Term 1 | Week 1 | 31 January 2018
‘I chose you and I commissioned you to go out and bear fruit, fruit that will last” John 15:16
From The Principal
Welcome back for 2018!
It has been great welcoming our Year 1 to Year 12 students back in recent days as we commence the 2018 College year. We look forward with great anticipation to welcoming our Kindergarten students tomorrow. In particular, I wish to welcome all those students and their families who have joined the EAC community this week. I look forward to getting to know you and I am sure that in a very short period of time you will all feel part of our wonderful community.
It will be a very exciting and busy start to the year and I ask all parents to make a point of regularly logging on to the College website and accessing the Parent Lounge to ensure that you are up to date with the many activities and events that we have planned.
In particular, I wish to bring two very important events to everyone’s attention. Our first Whole College Chapel Services will take place next Tuesday 6 February at St Mary’s Anglican Church at which we will formally celebrate the commencement of the College year. We will also induct our Primary Student Leadership Team. All families are welcome. Please note that Kindergarten will attend the College as normal as it is too soon to add such a significant change to the newly established routine.
On Wednesday evening 7 February, we will hold the Parent Welcome and Information Evening commencing at 6.00pm. There will be an information session for each year group and an opportunity for parents to meet staff and ask questions about routines, programs and expectations. Following the information session, there is a wonderful opportunity for parents and staff to connect in a less formal setting over nibbles and refreshments in the Ezzy Centre. The evening concludes around 8.00. If you are a new parent to the College please ensure that you come along, as it will be a great opportunity for you to connect with parents within and beyond your children’s year group(s)
I also wish to introduce and thank all of those parents who have agreed to take on the role as Class Parent in 2018. The most important part of this role is to help parents connect and feel part of the EAC family. At various times in the year, they will be in touch to highlight particular events and often to arrange social events such as catching up for coffee after the morning drop off. I very much appreciate all the efforts made by our Class Parents to build a network for parents.
We have a number of new staff who have joined the highly talented and motivated EAC team. We welcome
- Mr Darren Parks – Deputy Principal
- Mrs Rebecca Campbell – Secondary English
- Mrs Justin Jacob – Secondary Science and MathsWe also welcome back Mrs Kristy Annetts, Ms Lucy Smith, Mrs, Penny Galletly-Salisbury and Mrs Heidi Miller, all of who are returning from maternity leave.
Each of these people bring with them many gifts and talents and I am sure they will prove to be great assets to the College.
We also welcome back Mrs Kristy Annetts, Ms Lucy Smith, Mrs, Penny Galletly-Salisbury and Mrs Heidi Miller, all of who are returning from maternity leave. Each of these people bring with them many gifts and talents and I am sure they will prove to be great assets to the College.
A key goal of the 2017-1019 Strategic Plan is to further grow and develop the capacity of all students as independent, creative and critically thinkers. To support this goal the teaching staff are adopting a whole College approach to building student confidence and capacity as problem solvers and thinkers. The students will be introduced to a range of skills and concepts that will help them develop their capacity to comprehend and solve more complex and challenging tasks. The ‘Thinking Curriculum’ is based on teaching students both ‘Habits of Mind’ and “Thinking Routines”. Both these approaches are well known in the fields of Education and Psychology and there is enormous research evidence to confirm that the development of these skills can nurture, support and enhance one’s capacity to solve complex problem, engage in deeper learning and reflection, and grow as thinkers. Over the course of the Term, I will share a little more with you about the various dimensions of the ‘Thinking Curriculum’ and how developing thinking skills can improve social, emotional and academic outcomes.
I am also very much looking forward to meeting new families, catching up with current families and watching all our students grow and learn in 2018 as we also take time to look back and celebrate our first 20 years!
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
I am positive that 2018 will be a wonderful year of learning for our students here at Emmanuel Anglican College. I am looking forward to working with staff, students and parents to enhance the educational program of the College. For our Year 7, 11 and 12 students who started on Tuesday, welcome to the school year. On Wednesday, welcomed back Years 1-6 and Years 8-10. On Thursday, Kindy will return to school. Each year level will face some unique and sometimes seemingly unsurmountable challenges but with these challenges comes a host of new and exciting opportunities.
Each individual student can contribute to the wider Year level or Stage and then in turn this contributes to the overall fabric and culture of the College. We can all contribute by trying new things and being actively engaged and involved in the daily life of the College. Not all of us can be academic award winners or amazing musicians or sportspeople but we can each strive to achieve individual personal bests and develop the attributes of lifelong learners. I look forward to sharing in the learning journeys of all of our students over the course of 2018.
The importance of making a strong academic start to the year is essential for all of our students. I outline some simple strategies that each of our students can use to help them achieve academic success in 2018. Each student should do the following:
- Use the College Planner to record all homework and assignment tasks
- Ensure that you understand the nature of each task and what it is requiring of you
- Seek clarification of a task if you do not understand it
- Focus on your homework and study without distractions such as loud music, television or social media
- Keep detailed and effective study notes or planning notes
- Start early on revision and assessment tasks
- Break large tasks up into manageable smaller steps in order to feel like you are more in control
- Prioritise tasks according to importance
We have an incredibly busy first few weeks of the academic year and I would ask you to note the following calendar dates for your reference as we will certainly have to stop to catch our collective breaths once we get through these:
Week 1
Friday 2 January-Friday Year 7-10 sport commences-Periods 5 and 6
Week 2
Monday 5 February-Friday 9 February-International Study Tour arrival
Tuesday 6 February-Whole College Chapel at St Mary’s Anglican Church in Ballina-9.00 am
Wednesday 7 February-Parent Information Evening and Get Together-6.00 pm
Thursday 8 February-Primary Swimming Carnival-Mullumbimby Pool
Friday 9 February- Secondary Swimming Carnival-Mullumbimby Pool
Week 3
Monday 12 February-Wednesday 14 February- Year 9 Camp-Camp Bornhoffen, Natural Bridge
Tuesday 13 February-Whole College Assembly
Wednesday 14 February-Friday 16 February-Year 7 Camp-Camp Koinonia, Evans Head
Please become familiar with the Parent Lounge facility as it is easy to use. All excursions, tours and camps are listed there and parents need to ensure that they approve and have paid for all activities before students attend.
It is certainly going to be a very busy start to the year and I look forward to meeting with many of you during these first few weeks. So far, I have really enjoyed my relatively short time here at the College and have received a wonderful welcome from all whom I’ve come into contact with.
Mr Darren Parks
Deputy Principal
Sports update
Football (Soccer) Representative Teams & Trials
This year the college will be selecting the following representative Football teams: 1. Primary Year 5 & 6 Girls 2. Primary Year 5 & 6 Boys 3. Secondary 15 & Under Girls 4. Secondary 15 & Under Boys 5. Secondary Open Girls 6. Secondary Open Boys
All teams will compete at the NCIS Championships in Armidale on March 12 & 13. 15 & Under teams will compete in the Bill Turner Cup state knock out competition.
This year we have employed the services of experienced Football Coach Mr Troy Taylor. Mr Taylor is a qualified Advanced Level C Coach. Mr Taylor has a passion for Football and has been Head Coach at both Alstonville and Lennox Head Football Clubs over the past 9 years. Mr Taylor will be at all trials and training sessions. Mr Taylor will be working with our current team of coaches to continue to improve the standard of our representative Football teams.
Selection Trials
To select our representative teams we will be conducting trials as follows:
Primary Teams Year 5 & 6 Girls and Boys Trials
- Friday 2 February 7.15 am to 8.30 am and Monday 5 February 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm
Secondary Teams: 15 & Under Girls and Boys, Open Boys & Girls Trials
- Wednesday 7 February 7.15 am to 8.30 am Thursday 8 February 7.15 am to 8.30 am
Please wear any soccer kit or casual sports clothes and bring football boots, shin pads and a drink bottle.
Team Training
Training times will be finalised at the completion of the trials. Training sessions will be compulsory for all students selected. Students who do not attend training may be dropped from the team.
Parent Permission: Please log on to the Parent Portal to give your child permission to attend the trials.

College Swimming Carnivals
Parents and friends are invited to attend the College Swimming Carnivals.
Primary Swimming Carnival Thursday 8 February: Year 2 to 6.
Secondary Swimming Carnival Friday 9 February: Year 7 to 12.
Ballina Council is currently building new swimming pools at both Ballina and Alstonville. As a result we have booked Mullumbimby Olympic Pool for our carnivals. Due to the change in venue we have had to change our usual arrangements.
Students who have entered the 200 m Individual Medley and the 100 m Freestyle will need to be at the pool at 8.30 am for a warm up with a 9.00 am start for these events. Parents will need to transport their children to the pool for these events and where possible assist with timing of these events.
The remaining students who are not competing in the 200m Medley or 100m Freestyle will be bused to and from the College, leaving at school start time and return by the end of the school day.
Primary Carnival Parent Helpers Required for Time Keeping
We will be asking for parent helpers for our Primary Swimming Carnival to assist with timekeeping. If you are able to assist please email gwalker@eac.nsw.edu.au or volunteer to assist on the day.
2018 Sport Handbook
Please refer to the 2018 Sport Handbook or the EAC web site which outlines key information for College Sport this year.
Sport Handbook 2018
Mr Graham Walker
Sport and Coaching Administrator
Japanese Exchange Student
Emmanuel is proud to have had another student undertake an international exchange to Japan this summer. Kira Whyte (Year 11) is currently enrolled in a one month program at our sister school Meitoku Gijuku, Kochi Prefecture.
She spends her days immersed in a traditional Japanese school, experiencing the rich culture of Japan and improving her language skills. Kira returns in February to study Japanese for her HSC over the next two years.
Stage 5 Coordinator
Primary Clubs
In 2018, students in the primary school have a choice of a club to go to each day. There are many clubs for students to attend including drawing/craft, chess, board games, lego, movies and computers. K-2 students have four days within the week to attend a club, as does year 3-6 students.
This is a great way to develop team building skills and follow passions that the students may have, but also maybe a nice place to have some timeout from the playground.
Each term there will be a club run each day and the year groups that the clubs are offered to may also change. There may even be different clubs offered each term. A huge thank you goes to the teachers who have offered to organise these clubs each term.
Merilyn Mule’ and Paul Christensen
Welfare Leader K-2 Welfare Leader 3-6
Welcome to 2018!
EAC Canteen operates 4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, with special lunches on Tuesdays, canteen is open on Tuesdays for general sales at LUNCH only.
Canteen opens at 8.30am and the Menu is available on the link below:
PRICE RISE: At the beginning of each college year a review of the canteen prices is undertaken, some items have gone up in price ranging from .20 - .50 cents. Please check the updated price list (online) before ordering, if correct money is not enclosed a substitution will be made.
PRIMARY EMERGENCY LUNCH: At times, for various reasons, students may require an emergency lunch or recess this will be provided with a canteen note sent home requesting payment, please send in the money on the next canteen day.
High School Students will not be issued with Emergency lunches.
The EAC Canteen runs with 1 paid member and a team of volunteers, for this to continue we need the support of parents, grandparents etc to help out. Please check which dates you are able to help, and click on these. I will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your times.
Dates where help is required
February 1 PM, 2, 5, 12, 16, 21 PM, 26
March 5, 7pm, 12, 16pm, 16, 21pm, 26,
April 9
Special Lunch Orders
Sushi – Tuesday 6 February
Sushi from IGA will be available from the canteen next Tuesday 6 February. If you would like to order Sushi for your child’s lunch next Tuesday please complete the order form then attach your order to a paper bag with your payment enclosed. This should then be put in the canteen basket on Monday morning, 5 February.
Order forms will be sent home but are also available at the canteen, office or online.
Sushi Dates: 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3
Noodle Box Dates: February 13 & 27, March 13 & 27
Subway Date: April 10
Please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the lunch items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch please provide two (2) bags. Please remind your child to place their lunch/recess bag in the class tub NOT directly to the canteen.
BAG 1: Name, Class, Teacher, Lunch Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Junior Pie)
BAG 2: Name, Class, Drink/Cold Order (John Smith, 5A, Mr Falvey, 1 Orange Juice)
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s lunch order.
Christine Hall
Canteen Supervisor
0414 811 668