Term 2 | Week 12 | 1 May 2019
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!” Luke 24:5
From The Principal
Happy Easter and welcome back! I trust you all enjoyed the holiday break and had some time to share, celebrate and relax with your family and friends.
I would like to thank all those students and families that joined with the College at ANZAC Day commemorations in Ballina and Alstonville yesterday. A large contingent of students and staff marched behind the College banners at the two venues and a number of other students of the College also marched as part of local scout, guides and cadet groups. It is wonderful to see so many families participating in such a significant community event and recognising all those men and women that have risked or lost their lives so that we may all live in such a safe, free and prosperous nation. Lest we forget.
The Towards 2030 Strategic Planning Process moved into the very significant second phase this week as we held two full days of focus group workshops lead by CIRCLE consultant Marcus Edwards. The groups involved staff, students, parents, College Council and representative from the parish and diocese. Each group has explored the strengths, challenges, opportunities, successes and special character of the College. All of the data collected will be added to the extensive data collected via the community survey and developed into a report for consideration by the Executive and College Council.
We commenced the term with a Whole College Assembly on Tuesday and celebrated a number of outstanding achievements by our students in the world of sport. Congratulations to all our Cross Country Age Champions and Runners Up who were acknowledged as part of the assembly. They will now enter some intense training in preparation for the NCIS Carnival in a few weeks time.
We also recognised 5 students who have achieved in their own sporting fields at an elite level. Congratulations to:
Mikala Campbell – NSW Junior Life Saver of the Year
Lachlan Walker – National Age Swimming Championship Finalist and selection in the NSW Sharks Swim Team.
Jade Corrigan – Represented Australia at the Rugby Sevens Tournament in Hong Kong
Haley Oakes – National Under 17 Female Mountain Biking Champion
Jackson Bond - Junior Australian Surf Life Saving Finalist
Please see Mr Walker's article further in the newsletter for more information about these exceptional sporting achievements. These are outstanding individual results and we are very proud of these very talented and dedicated young people.
I thank the Friends of EAC for their initiative in arranging a special morning tea to celebrate Mothers’ Day next Friday 10 May in the Ezzy Centre. I hope as many mums as possible can join us from 8.30am for a chat, cuppa and some lovely cake once they have dropped the kids off. If you can pop in for 10 minutes, we would love to see you there.
The Friends of EAC are also running the Bunnings BBQ on Saturday of this week and would welcome any support that you can provide – whether as a customer, a helper or both!
We look forward to another happy, successful, and learning filled term.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
The term has started with a flurry of activity and it was great to see so many of our sporting achievements honoured at our first Whole College Assembly on Tuesday morning. Our student leaders in the Primary and Secondary have had the exciting opportunity to be involved in focus groups for the college’s strategic planning data collection process. This is a chance for student voice and input into this most business-like of processes. I thank the students involved for the serious and committed manner in which they participated in the focus group activity.
This Saturday sees The Friends cooking a sausage sizzle at Bunnings. They are still looking for helpers so let Friends know if you can assist. They would appreciate your support. On Saturday afternoon and evening it is Relay for Life at Alstonville Showgrounds. It would be wonderful to see a number of our older students involved in supporting this worthwhile community service event.
The links to join our Relay for Life team and to donate to our team are below:
Please remember that all funds raised by our team go directly to The Cancer Council of NSW.
Next week our Year 10 students will be undertaking Natural Ability workshops with the company that developed the Natural Ability Testing. These workshops assist students to understand what their Natural Ability test results tell them about their personality, strengths and weaknesses. There is also a parent information session on Wednesday evening at 6.00pm where the presenters will assist parents in the interpretation of results. I thank Mrs Evans for her work in arranging the testing for our Year 10 students and for the work that she will do with the Year 10’s in following up the testing process. The testing and workshops are strategically placed so that students have ample time to reflect on and discuss the results before they undertake the Year 11 subject selection process.
Finally, I ask each of our students to make a committed and mature start to the term and get down to the business of learning as quickly as possible. I encourage any students who are having any academic concerns to talk directly to their subject teacher at the earliest possible opportunity. By doing this any problems can be solved early in the term. The teachers are only too happy to help.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
Term 2 Week 2
Monday 6 May
NCIS Secondary Football at The Armidale School. Our team will stay at New England Girls’ School
Tuesday 7 May
NCIS Football at The Armidale School.
Whole College Chapel –St Mary’s Anglican Church-9.00am
Friends’ Meeting-7.00pm
Wednesday 8 May
HSC Group Drama Day
Year 10 Natural Ability Workshops
Year 10 Natural Ability Parent Information Session-6.00pm-Ezzy Centre
Thursday 9 May
Year 11 Careers Expo at GSAC
Year 7 Information Evening- Ezzy Centre-6.00-8.00pm
Friday 10 May
Friends’ Mothers’ Day Morning Tea-Ezzy Centre
Saturday 11 May
Concert Band performance at St Bart’s Alstonville Mother’s Day Fair-11.00am-12.15pm
Term 2 Week 3
Monday 13 May
Secondary Girls Touch Football Training-7.15am
CIS Primary Hockey
Year 10 Immunisations-Ezzy Centre-9.00am
Tuesday 14 May
NAPLAN Testing-Year 3-Writing and Reading, Year 5-Writing, Year 7-Writing, Year 9-Writing
Cross Country/Athletics Training-3.10-4.10pm
Wednesday 15 May
Secondary Band and Ensemble Workshop
HSC Kick-start Workshop-Chemistry and Physics
NAPLAN -Years 3,5,7,9 Catch Up Writing
Thursday 16 May
NAPLAN Testing-Year 5 Reading, Year 7 Reading
Friday 17 May
NCIS Cross Country at Lennox Head
Kindergarten Farm Excursion
Secondary Boys Touch Football Training-7.15am
Athletics Training-7.15am
Sports Update
On the last Wednesday and Thursday of Term 1 our Year 3 to 6 students played in the first Inter-house Primary Netball Tournament. The tournament was conducted after the 'Netball' program was delivered by our Primary Sports Coach.
The students played in year groups for their individual houses. The tournament consisted of a round robin followed by finals. Congratulations to all students who played on the day as the tournament was played with great house spirit, sportsmanship and respect for the umpires. It was also played with plenty of smiles and it appeared all were enjoying themselves!
The individual house age group winners and overall house champions for (Netball) will be announced and awards presented at the first Primary School Assembly in Term 2.
A special mention and thank you goes out to the volunteer netball umpires from Year 8-11 (Lola Saul, Lara Atkinson, Paige Wilkie, Letia Paton, Stella Atkinson) who were outstanding ambassadors for the sport of Netball, Sarah Coghill (Senior Umpire for the Tournament) and helpers on the day (Graham Walker and All Year 3-6 Primary Teachers).
The next primary sport program is Athletics which will finish with the all school inter house Athletics carnival.
Mr Randall Evans
Primary Sport Coach
Hayley Oakes Australian Mountain Bike Champion
Jade Corrigan Australian Rugby Union 7's Representative
Congratulations to Jade Corrigan from Year 11 who travelled to Hong Kong to represent Australia at the Hong Kong 7's Rugby Union tournament at the end of last term. The Hong Kong Rugby 7's is the biggest Rugby 7’s tournament in the world. The Australian team finished 4th overall in the tournament. Well done Jade on representing your country on the international stage. We are extremely proud of your achievements.
Jackson Bond - Junior Australian Surf Lifesaving Titles Finalist
Well done to Jackson Bond from Year 8 who competed at the National Surf lifesaving Championships late last term. Jackson made finals for 5 events: Beach Swim, Board, Iron man, Board Relay and Board Rescue. Jackson placed 4th overall in Australia for U14 swim and 6th overall for U14 Board. Well done Jackson.
Music Notes
Senior Primary Concert Band Workshop
The Senior Primary Concert Band recently participated in a band workshop at the Ballina Player's Theatre. The focus for the workshop was "My Music Goals". Students used reflective practice to consider their strengths and weaknesses as a musician and worked closely with the Concert Band Teaching Team to establish individual goals to work towards throughout year. Students explored the importance of quality practice and learned strategies for practicing more efficiently.
Primary Concert Band's Performance Evening
At the end of last term the College hosted a Primary Concert Band’s Performance Evening. The night included performances from the Year 4 Junior Primary Concert Band and the Senior Primary Concert Band. It was a highly successful night with family and friends in attendance to support of our talented young musicians.
Mr Adam Holmes
Concert Band Leader
Friends of Emmanuel
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi: 7 & 21 May, 4 & 18 June
Noodle Box: 14 & 28 May, 11 & 25 June
Subway: 2 July
Sushi – Tuesday 7 May
Sushi from IGA, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 7 May. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form found here:
Please print then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 6 May .
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668