education program on cybersafety. In term 4 last year, Stages 3 to 6 completed an online digital safety course. Students in Year 7 and 8 will also participate in an interactive Brainstorm Production in week 10 this term titled ‘Sticks and Stones’. It will review key concepts of cybersafety and cyberbullying with our students. The College is also developing a pastoral care program that is proactively teaching students about online safety.
Please RSVP to Mrs Kathy Carey on kcarey@eac.nsw.edu.au by 14 June 2017.
Primary News
The theme for week 6 Chapel, presented by 2B, was "God our Foundation – Doing Good Because God is Good".
The prayers and actions presented by 2B were based on Jesus being our strong foundation and we were reminded that God always keeps us safe.
The Chapel was concluded with the song "Every Step I Take”.
Sphero Shape Artwork
In Mathematics, students in Year 4 have been creating shape artworks using robots called Spheros.
Students learnt about angles and two dimensional shapes in class first and then they were given an iPad and asked to create a computer program that would move in different two dimensional shapes.
Students had to learn how to code these shapes onto the Sphero. When programming they had to work out each individual angle to make the robot turn corners and they had to work out how long they wanted the robot to move forward, at what speed it needed to go and where to stop and turn.
When they had completed the program, they then needed to test it to see if it would work, whether they had added up the angles correctly and whether it would fit onto butchers paper for when they needed to complete the artwork. Students spent lots of time then problem solving to make sure that the Sphero did what the students required.
When all the programs were checked to ensure they would fit onto the butchers paper, the students then covered the robot in paint and started to overlay different shapes onto each other using different coloured paints. Students created many different shapes from triangles to decagons and some even completed shapes with more sides.
The artworks worked out quite well and it was a great way to show how you can be creative, while learning to code robots. The students really enjoyed the challenge.
Paul Christensen Jen Buddee
Leader of Welfare - 3-6 Year 4 Teacher
Kindergarten Visit to The Farm
Last Friday, Kindergarten went on an excursion to The Farm at Byron Bay where they examined various elements involved in meeting the needs of living things as part of food production.
The weather was lovely and fine, allowing students to walk around the farm and meet many of the animals and their babies.
A big thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to support Kindergarten.
Values Barrel
Today was the first Primary Assembly where we drew out three names from our Values barrel, wherein we acknowledge and reward positive behaviour on the playground.
Several tokens have been handed out to students who have demonstrated our College Values and this fortnight's three deserving winners are: George, Olivia and Maisie.
Congratulations to you all and we hope you enjoy your College handball.
Merilyn Mule' Paul Christensen
Welfare Leader K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6
Sports Update
NSW CIS Secondary Touch Football Championships
Congratulations to the following students who attended the NSW CIS Touch Football Championships in Sydney last week: Lachlan Mumford, Ryan Richards, Patrick Thornton, Brianna Nay, Jessica Shaw and Courtney Osborne. The students were representing North Coast Independent Schools (NCIS) at the competition. They traveled down the day before the competition so they could spend some time training with their teams. All the students enjoyed the experience of participating in this high standard of competition and going away with their teammates. Both the Boys and Girls NCIS teams were competitive in all games and managed to win at least one game during the carnival. Well done to all our representatives and thank you to parents who supported their young athletes sending them to the competition.
College Athletics Carnivals
Primary Sport
Music Notes
Concert Band Performance Evening
Singing Exam Success
Friends of Emmanuel
A reminder that the next Friends meeting is to be held in the Joan Pickup Library next Tuesday 13 June 2017 at 7:00pm.
All Welcome!
The Second Hand Uniform Shop has a large quantity of jumpers for winter. Come in before it gets too cold!
Melissa Collins
President - Friends of EAC
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Honey Soy Chicken with veggies and rice $5.50
Butter Chicken and rice $5.50
Amaze Balls $1.50 (nut free)
Sushi Dates: 13 June
Noodle Box Dates: 20 June
Subway Date: 27 June
Sushi – Tuesday 13 June
Sushi from IGA will be available from the canteen next Tuesday 13 June. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on FRIDAY morning, 9 June.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668