"Happy the peacemakers; they shall be called the sons and daughters of God."
Matthew 5:9
From The Principal
Guess who is enrolling at EAC…? Matilda! It is with great excitement I announce that EAC has secured the rights to the musical ‘Matilda’ and that our students will be performing a total of 7 shows commencing on 28 October 2022. The performances will take place in the Lindsay Walker Centre. Mr Wayne Cross will be the Executive Producer and we have secured the support of a number of people with extensive experience in the performing arts to lead this wonderful school production. Further information about auditions and rehearsal times will be released shortly, with auditions open to students from Year 4 and upwards. Along with roles for the cast, we will be looking for students to assist with staging, lighting, sound, marketing, ticketing and hospitality. There will also be plenty of opportunity for parents to get involved as well. I am sure it will be a fantastic community event and a great way to showcase the incredibly talented students of EAC.
This weekend I will be boarding a plane and heading to the other side of the globe as I commence my Enrichment and Long Service Leave. I am very excited about the opportunity to undertake a residential program offered by the Graduate School of Education of Harvard University as well as attending the Education and Technology conference in London. I am also looking forward to taking the time to rest, reflect and renew. I am sure I will have lots of wonderful experiences and will return with lots of new ideas. I am very grateful to College Council for supporting my request to undertake these programs and for allowing me some time to travel and spend time with my family. I certainly wish Mr Francis McGuigan well as he steps into the Acting Principal role. I am sure the transition will be seamless, and he will be wonderfully supported by the Executive and staff.
Many blessings and I look forward to seeing you towards the end of Term 3.
Mr Robert Tobias
off the deputy's desk
It is currently a hive of activity at EAC with talent show performances, assessment deadlines, report writing and plans for the up coming break being only a few of the topics in hot discussion by students and staff. It is a time for everyone to get through the next few weeks with emotions in check as deadlines are many and stress levels are tested.
At times like this it is important for students to be conscious of their emotional state as well as the state of others. They need to be able to articulate their emotions so as to avoid miscommunications or misunderstandings, not always as easy to do as it sounds.
I love this emotion wheel. It helps me be more accurate at articulating emotions. Emotions are like the weather. Always changing. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes foul, always important to our lives.
Emotions are the weather systems of the geography of our lives. Some of us live in temperate regions. Some of us have terrible storms and droughts.
The essence of what we strive to teach young people, is to recognise that they are feeling an emotion rather than they have an emotion, ie I feel rather than I am, it's a wave of emotion or energy in motion, that if allowed will pass.
For students to be able to more accurately identify their emotions and to have the language to express their emotions will enable them to better exercise control over their communications and relationships. The emotion wheel acts as a guide for students to better understand themselves which, according to Socrates, is the beginning of wisdom.
Year 10 Immunisation
The Year 10 Meningococcal vaccination and any catch ups from the previous visit will occur at the College on Monday June 20. All Year 10 parents are asked to return their consent form to the College reception prior to the date.
Dia dhaoibh
Mr Francis McGuigan
Deputy Principal
Monday 20 June
- Year 12 Economics Task 3
- Year 11 Standard English Task 2
- Year 11 SLR Task 2
- Year 5 & Pre Kindy - Technology Experience
- Year 9 Human Movement excursion to Neurophysics Therapy Ballina
- Year 10 Immunisations
- Into the Forest NORPA
Tuesday 21 June
- Brockington House Chapel
- 11 Legal Studies Excursion
- Year 6 REACH Testing
- Kindergarten Excursion to Macadamia Castle and Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
- NCIS Primary Touch Football, Saunders Oval
- Year 1 Integrated Studies excursion to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
- Volleyball Program 3.30pm-5pm
Wednesday 22 June
- Year 7-10 NSW Netball Training 7.30am
- Year 8 Retreat
- Year 11 PDHPE Task 2
- Year 12 Extension 1 Maths Task 3
Thursday 23 June
- Secondary Assembly
- Year 4 REACH Testing
- Year 12 Geography Task 3
- Year 12 Ext 2 English Task 3
- Year 8 REACH Testing
- Futsal Program Years 3-6
- Year 7-12 Secondary Disco
Friday 24 June
- Cross Country & Athletics Training 7.30am
- Year 12 PDHPE Task 3
- Year 12 Photography Task 3
- Primary Chapel P3 Discovery
- Year 3 Integrated Studies excursion to Tropical Fruit World
- Year 11 Advance English Task 2
- Women's Day Ballina RSL
- K-6 Peer Support
Monday 27 June
- Year 12 Advance English Task 3
- Year 12 Standard English Task 3
- Year 11 Economics Task 2
- Year 11 Visual Arts Task 2
- Year 11 HOSP work placement
- European Tour 2023 Information Session 6.30pm-7.30pm
Tuesday 28 June
- Purcival House Chapel
- Year 11 HOSP work placement
- Year 11 Modern History Task 2
- Volleyball Program 3.30pm-5pm
Wednesday 29 June
- Purcival House Chapel
- Year 11 HOSP work placement
- Year 11 Modern History Task 2
Thursday 30 June
- Year 11 HOSP work placement
- Year 10 Practice Minimum Standards (Numeracy)
- Year 10 Practice Minimum Standards (Reading)
- Walker House BBQ
- Futsal Program Years 3-6
- Walker House Chapel
- Safe on Social Media parent session 6pm-7.30pm
- Primary Disco LWC: Kindy-Year 3 5pm-6pm: Years 4-6 6:15pm-7:15pm
Friday 1 July
- Cross Country & Athletics Training 7.30am
- Year 11 HOSP work placement
- Primary Assembly P3 Discovery
- Term 2 Concludes
Sports Update
CIS Cross Country
On Wednesday 8 June, 25 students from Emmanuel Anglican College braved the cold of Sydney to compete at the CIS Cross Country competition held at the Eastern Creek Raceway. Despite using the wet weather course, which meant running on the racetrack surface itself, the course was still a challenge with a long uphill to tackle towards the start of the course. While all students did an incredible job and represented the school in such a positive way, a special mention should go to Henry Drew, Robbie Mumford and Jett Beck, all finishing in the top 10, with Robbie and Jett earning the chance to compete at All Schools. Also a special thanks to the parents for traveling with their children and cheering them on.
All Schools Swimming Competition
After an outstanding performance at CIS Swimming where she medaled in several events, Sarah Vanem represented EAC at the All Schools Swimming Competition at Sydney Olympic Park. Sarah competed in the 50m breaststroke and the 50 backstroke, getting through to the finals for both events. After great swims, Sarah placed 5th in the 50m breaststroke and 6th in the 50m backstroke. Sarah also managed to do a personal best in the 50m backstroke. Well done Sarah on an amazing achievement.
Mr Jack Murphy
Assistant Sports Coach
LWC Duty Manager
Safe on Social Media Parent Evening
A reminder for the upcoming parent education evening on Thursday 30 June led by the team at Safe on Social, Australia’s most trusted, and in demand Cybersafety and Cyberbullying education, training and consulting company.
From their website:
We specialise in delivering programs that are authentic, factual, conversational and non-fearmongering. We share stories like you have never heard, talk about the most taboo subjects with knowledge and conviction. We'll make you laugh and bind groups together. We are not vacuous or patronising. We're warm, understanding and honest. We share our lived experiences.
Discussing the most current and up to date online safety topics, parents and carers will leave feeling educated and empowered, with a lot of practical information that they can immediately apply to their daily lives.
The Q&A time at the end really provided them an opportunity to personalise the evening and gain beneficial information to suit their individual needs.
This information evening is open to all EAC parents and will be provided free of charge thanks to the Friends of EAC. The session will be held in the Ezzy Centre and will run from 6pm-7.30pm. This is a parent only event.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Secondary News
Vaping and E-Cigarettes
Over recent months, there has been a growing concern about the impending epidemic affecting young people in relation to the use of e-cigarettes and the trendy pastime of vaping. As this activity grows in popularity, most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and the potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health.
Vaping is the act of inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Although vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking, doctors advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Although vaping products are infused with enticing flavours, many contain high levels of nicotine as well as other chemicals and additives, that when inhaled, can cause severe damage to the lungs.
Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products and despite it being illegal to use, sell or buy nicotine for use in e-cigarettes, users are purchasing these products through other avenues. A recent Australian study of chemically flavoured liquids used in e-cigarettes which are available here for purchase over the counter, has confirmed concerns about their safety and respiratory health impact. Attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of vape products containing nicotine. Unfortunately, manufacturers are developing vaping devices that are cheaper and easier to hide than conventional cigarettes, making it more attractive and cost-effective for impressionable young people.
For more information click here to download vaping fact sheets from the Lung Foundation Australia.
Or, if this article has raised some issues, please seek support from your medical practitioner or one of the following services:
Lung Foundation Australia 1800 654 301 • Quitline 13 78 48
Poisons Information Line 13 11 26 • Alcohol and Drug Foundation 1300 85 85 84
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
Primary Update
On Thursday 30 June, the same afternoon as the Safe on Social session, we will be holding our Primary Disco in the Lindsay Walker Centre. Parents can drop their EAC children off at the centre and collect them at the conclusion of their child’s allocated session. Please read below our offer to assist help care for the kids of parents who wish to attend the Safe on Social evening.
K - Year 3 Disco 5.00pm-6.00pm
- Parents attending Safe on Social who require babysitting (6pm-7.30pm) will be offered for their kids to be supervised with a movie whilst the session is on.
Year 4 - Year 6 Disco 6.15pm-7.15pm
- Parents of students attending Safe on Social will be supervised at the conclusion of the Disco until that session is complete.
Click below to book tickets and let us know if you need to take us up on the offer to watch the kids whilst attending the Safe on Social Media presentation.
2023 European Tour
The College is exploring the possibility of organising a European Cultural and Education Tour of Italy and Greece in April 2023. Expressions of interest are sought from secondary students and families, via the parent lounge. An information session will be held early in term three if there is enough interest.
Urgent help is required in the Canteen for Friday 24 and Thursday 30 June please.
Help is also required Monday - Wednesday, any days. Please contact chall@eac.nsw.edu.au.
Term 2 Canteen Menu
What if I have placed an online order and then my child is sick?
Online Canteen Ordering
We are excited to be able to offer online Canteen ordering via the 'School Stream' app. View and select from the canteen menu by clicking on Canteen. This will bring up the canteen order form where you will be able to enter the child's details and select desired items from the dropdown lists under the relevant headings and pay. You will be prompted to tick which break you require your selection for.
All online orders must be completed and submitted prior to 8.45am on the day they are required, to enable Canteen staff enough time to prepare and distribute orders.
Manual Canteen Ordering
If you are unable to use the 'School Stream' App please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch, please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break. Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s order. All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Christine Hall - Canteen Supervisor
contact: chall@eac.nsw.edu.au