“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!”
Luke 24:5
From The Principal
Happy Easter and welcome back! I trust you all enjoyed the holiday break and had some time to share, celebrate and relax with your family and friends.
It was wonderful that after a two-year hiatus the community was able to come together on Monday 25 April to commemorate ANZAC Day. I am very pleased to say that the College was well represented at ceremonies across the region with our College Captains carrying the College Banner in the Ballina March, students and staff marching as part of the Alstonville service and a number of other students and families lining the streets, attending the Dawn Service or participating in the ceremony as a member of another organisation such as Scouts and Cadets. Representatives of the College also laid wreaths during services at Ballina and Alstonville. I also know that a number of our families continued the tradition of ‘driveway dawn services’. It is great to see so many families participating in such a significant community event and recognising all those men and women that have risked or lost their lives so that we may all live in such a safe, peaceful, free and prosperous nation. Lest we forget.
All families would have received an email inviting them to complete a feedback survey about my role and leadership as Principal of the College. This survey is part of a five year review process and designed to help College Council to affirm my successes and to identify areas for growth and development. I actively encourage all parents to take the opportunity to complete the survey in order to make the process as meaningful as possible. As an incentive, participants are invited to go in a draw for a $200 voucher at Quattro Restaurant, Lennox Head.
A reminder to all our families to maintain your vigilance regarding COVID-19. While the requirement for household contacts to isolate has been removed, it is still important that we maintain practices that can minimise the risk of spread of infection. These include:
- Students and staff displaying any COVID-like symptoms are to isolate, get tested and return to the College when free of symptoms.
- If a student tests positive, they are to isolate for 7 days, seek medical advice as required and are not to return to school until they are symptom free.
- Students and staff living in the same household as a positive case are required to undertake a rapid test each day prior to attending school
- Students and staff living in the same household as a positive case are asked to wear a mask while at school while the family member is displaying symptoms.
Mr Robert Tobias
Off the Deputy's Desk
As we begin a new term at EAC there is an understandable rush of emotions from excitement to trepidation among those in our community. Given the challenges faced earlier this year it is entirely understandable. Yet it is an important moment to realign and re-focus on what the EAC community does best, that is, “Teaching and Learning” within the context of a holistic education. It is an opportunity for both families and staff to reconnect and recommit to our core role in developing well educated young people with a strong sense of self, purpose and service.
In that regard students’ expectations and behaviours need to be reinforced. We do this in a manner which is respectful to all parties. We do this because it provides clarity, security and high expectations for all. We do this because we are professional and honour the values of the College founded in the Gospel message.
With so much ahead including the EAC Cross Country this Friday, it is important that we promote school as a time to promote social interaction, not reinforce exclusion and isolation. It is vital that, while technology has its place in the classroom it should never take the place of conversations in the playgrounds of the College. While the challenges of the previous two years have pushed students into a world of online communication it is our role as families and educators to ensure that they return to forming more inclusive and healthier relationships through technology free social interaction.
Anzac Day
It was a wonderful sight to see on ANZAC Day as our students again joined the Commemoration Marches in Ballina and Alstonville, to honour the traditions and sacrifices of those who have served our country in all armed conflicts. The College was represented by our Secondary Captains Judah Wright and India Trevan who laid a wreath on behalf of the EAC community. Mrs Cahill organised the students who revelled in the opportunity to be a part of the March in Alstonville.
Year 7 Immunisation
The Year 7 HPV Immunisation will occur at the College on Monday 9 May. All Year 7 parents are asked to return their consent form to the College Office prior to the date.
School Photographs
The school photographer will be at the College on 2 and 3 May. All photographs will be taken in The Lindsay Walker Centre. Individual and school group photographs will be taken each day. Family photographs will be taken before school each day starting at 8am and will need to be arranged by each family.
Dia dhaoibh
Mr Francis McGuigan
Deputy Principal
Monday 2 May
- School Photo Day 1
- CIS Secondary Swimming
- Year 12 English Std Task 2
- Year 12 Adv English Task 2
- Bill Turner Cup U15 boys/girls
Tuesday 3 May
- School Photo Day 2
- CIS Secondary Swimming
- Year 11 Biology Task 1
- Year 11 Drama Task 1
Wednesday 4 May
- Mountain Bike Training Day 2
- Year 12 Adv Maths Task 2
- Year 12 Std Maths Task 3
Thursday 5 May
- CIS Open Girls Basketball - Sydney
- 12 Drama excursion
- Year 9 Marine Studies Excursion
- Northern Rivers Careers Expo
Friday 6 May
- NSW Netball Cup Fast 5 Carnival Yr 11-12
- CIS Primary Netball Sydney
- Year 11 Ext Maths Task 1
- Year 11 Japanese Task 1
- Year 11 Photography Task 1
- HICES Debating
- K-6 Peer Support
- Colour Run
Monday 9 May
- School Photo Catchup Day
- Year 7 Immunisation
- CIS Primary Boys/Girls Hockey Trials
- CIS Open Boys Basketball
- CIS Primary Boys Rugby League
Tuesday 10 May
- Year 9 HSIE Excursion
- CIS U16 Girls Hockey - Sydney
Wednesday 11 May
- CIS U18 Rugby League
- Year 11 Ext English Task 1
Thursday 12 May
- NCIS Cross Country
- Year 11 Modern History Task 1
- Year 11 ITM Task 1
- Year 11 ITT Task 1
Friday 13 May
- Shakespeare Carnival
- Year 12 Ext 1 Maths Task 2
- NCIS Surfing Sawtell
- K-6 Peer Support
Chaplain's Chat
Welcome back!
Long gone are our expectations of welcoming in a nice normal, maybe even boring, time ahead as we enter Term Two. Instead let’s simply agree to lock in for whatever the term holds, knowing that together we will handle it…because we know we can, because we have before!
In excellent news….it is still the Easter season, so as I reminded the staff as we gathered to reflect and pray together that means we can legitimately be seen eating Easter eggs for another five weeks, for the Eastertide is 50 days! In the Anglican Church calendar, this is a time where we contemplate what it means to be an Easter people. That is, what does it mean in our lives today when we proclaim that Jesus is risen, alleluia! What difference does this make that one man 2000 years ago rose from the place of the dead, to be among the living??
What difference indeed.
Often the story of the resurrection is told in a ‘so there!’ way – almost thumbing our nose at those who wanted the threat he posed to die. The scriptures, however, paint something of a different picture – they tell of Jesus’ friends and followers being afraid, hiding away from the people who saw the threat imminent even in the message and way of being in the world that Jesus had left with his followers. Don’t tell anyone…but over the years this part of the Easter story has come to excite me vastly more than the actual resurrection of Jesus. Why? For this is the time when the baton is handed from Jesus to those who wanted to see a better world and a better way – those who wanted to see the promises of the kingdom of God – a place of peace, equity, justice, respect, compassion – brought into being. This is the time of year where we are reminded that WE are those people. It’s us – you and me, we are the ones to make this happen. Little by little, one action, idea, and decision at a time.
AND – no one is too old, young, big, small to be a part of this ongoing revolution of love and compassion.
I know right, very, very cool.
And very, very challenging! Being ‘Easter people’ is no sappy, happy all the time kind of thing. It asks us to step up, even when we feel least able to do so.
I was reminded of this in the words of John Van der Lar:
The Healing Power of Celebration:
In the midst of grief we choose to celebrate,
because it reminds us of hope,
and brings comfort to our broken hearts;In the midst of poverty we choose to celebrate,
because it speaks of wealth beyond material things,
and gives dignity to our humbled hearts;In the midst of suffering we choose to celebrate,
because it lightens our darkness,
and inspires strength in our fragile hearts;In the midst of injustice, we choose to celebrate,
because it defies evil,
and renews determination in our compassionate hearts;Though crosses may loom, and opponents gather,
though cynics may scoff at the extravagance of our devotion to you, Jesus,
we still choose to embrace and enjoy
for our own sake, and that of the least
the healing power of celebration.
May you feel empowered to celebrate, even as we struggle and wrestle the hurts, fears and worries of our world.
Rev. Sally
Secondary News
Secondary Wellbeing
During Term 2 all secondary students will continue to have one lesson a week of Wellbeing. These lessons held in year groups within each House allow opportunities for students to explore relevant issues that impact them as they develop into young citizens. It also allows opportunities for the development of leadership skills and a time for reflection and development of resilience skills.
A strong focus of all lessons is linked to Social and Emotional Learning. Social and Emotional Learning allows students to develop their knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, understand and show empathy for others and establish and maintain positive respectful relationships and make responsible decisions.
The themes for the term are:
- Year 7/11: They will begin the peer support program. All Year 11 students will lead and support the Year 7 students explore a range of topics linked to being part of the Secondary School.
- Year 8: A focus on resilience and mindfulness. Students will explore how their brain works and how to combat failure as well as the importance of self care.
- Year 9: Will begin the term looking at their online presence. They will look at the importance of respect, empathy and their responsibility in posting and commenting online.
- Year 10: will explore Digital Citizenship and spend time reflecting and completing the Natural Ability survey to support them in deciding the subjects they would like to select in Year 11 and 12.
- Year 12: a focus on spirituality and meditation. Meditation is an important skill to develop as they continue with their HSC journey. A range of strategies and styles will be provided to support students to manage anxiety and improve their ability to be resilient.
Studies have shown that it is important to focus on holistic education. Before students can fully engage to their potential academically, they need to have the skills and capabilities to manage their emotions. These lessons will continue to support and engage students as they reflect on how they can be the best person they can be.
Mrs Amanda Middleton
Director of Secondary
sport news
On Tuesday and Friday of Week 11 Term 1, our Year 3 to 6 students played in the first Primary Inter-House Tournament of 2022. The tournament was meant to be an outdoor soccer event, however, due to the recent wet weather, the tournament was changed to an indoor futsal tournament in The Lindsay Walker Centre.
The tournament was played as a round robin event with each house playing one another once, followed by a finals series. The tournament is always exciting for the students and particularly the Year 3 students as this is the first time they get to play a team sport and represent their House. There were plenty of smiles, lots of laughter and cheering by the students and all games were played in a positive competitive spirit with respect for referees and fellow students. The winning House of the tournament will be announced at the next Primary Assembly.
A special mention goes out to our wonderful referees from the Open EAC Girls Representative Soccer Team, Mr Murphy and the amazing Year 3 to 6 Primary teachers who managed the House teams and were our official game scorers.
EAC had a great day at the NCIS Secondary Touch Football last Friday.
Unfortunately, the weather caused the event to finish before the finals. Accordingly, the results were based on overall points after the round robin games.
EAC had 3 teams finishing 3rd (Open girls, Under 15 girls and Under 15 boys) and one outright undefeated winning team being the Open Boys.
All teams played well throughout the tournament. It was exciting to see how much improvement in skills the students made in such a short timeframe and the good sportsmanship and respect they demonstrated to other teams and officials.
Special thanks must go to Mr Lake, Mrs Fisher, Mr Evans and specialist touch coach Allan Kirchen for coaching the teams in the lead up to the tournament and on the day.
A number of our touch football students were selected to play at NSW CIS Touch Football Competition in Sydney. Congratulations to Atzin Matuz-Jacobson, Kaelan Matuz-Jacobson, Elvis Shakespeare, Hayden Kelvin, Chloe Neilson, Katie Smith, Manu Harding, Asha Leadingham, Sophia Howlett, Mikala Campbell and Nkosi Malaba. Mr Evans will also be accompanying these students as the NCIS Open Boys Touch Football coach. Best wishes to all NCIS players and Mr Evans's NCIS Open Boys Touch Football team.
Randall Evans
Sport Coach
Online Canteen Ordering
We are excited to be able to offer online Canteen ordering via the 'School Stream' app. Please refer to the recent letter to all families with instructions on how to download the app to your phone, tablet or computer.
Once the app is installed you will be able to view and select from the canteen menu by clicking on Canteen. This will bring up the canteen order form where you will be able to enter the child's details and select desired items from the dropdown lists under the relevant headings and pay. You will be prompted to tick which break you require your selection for.
All online orders must be completed and submitted prior to 8.45am on the day they are required, to enable Canteen staff enough time to prepare and distribute orders.
Manual Canteen Ordering
If you are unable to use the 'School Stream' App please place the money in a paper bag of sufficient size to fit all of the items. If you are ordering a drink with your child’s lunch, please provide two (2) bags. Please write the information on the LOWER half of the bag. If money is short we will substitute items to the value received.
REMEMBER, if ordering at both breaks, you must have a separate bag for each break.
Any change required will be placed in the bag for return with the child’s order.
All orders must be received at the canteen before 9.15am.
Christine Hall - Canteen Supervisor
contact: chall@eac.nsw.edu.au