Term 2 | Week 4 | 20 May 2020
“Happy the merciful, they shall have mercy shown to them."
Matthew 5:7
It has been wonderful to see the Year 11 students return so studiously to their academic routines this week. I am going to quote a certain Year 11 student at Year 12 graduation next year. I politely enquired if he/she was happy to be back and I was told that he/she missed being at school and was very happy to be back. These sentiments seemed to be reflected by a number of students throughout the school although I suspect it was more that they were happy to see their friends rather than the teaching staff.
It has been an excellent team effort from our staff as we continue to transition back to face to face learning, but I also thank our parents for supporting our plans and structures. However, we need this support to continue and parents can remind their children regarding hygiene, social distancing, cough etiquette and not coming to school sick.
With students returning, I found an excellent article by the eminent clinical psychologist Dr Judith Locke who wrote about how to handle those back to school fears. In a nutshell the key points from Dr Locke’s recent article are as follows:
- Listen to your child’s nervousness about coming back to school so that they feel validated with their perspective
- Summarise what they have told you and give their emotion a name
- Tell them that these feelings are quite normal and that many of their friends are actually feeling the same way but they won’t always say this publicly
- Focus on their strengths and celebrate their getting through that first day back
- Keep supporting the school by reminding them of the positive aspects of school that they missed out on during the isolation period.
Some children will be raring to go and wonder what all the fuss was about, whereas others will be apprehensive and unsure. We can all do our part to support them and this is one of the reasons why EAC chose a staggered, measured approach to easing our students back in to the routine of school again.
As we return to the new normal over the next few weeks I look forward to catching up with more of our students. In particular, it has been great to see our Year 12 students and Kindergarten students come back to school with enthusiasm given that they are at either end of their schooling experience. I wish all of our students a successful transition back to full time face to face learning.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 2 Week 5
Monday 25 May
Year 11 and Year 12 face to face learning
Kindergarten A face to face learning Monday and Tuesday
Years 1-10 Brockington and Purcival students face to face learning
Years 1-10 Smith and Walker and Kindergarten B learning online
Wednesday 27 May
All students K-10 learning online
Thursday 28 May
Years 1-10 Smith and Walker students face to face learning Thursday and Friday
Kindergarten B face to face learning Thursday and Friday
Years 1-10 Brockington and Purcival students learning online Thursday and Friday
Term 2 Week 6
Monday 1 June
All students return to face to face learning. Online learning ceases.
Wednesday 3 June
Secondary Chapel via Screencast
Thursday 4 June
Secondary Chapel via Screencast
Friday 5 June
Secondary Sport-Years 7-10
Lessons learnt for students during Covid-19
This week saw many students enter the school gates in their uniforms and with all their bags full of books as they began their return to school transition. It was like the year had started again, greeting friends, learning about new processes and preparing to start face to face learning.
As students entered the gates, they began to reflect on their times at home and the lessons they have learnt. Below are some of these reflections when asked how they embraced online learning:
Organising time:
There were many different ways that students organised their time. The Year 11 students said that they realised how important the school planner was. They would use it to write notes about their scheduled Zoom lessons and when work was due. They realised that the planner was a pivotal resource in meeting deadlines and plan to continue to use it in this way now that they have returned to school.
Many commented about how they liked the flexibility of learning. They could organise their time and prioritise deadlines. They may have started school work later in the day but found that they would work until 5pm to ensure they completed all the tasks.
Exercise and Self Care:
Some students commented that since they were not travelling to school on public transport that they had grand plans to exercise everyday but after a few days sleep became the priority. Others were very structured in ensuring they exercised. They would get up and surf or bike ride every morning and afternoon. Fishing also became an everyday activity for some who found the temptation of the fishing rod too much.
Social Connectiveness:
All students commented that social connection was difficult during the time of isolation. When I asked Year 7 and 8 students what they missed most during home learning they said their friends. Many found other ways to connect via online gaming or social media but it did not match up to speaking face to face. The playground and walkways are full of students chatting and laughing which is great to see.
What they miss from learning from home:
All students said they miss the availability of snacks at anytime throughout the day. It was easy to go to the cupboard and get something to eat or drink without waiting for recess and lunch times. They also miss not being able to sleep in, whilst others commented that it took a bit of time on the first day to remember how to tie their tie.
It is great to have students back at school, engaging with their learning in the classroom and being supported by the social connections that they missed so much.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
The staggered return to school this week has proven to be a successful way to reintegrate the Primary students back into physical classrooms. Whilst the learning never stopped, thanks must go to our wonderfully creative teaching staff, eager students and the enormous at home support offered by families. There was certainly a sigh of relief for many as students returned to the familiar surrounds of the classroom. Much of the first day back was dedicated to resettling the students back into routines, with opportunities to reconnect with their peers a high priority. It was a wonderful feeling to hear the happy sounds of children playing together during the break times again and we had very few tears during drop off.
There have been a lot of reminders via email of late regarding return to school routines and I applaud the community for working together to ensure the health and safety of the entire EAC is not at risk. We have been pleased that, as hard as it is for some, parents have adhered to the rule of dropping their children at the gates and resisting the urge to come onto the school site. Students by in large have brought their own water bottles to refill at the drink taps and social distancing measures have been adhered to where possible in the classrooms and on the playgrounds. Hand washing and sanitising has been a regular occurrence, with many students also bringing their own sanitiser as a further measure.
We look forward to welcoming the entire student body back in Week 6 and encourage students to keep up with their home learning activities on Seesaw when they are not on campus.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Purchases from the canteen can only be made by pre-ordering.All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.30am.The canteen will operate Monday to Friday.NO counter service will be provided.
The revised menu is below for your information and is also available on the College website.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.30am.
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items.
If you are ordering a drink with your lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering RECESS, you must have a separate recess bag.
RECESS: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Recess Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A
Cheesymite Scroll
Pack Sultanas, Small
LUNCH BAG 1: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Lunch Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Snack Pie
LUNCH BAG 2: Name, Teacher, PC Class, Drink Order
John Smith, Mr Falvey, 3A,
1 Orange Juice
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Coodinator