Term 1 | Week 10 | 03 April 2019
‘So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen’ Matthew 20:16
From The Principal
This week we have opened the Towards 2030 Strategic Planning Process Survey. Every parent and guardian should have received an email inviting them to complete the survey. As a community we are taking the opportunity to reflect on, ‘What do we want EAC to be in 2030?’, and giving everyone the chance to have a say in shaping the future of our wonderful school.
Your feedback is very important as the process will help us affirm the values that underpin our community, clearly articulate our mission as a co-educational school founded in the Anglican Tradition and set future direction in terms of the structure, policies, facilities and programs that support the student, staff and families of the College. It is a very significant process in the life of our community and will have a fundamental impact on the development of the College over the next decade.
I encourage all of our families to take the opportunity to participate in the survey. Students in Years 5 -12 will also have an opportunity to complete the survey. It might even make a good dinner table topic this week to discuss what programs, resources, events and values would make our College even better.
If you have not received the email containing the survey link or have difficulty accessing the link, please contact the College office. The survey will remain active until 4.00pm on Friday 12 April. The survey is completely anonymous and once submitted you will be invited to enter a draw to win a night for two at the Ballina Ramada, including dinner at the Bone Fish restaurant.
We have also hosted the first of our Year 7 2020 Experience Days with 72 Year 6 students from EAC and beyond coming together to enjoy a glimpse of life in high school. This was the first of four days that form a key component of the College transition program which is designed to support students with the journey from Primary to Secondary school. As part of the day, students were involved in a range of taster lessons and had the opportunity to do some Art, Commerce, RaVE and Mathematics. Students also had an opportunity to work with a ‘mini’ timetable and do a number of other activities to help the students get to know each other a little better. All of the feedback about the day has been extremely positive and I thank Mrs Heidi Miller for her coordination of the day and the large number of teaching and office staff involved in the program for their preparation and efforts in making the day a success for all involved.
Next Wednesday, 10 April, we will host Parent and Teacher meetings for Year 1 through to Year 12. This is an opportunity for families to touch base with class and subject teachers about how the year has begun for each student. If you are unsure of how to access the Parent Lounge to make a booking, please do not hesitate to contact the office. Year 12 will receive their Mid Course Reports and formal feedback at this critical point in their final year of study on the same day.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
On Monday our Year 6 students underwent peer support training with Mr McCotter and Mrs Sculley. Peer support is a wonderful program that benefits the Year 6 students who get to develop their leadership skills leading small groups of students to complete cooperative activities. The program also benefits the other students who learn to work in groups and develop skills of teamwork, turn taking, cooperation and focus on a single goal. Social benefits are also created through students of different Primary year levels, getting to know one another better and this builds recognition and a sense of community. I look forward to watching some peer support sessions during second term and thank Mr McCotter and Mrs Sculley for their efforts.
Cross Country is certainly not the most high profile or romantic of sports but it develops grit, tenacity and the ability to fight something out to the end. You learn a lot about yourself in the middle of a cross country course. I strongly encourage all of our students to give their best efforts at cross country this Friday. Please put the effort in to earn points for your house and the sense of self respect that comes from finishing the course and putting in your best effort.
Tuesday saw our Years 9-12 students involved in some drug and alcohol education sessions with presenters from Teen Challenge. The ‘Not Even Once’ presentations were evidence based and presented a large range of factual information to students regarding drugs and alcohol. Hopefully our students gained factual information to help them to make wise, safe and informed decisions when faced with situations where there may be tempted to engage in consuming a substance which may be injurious to their health. The presentations used a variety of media to promote positive health messages to our students.
As we near the end of the term it is important for our students to continue to work hard in class and maintain a positive attitude towards their studies up until the holiday break. Also it is vital that this positive attitude is maintained with regards to behaviour, manners, wearing of uniform with pride and treating each other with kindness and respect.
Finally, don’t forget Parent Teacher Interviews next Wednesday 10 April. Many of our staff are fully booked up and I am sure they are looking forward to discussing student progress with you. There will be further opportunities for Parent Teacher interviews later in the year following the publishing of the Semester 1 academic reports. Strong, supportive relationships between parents and teachers are vital if student academic progress is to be maximised.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Term 1 Week 11
Monday 8 April
CIS Primary Football in Sydney
Tuesday 9 April
Whole College Chapel-9.00am-St Mary’s Anglican Church
Wednesday 10 April
Years 1-12 Parent Teacher Interviews - 3.30-8.30pm -Primary Interviews in Ezzy Centre. Secondary Interviews in The Joan Pickup Library
Thursday 11 April
School Photo Day - Classes commence photos at 8.50 am. Individual and sibling photos will be taken on this day as well.
Primary Concert Band Performance Evening - 6.15-7.30pm - Discovery Centre
Friday 12 April
Interhouse Cross Country Reserve Date
Secondary Sport
Term 1 Concludes
Term 2 Week 1
Monday 29 April
Staff Professional Day
Tuesday 30 April
Term 2 commences –K-12
Whole College Assembly-9.00am-Undercover Area
Wednesday 1 May
NSW CIS Secondary Swimming
Thursday 2 May
NSW CIS Secondary Swimming
Friday 3 May
School Photo Catch up Day-ELC Class Photos plus Special Group Photos, Individual and Sibling catch up photos
Primary News
Sports update
Congratulations Austin Cross - Australian Sailing Representative
NSW CIS Secondary Girls Hockey Championships
Bill Turner Cup Under 15 Boys Football
On Wednesday last week our Under 15 Boys Bill Turner Cup team played a knock out game agaist Xavier College. The game was a home game for Xavier played at their school. The EAC boys played well against a strong Xavier team. Unfortunately they went down 2-1 in a very close contest. Some of our best players were Alex Fleeting who created some good chances, Jordan Green who scored the goal and Alastair Miller with solid defence. The boys team will continue to train for the upcoming NCIS Championships to he held in Armidale in May.
From The Office
College Photos
The College Photo Day will be held on Thursday 11 April and will involve all students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. There will be further photos taken on Friday 3 May. These will include special group photos, The Early Learning Centre and catch up photographs of individuals and siblings. The Whole College Photo will be taken on Tuesday 11 June in the Undercover Area.
Students must wear their formal uniform on both days. This means that blazers must be worn for students in Years 11 and 12. Uniform and grooming requirements are outlined in the College Planner eg. girls should have their hair tied back and not wearing makeup, boys should be clean shaven and be neat and tidy in appearance. If students have sport or PDHPE on this day they should bring their sports uniform and get changed (this will apply to all Secondary students in Years 7-10 who will still have sport in Periods 5 and 6 that day).
Please note that there will be no photo envelopes sent home this year and the College will not be handling photo money for payments. Parents pay online by going to the website www.theschoolphotographer.com.au and using the code X6115EL40E. Online payments for family photos cut off at 8.00 am on the day of photography, after that, only cash will be accepted.
EAC Canteen opens at 8.30am and operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available here:
Sushi Dates: 2, 16 & 30 May, 13 June
Noodle Box Dates: 9 & 23 May, 6 & 20 June
Subway Date: 27 June
Subway – Tuesday 9 April
Subway from Ballina Fair, will be available from the canteen next Tuesday, 9 April. If you would like to order Subway for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form found here
Term 2 Dates
Sushi: 7 & 21 May, 4 & 18 June
Noodle Box : 14 & 28 May, 11 & 25 June
Subway: 2 July
May: 2, 6, 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22AM, 23, 24, 27, 20
June: 3, 7, 13, 14PM, 17, 19AM, 20, 21, 24, 27
July: 1 & 5
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668