“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!”
Luke 24:5
From The Principal
Happy Easter and welcome back! I trust you all enjoyed the holiday break and had some time to share, celebrate and relax with your family and friends.
During the break we had a number of students involved in national sporting events and I am very pleased to announce the outstanding achievements of a number of our students in the world of sport.
Firstly, congratulations to Kalani Franklin (Year 8) who represented NSW in the Under 15 Years National Hockey Championships. The NSW squad had a fantastic tournament, winning the final and being crowned National Champions. Kalani’s achievements are made even more special given the fact he is only 13 years old and competed largely against players at least a year older.
Congratulations to Stella Payne who was placed third in her age group at the Australian Junior Age Division Golf Championships held at Royal Pines on the Gold Coast over the break. Oliver Payne (finishing 14th) and Franceska Payne (finishing 11th) also competed and were ranked in the top 15 in their respective age groups.
Finally, congratulations to Lachlan Walker (Year 12) who competed at the National Age Swimming Championships which were held at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre. Lachlan had an outstanding meet and finished with 4 medals - Silver in the 400m Individual Medley and Bronze in the 200m Individual Medley, 200m Butterfly and 1500m Freestyle. Lachlan’s time in the 400m Medley qualifies him for the Australian Junior Team and an opportunity to compete at the Olympic Trials later in the year in Adelaide.
These are outstanding individual results and we are very proud of these very talented and dedicated young people.
I am also very pleased to introduce to the College community Ms Jasmine Jordan who takes on the role of Library Resource Centre Manager. Ms Jordan replaces Mrs Fiona Wilson-Jones who resigned from her position at the end of last term as she was relocating to Brisbane to be closer to her family. Ms Jordan is a qualified Information Systems Librarian who also has a primary teaching qualification. She was formerly the Librarian at Scots College in Sydney and has had lots of roles in libraries including a role as an Archivist at the Film and Television Archives. Ms Jordan is a local girl who has returned to the region and we are delighted that she has joined the EAC team.
An open invitation to our Mothers and Grandmothers to attend a combined Mothers’ Day and Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea next Friday 7 May in the Ezzy Centre. I thank the Friends of EAC for their initiative in arranging this special event. I hope as many Mothers and Grandmothers as possible can join us from 8.30am for a chat, cuppa, some lovely cake and an opportunity for Kindy to make their public singing debut – all for the price of a gold coin donation! If you have time to bake and donate a scrumptious delight, that would be greatly appreciated. Cakes can be dropped off the day before or brought with you on the day. If you can pop in for 10 minutes, we would love to see you there.
With further easing of restrictions and the return of better weather, I am pleased to confirm the Cross Country will go ahead on Friday 23 April at Saunders Oval and that parents are welcome to come along and support their children’s efforts. It is a Covid-safe event and parents need to follow the protocols as directed on the day.
We look forward to another happy, successful and learning filled term.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
Welcome back to Term 2
I hope that the term is an exciting one filled with lots of opportunities for our students to learn, live and lead. There are many opportunities for our students to develop their academic, social, sporting and cultural skills and it will be important that they involve themselves fully in the life of the College.
One way that our students can involve themselves fully in the life of the College is by participating in ‘Light Up the Dawn’ at 6.00am this Sunday morning. I encourage our families to stand in their driveways with a candle to remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice for our freedom. You can livestream the Dawn Service from the Australian War Memorial and have it playing on your driveway as we commemorate ANZAC Day in a very different way. With COVID still not under control, our local RSL Sub Branches have restricted marches to veterans and their immediate families. Students should observe appropriate protocols relating to the wearing of medals of relatives and wear them on the right side of the chest. Please send us your photos of your families lighting up the dawn and we can put them on our College Facebook page.
Our College Cross Country will be run this Friday at Saunders Oval and I encourage all students to participate wholeheartedly and give their best effort. Cross Country is not a glamorous sport but it is a true test of character and resilience and I look forward to some great competition on the day.
Brockington’s House Breakfast was held this morning. The House Breakfasts have been a very successful way of introducing parents to House staff and building of relationships between home and school. I thank Mrs Middleton and each of the Leaders of House for their efforts in introducing this initiative, as a means of promoting our new Secondary vertical pastoral care structure.
Our debating teams are busily preparing for their first debate which will be held next Thursday at Coffs Harbour. EAC has a proud history of achieving to a very high standard in this competitive and highly intellectually stimulating activity. Best of luck to all the teams and thanks to Ms McLintock, Mrs Campbell and Mr Walsh for their efforts in preparing the teams.
Finally, this is a reporting term therefore I encourage all of our students to work hard in class, study diligently at home and aim to produce the best possible academic results. I look forward to sharing news of our students’ academic achievements as the term goes on.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal

Term 2 Week 2
Monday 26 April
School Photo Day - All Day - Library
CIS Swimming - Sydney
Secondary Touch Football Trials - 7.30am-8.30am - Saunders Oval
Tuesday 27 April
CIS Swimming - Sydney
Primary Touch Football Trials - 7.30am-8.30am - Saunders Oval
Year 2 Local Area Excursion - All day
Friends Meeting - 6.30pm - Ezzy Centre
Wednesday 28 April
Primary Concert Band Workshop - All Day - Life Church, Ballina
Thursday 29 April
Northern Rivers Careers Expo - 9.08am-11.00am - GSAC
HICES Debating Rounds 1 and 2 - 10.00am-8.00pm - Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour
Friday 30 April
Primary Assembly - 11.48am - Discovery Centre - 4A
Primary Debating Training - 7.45am-8.45am - Innovation Centre
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Term 2 Week 3
Monday 3 May
Secondary Touch Football Trials - 7.30am-8.30am - Saunders Oval
Tuesday 4 May
NCIS Cross Country - All day - Lennox Head Cricket Club
Primary Touch Football Trials - 7.30am-8.30am - Saunders Oval
NRCC Netball Gala Day - 7.45am-4.00pm - Arkinstall Park, Tweed Heads
Wednesday 5 May
Brockington Chapel - 8.48am - Ezzy Centre
Primary Concert band Performance - 6.00pm-7.30pm - Discovery Centre
Thursday 6 May
Smith Chapel - 8.48am
Year 12 HSC Drama Group Day - All day - Byron Bay
Friday 7 May
Primary Debating Training - 7.45am-8.45am - Innovation Centre
Friends Mother’s Day Morning Tea - Ezzy Centre
Mountain Biking Training - All Day - Duck Creek
HICES Debating Rounds 3 and 4 - 11.00am-7.00pm - Clarence Valley Anglican School, Grafton
Primary Chapel - 11.48am - Discovery Centre
Secondary Sport - 1.28pm-3.08pm
Saturday 8 May
Secondary Concert Band Performance - 10.15am-12.00pm - St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church, Alstonville
Sports Update
Reminder - College Cross Country
Date: Friday 23 April
Venue: Saunders Oval, Kerr Street, Ballina
Time: Primary students will depart the College at 9.00am and will return at 12.00pm. Secondary students will depart the College at 12.10pm and will return by 3.00pm.
Students are to wear their sports uniform and House coloured polo shirt or singlet if they have one. They are to take a hat, sunscreen and their own morning tea, lunch and water bottle. Friends will be running a small canteen with drinks and snacks.
Please note, there will be no canteen orders on this day.
PSSA Swimming Championships
Congratulations to Emily Evans (Year 4) on her achievements at the recent PSSA Swimming Championships. Emily swam some great personal best times and won a silver medal in Butterfly and a bronze medal in Backstroke in the multiclass events.
Well done Emily!
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Secondary News
The Challenge of 14 Year Old Boys
Last term many parents had the opportunity to speak to their teachers about how their son/daughter were progressing at school. For some this led to concerns or frustrations about the lack of effort or progress that their child was making and questioned why this might be the case.
Maggie Dent recently wrote an article on Mamamia which provided insight into 14 year old boys and their study habits called "Dear mums of smelly, unmotivated, lazy, moody and confused 14-year-old boys...". In her article she used her experience as a secondary teacher to discuss some of the many concerns of parents of boys.
She noted that some common concerns that parents had were forgetfulness, increased disorganisation, mumbling and monosyllabic responses, endless hunger and excuses for avoiding chores. As a parent these changes can be frustrating and many wonder if an alien stole their child and replaced them with another.
Michael Gurian, a leading boy expert believes that as boys mature into men they choose experiences and events on which to focus that gives them self-worth and that if there is little chance of doing well and winning, that some will avoid participating and work at a less competent level.
Research suggests that boys tend to prefer to be single focused rather than multi-focused and with so much hormonal changes and brain changes, they struggle to remember the basic tasks like cleaning their teeth or where their socks are.
Boys mask the way they are feeling by being a smart alec, the cool dude or the shy mouse and struggle with school rules, expectations, different teachers and being challenged to do tasks that they are not sure they can conquer.
14 year old boys are emotionally fragile and cover this with many behaviours that schools and parents do not like. As parents it is important that we maintain a warm unconditionally loving relationship during this confusing time of their life.
The thing to remember is that being 14 only happens once and very soon this boy will bloom into manhood. Their brains, hormones and bodies change and they will learn and develop life skills that support them to be the best person they can be.
Article adapted from Maggie Dent on Mamamia.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
Primary Update
Welcome back!
We’ve had a great start to Term 2 with EAC’s therapy dog Amber greeting our eager students through the gate on the first day back. It’s not always easy to get back into routine so it’s wonderful to have Amber to soften the blow of getting back to reality. The first week is a busy one with representative Touch Football on Thursday and the Primary Cross Country for Years 2-6 at Saunders Oval on Friday. It will be great to finally see some parents attend this carnival as restrictions ease. Kindergarten and Year 1 students will run a modified Cross Country course here at school later in the year.
Peer Support is commencing this term in Week 3. The whole school participates in Peer Support for 30 minutes each week. Year 6 Peer leaders facilitate a small group of younger students, who work together through a number of structured activities.
The module we are exploring this year is called Living Positively which helps us explore the concept of optimism. This module will support students to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to identify their individual strengths and maintain a positive outlook on life. Living Positively is based on the belief students can become more optimistic by monitoring their internal messages and living in harmony with their particular strengths. It seeks to provide opportunities for students to identify which areas of life represent personal strengths and how they can feel happier and more fulfilled by taking advantage of these strengths. This module will go for 8 weeks.
We encourage you to talk to your children about Peer Support every week, as it will help to reinforce the concepts learned in each session.
Next Monday 26 April is School Photo day. Please ensure that your child has polished their shoes and are looking their best for this day.
As parents now have the option to complete Canteen orders online, can we remind you to ensure that students are aware that they have a lunch order on these days. It helps our lunch tub system run smoothly when the students are well informed.
Mr Wayne Cross
Director of Primary
Primary Clubs
Each lunchtime, the Primary staff provide clubs for the students to attend. If a student is looking for options or is having a day where they find the playground a challenge, there will always be a place to go.
Please speak to your child about the clubs that are on offer in Term 2.
Mr Paul Christiansen & Mrs Merilyn Mulé
Leaders of Welfare - Primary

College Photo Days
The College Photo Days will be held on Monday 26 April and Monday 10 May and will involve all students from the Early Learning Centre through to Year 12. Each student will have a class photo taken along with an individual. Sibling photos will also be taken for those families who are interested.
Students must wear their formal uniform on both days. This means that blazers must be worn for students in Years 11 and 12. Uniform and grooming requirements are outlined in the College Planner. If students have sport or PDHPE on this day, they should bring their sports uniform and get changed.
Please note that there will be no photo envelopes sent home this year and the College will not be handling any cash payments.
Parents can pay online by going to the school photographer website and using the code X6062EL44E.
For further information and how to book photo packages, please refer to the recent email to all EAC families from Mr Darren Parks.
Friends of EAC
Calling for volunteers!
Friends of EAC will be running a canteen at the College Cross Country this coming Friday at Saunders Oval. We are seeking volunteers to assist with running the canteen on the day. Two hour shifts are preferred but we are not fussy, if you can only spare an hour that would be great! If you are unable to assist on the day but would still like to help, donations would also be greatly appreciated.
Please get in touch with Friends of EAC to advise if you can assist on the day or donate goods for the canteen. Due to COVID, there are strict guidelines around what we are permitted to sell on the day, so if you are looking to donate items, we will provide a list for you to select from, once we receive your enquiry.
Email: friends@eac.nsw.edu.au
Phone/sms: Vanessa Hansen 0411 019 016

New online ordering via 'School Stream' appWinter menu now available
Canteen Menu 2021
The Canteen menu complies with the NSW Healthy School canteen strategy. Further items will be added as the year progresses and the Winter Menu will be available in terms two and three.
Please note that items change in price from time to time.
Online Canteen Ordering
We are excited to be able to offer online Canteen ordering via the 'School Stream' app. Please refer to the recent letter to all families with instructions on how to download the app to your phone, tablet or computer.
Once the app is installed you will be able to view and select from the canteen menu by clicking on Canteen. This will bring up the canteen order form where you will be able to enter the child's details and select desired items from the dropdown lists under the relevant headings and pay. You will be prompted to tick which break you require your selection for.
All online orders must be completed and submitted prior to 8.45am on the day they are required, to enable Canteen staff enough time to prepare and distribute orders.
Manual Canteen Ordering
If you are unable to use the 'School Stream' App please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch, please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break.
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s order.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Emergency Lunch
At times, for various reasons, students may require an emergency meal (basic sandwich), this will be provided with a canteen note sent home requesting payment, please send in the money to the Canteen ASAP.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor